Wednesday, September 30, 2009

in love with minis...

I TOLD you before...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Maya Road's mini alphas...

Here's the proof...

Look what arrived yesterday...

120 packages...YIPPEE!

2 noah...
mix & match is good...

Some for upcoming workshops...
some for me!
OK...LOTS for me...

If you want to see all their cute minis...look here

I NEEDED to play yesterday...
I was getting crabby...who me????????
I know...SHOCKING!

I haven't just played in a LONG time...

I needed a studio was really bad...

I took 30 minutes...

I had an idea brewing...

I pulled out my favorite mini jenni bowlin papers...
some of my stamps...
the rose and leaves...the polka dots & the gingham too...
a touch of rock candy distress stickles...
some distress ink...
some jet black archival ink...
a Maya Road button...
a mini's 4 inches square...

and what started the idea...

a canvas heart that I picked up while shopping on Saturday @ For Keeps Sake.

It's made by canvas corp.

Here's the result...

Now what I'm not showing is the film strip ribbon...

I had an idea...
this is good...if I say so myself...ha!

It's so simple...duh...why didn't I think of that before???

So the moral of the story today?

canvas, grungepaper, paper, ink, stamps...
that must be why it's called mixed media art!

Now you...
make art!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

the boxes have shipped!

***NEWS FLASH*** FILM STRIP update @ the end of the post!


Sorry to have been AWOL yesterday...

it was our cruise shipping deadline.

We were up @ 4am...checking...double checking...
doing inventory...

We made it!

Our marketplace goodies all needed to be @ Fed-Ex to be sent to Tim & Mario for loading on the pallettes, which will then be sent to the ship...soon!

At last count...Mario said we have 7 pallettes of CRUISE STUFF!

That's a BOATLOAD of art goodies...
pardon the pun!

One BIG thing checked off the TO-DO list here!
Don't worry...I won't be sitting on the couch eating bon-bons...
there's still about 333 left!

And yes...that's all that remains of that luscious bowl of snaps...

And for my friend who made crap out of me for matching the pieces...

you know who you are...


snaps should be MATCHED. That's the rule.


The St. Louis report...

It was an ABSOLUTELY.........AWESOME day!!!

It started out kind of scarry...I was about 30 miles away from the store when traffic came to a dead stop...for 35 minutes...

YIKES! What's more important?

Road construction or getting to the store to teach & SHOP?

Gotta have priorities people!!

Anyway...I remembered that I did have my camera...and got a shot of this pooch.

Click to see the little cutie, riding in a sidecar with his goggles.

He was actually...smiling!

I got to For Keeps Sake on time...yippee!

It was PACKED with shoppers & RUBBER...
and I mean PACKED...

I made my way toward the classroom..and RUBBER and saw this...

THANK YOU freakin cool!!

and a closer look...

Missy also made a really cool giant tag...

like maybe 2 feet tall...
I didn't get a photo...maybe she'll send me one!

You need to see it! AWESOME!!!

Before the workshop, I signed my book for lots of shoppers!
And...didn't mess up any of them...another phew.....

The class was awesome & PACKED...

40 people made grunge hangings & I'm happy to report that each turned out PERFECT and they left with completed projects...
my goal!

And then they shopped...and I shopped too!

It was great to see my St. Louis friends again...
& I got to make some new ones too.

It's fun to share the day with people who GET IT!
It's why I do what I do...

THANKS SOOOOOOOOOO much for the invite Timi & Nancy...

THANKS to everyone who got inky with me.

Allie & Barbara came all the way from Oklahoma...
a 7 hour drive! YIKES! THANK YOU GUYS!

Thanks to Sue for being my TA...I appreciated the help!

Thanks to Ted & Michelle for bringing rubber heaven to St. Louis!
You 2 are THE BEST friends & business partners EVER!!

Here they are...the cute couple...

Rick decided to send Ted a little gift...

I said..."do you think he likes Miller light or Bud?"

STUPID QUESTION...very stupid...

Rick said..."HEY attention...
St. Louis...Bud brewery...
Do you want to be thrown out of town?"

I think Ted liked his Bud...

After clean up we went to dinner @ an awesome Italian restaurant...

I for therapeutic purposes only...cosmo, that is.

Got to the hotel about 10:30 & crashed.
Got up early Sunday & headed home...

Since I had a 4 hour drive...
I needed to make a pit stop & there just happened to be an antique mall nearby...

imagine that...

I first spotted these vintage fruit baskets...
then I saw these vintage bottle caps...

I thought...

you know what's coming...
I'm sure...

Cool...they can be FLOWER CENTERS!

Here's the result...
a 10 minute project...glued to a vintage fruit basket...DONE!

Enough chit chat for today......

Let's send some film strip ribbon to new homes...

The first winner is...
Chirpin Is Fun said...
I want to use it on a couple of the "just dream" wall hangings like we did in the workshop. I want to do a project with index prints (like tim did) for my nephew's pictures, I have an idea for a card using the house mouse stamp where he is behind the camera and the filmstrip ribbon will be perfect for that! I know I already ordered some, but I don't think I have enough to wrap around my house yet! lol Wish I could go to st louis this weekend or on the cruise with you in october! Keep making art, Wendy, your art inspires mine!

September 25, 2009 8:43 AM

the second winner is...

Julie said...
Probably the most important thing I learned from one of Wendy's classes at StampFest in Orlando, Florida was to take ordinary objects and incorporate them in unexpected and delightful ways. I'm sure there will be many creative ways to use the filmstrip ribbon other than the obvious.
September 26, 2009 7:38 PM

please send me your address & I'll get the cute tins in the mail to you.

Have a really great day & remember...
make art!
UPDATE!! I got spoke with Daisy and eclecticPaperie just got another shipment of film strip ribbon in this morning...I'm just sayin...happy shopping!

Friday, September 25, 2009

let's do another film strip ribbon giveaway...

But first...a little photo to tease the cruisers...
Here are some...

What you can't see is that this is a HUGE box....
It's FULL...

The photo is a little blurry...
(so sorry...NOT really...I planned it!)
but you get the idea...

Hmmmmm...what is this?

This is my purchase from last Saturday...
Just sitting waiting for me to have a little time to experiment!
I have this idea brewing...

I'm headed to For Keeps Sake in St. Louis bright & early tomorrow morning...
I'm expecting a WILD and very fun weekend...

Ted (Mr Stampers Anonymous) will be there...
A MILLION stamps...

I get to see my friends again! YIPPEE!

Rumor is... a BUSLOAD of shoppers are coming...
YIKES...I better get there REALLY early!
Who doesn't LOVE stamps...
and MILLIONS of fresh rubber stamps...all in one place!

I'm so excited to meet some internet friends...

Allie and Barbara...
they're coming all the way from Oklahoma for some shopping & the grunge workshop. HOW COOL!!

And now...
the giveaway scoop...

Want some filmstrip ribbon??
It comes in that adorable little tin...

Now...if it comes to live with you...

Tell us how you will use it...

Just leave a comment...

Simple...the comment is your entry ticket.

The winner will be chosen...(or winners???) @ 7am on Monday.
It could be YOU...IF you leave a comment or a film strip idea...

That's it from cruise kit central...
You KNOW what I'll be doing all day...
and tomorrow too...
Have a great weekend and...
make art!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

it's a SNAP!

1440 snaps to be exact!
60 packages...
each containing 24...

I told you before I LOVE tim's snaps...
they're great embellishments for LOTS of things...

it's a good thing!

I snapped last night...
snapped with coffee this morning...

What a lovely vision...
all 1440 put together...
perfectly matched...
gold with gold...copper with copper...silver with silver...
ready to be put in some kits...

and checked OFF the TO-DO list!

This is the progress we've made since
A little messy...but hey...
we're making

Come back tomorrow...
GIVEAWAY details...


Now while I'm making kits...
I hope you can play &...

make art!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

birds & books...

This email made me laugh out loud yesterday...

Joyce sent me a photo of her bird...
she just made this sweet thing this past Saturday @ Prairie Art Stamps in Springfield, Illinois...

She sent a little warning for those of you who have done the Build a Better Bird workshop with me...
and already have your birds...

KEEP your GIRL birds segregated from the BOY birds...
If you don't...look what could happen!

Funny huh?

I forgot (hey...I'm OLD!) to tell you yesterday that my book FINALLY arrived @ eclecticPaperie...

I'm not sure who the culprit was...UPS, USPS or Fed-Ex...but it's been tracked and is finally there.

Rick & I thought we were catching up here...
but we have 2 HUGE shipments scheduled to arrive today...
so...we'll be kitting...kitting and kitting cruise stuff!

I'd LOVE to show you what arrived yesterday...
OMG! I was sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited.
I said YIPPEE about 12 times!
It's even cooler than I expected...
But that's a story for AC...

I haven't forgotten about the blog giveaway...
so................stay tuned!

Time to...
make art (kits).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

film strip ALERT!

Enabler alert...
Hey! What are friends for?

Anyway...Daisy said the film strip ribbon has finally arrived.
Get it before it's gone.

I spoke with Advantus last week & they are already sold out for the second time...
the next batch won't arrive 'til the end of October...beginning of November...

Film strip ideas...

At CHA, tim used those little index photos under it...
perfect mini photo under each frame.

Here's my idea...

First thing I thought of when I saw the film strip for the first time...
eyeglasses for my art chick!

One staple from the tiny attacher...and you have...
perfect glasses!

It makes a great border on ANYTHING...
use it vertically or horizonally.

And, if you're looking for those cool type charms...
they are finally in stock too.

One more thing...
tim's GENIUS idea...


If you have a Cricut or other die cutting system...
These are blank adhesive sheets so you can cut your own masks & stencils.

Like I said...
what a simple idea...but pure genius!

I LOVE the possibilities...
make any size...any design...hand cut your own...draw anything...trace anything...I'm sure you get the idea...

I can't wait to play...but that will be AC...(after cruise!)

This ART blew me away.

It's Linda Elbourne's ...
acrylic binder for studio 490 stamps.

I'm in LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE the color...LOVE the design!

GREAT job Linda!

On the agenda for me today...

160 sheets of grungepaper ...
waiting to be stamped for.........??????????????


make(ing) art!

ps...we'll get back to the Q&A's (AC)...I'm keeping a list of them!

Monday, September 21, 2009

it's Monday...

We had a BLAST @ Prairie Art Stamps in Springfield, Illinois on Saturday.
Lots of inking...lots of grunging...lots of STAMPING...
LOTS of new art friends.

THANKS Terri for the invite & to everyone who came & played.

I LOVED the store...
I LOVED the customers...
I SHALL return!

I SHOPPED there too...YIPPEE!

I was inspired by "something" that's NOT grunge or rubber...
More on that later...
but I will tell you that Rick said...what the heck is this for???

I have plans to adapt "it" to my stamps...
Hopefully the picture in my mind can be done...
I just need a little playtime...

Susan was kind enough to send a photo of her bird...
from the Build A Better Bird workshop...
once camera for me...same old song...

She thought outside the stamp (box) and made the funky flower into grass...
it looks so COOL!

GREAT job Susan...thanks for sharing...

Ok...I should too!

I've had lots of emails asking about where to find the NEW Rock Candy & Metallic Distress's sooooooo cool...

they're in stock HERE...

and the NEW Rock Candy Crackle Paint is in stock too...

and FINALLY...we waited FOREVER...
and ever..for...
the 12 remaining colors of the Distress Stickles!!


Happy shopping to you!

Next...a studio 490 sighting...

These tags were created by Hels Sheridan...
Pop over to her blog to see more of her awesome art...

I'm totally impressed...
I bet you are too!

and another BEAUTY by Hel's!

Hels...LOVE your art!

Hmmmm...What else do I have to say???

I had no clue that we would ship so many of my books to so many far away places. The internet sure makes it a small world...
So far we've sent them all over the US, Canada, LOTS to the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and today's mailing goes all the way to Japan.

THANKS Minori! Rick will mail yours this morning...


I'm excited about this weekend...
the next stop on the art adventure is...
For Keeps Sake in St. Louis...this Saturday.

Ted will be there with a billion of tim's stamps...
other Stampers Anonymous stamps...
and all my studio 490 stamps...

I'll do a book signing @ noon...
and then a grungy workshop after that.
Hope to see you there...
(a BILLION stamps!...I'm just saying...)

Now about that yummy film strip ribbon...
looks like I'm not the only one...
LOTS of you like it too...


The first number chosen is...

Claire said...

Ribbon? Wow... filmstrip ribbon along with your new book (which when it arrived on Wednesday got read and re-read, so no dinner!)would lead to a whole new set of ideas!
September 18, 2009 4:56 AM

and since I have PLENTY...

Let's send another to a new home...

the second winner is...

mamakat said...
Okay; I stopped making grunge flowers and getting my new stamps all inky to check my email, etc. and what do I find? That you have ALL of the ribbon that I have been coveting since CHA! Please Wendy, let this inally be the time that I win. Please,please,please...
September 17, 2009 9:56 AM

CONGRATS to the 2 winners...

Please email me with your name & shipping info...

I think we'll do another giveaway...LATER this week...

It's off to cruise kit central for me...
LOTS to accomplish before my shipping deadline...


keep your eyes open...
be inspired...

make art!
oh...I almost forgot...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

boxes, containers & a giveaway!

Mr. Fed- Ex was here twice yesterday...
once for a next day air package delivery...

then to bring 3 boxes by ground...

Later the man in the brown truck brought another dose of ART SUPPLIES...
4 more BIG boxes...

But Mario wins the box contest...

Look @ THIS...

Which could explain why Mario parks his car OUTSIDE the garage these days...


That's a LOT of cruise stuff...

and there's MORE coming!

Now if you look closely @ the next photo...
you'll see my name on this pallette of GOODS...

Just a little peek for our cruisers...
Hey a peek is better than nothing...
that's the best I can do...

Lucky for us...that pallette is in Arizona...
so both vehicles are in the garage here...
for today @ least!

When I LIKE something...

I REALLY like it & NEVER want to run out...

I LOVE these Maya Road trinket pins...

and I think there's enough here for a while...
since each pack contains 50!

And if you want/NEED the Maya Road leaf, vintage pearl, NEW BLACK PEARL, or NEW pink FLOWER trinket pins... I can be an enabler...

Now this is crazy...

I ordered 40 packages of tim's new film strip ribbon...


my little mind thought there was 3 feet in each container...

upon further inspection...

there's 108 inches...

So I'm happy to report that...
I am now the proud owner of 120 YARDS of film strip ribbon...

that's NOT exactly what Rick said...ha!

I could wrap this whole house & make it look like a giant present.

and how sweet of tim to design the little tin to fit my stamp...
what a GUY!!!

well...maybe that wasn't actually his plan...

but that adorable tin sure is a PERFECT fit!

40 packages of film strip ribbon???

What was I thinking???

Want some? I got PLENTY to share!

Leave a comment...

That's all it takes to be entered for a chance to win some film strip ribbon...

I'll be back Monday morning @ get your comment in before then.

If you don't will be in stock here soon!

I need to cut some of that ribbon for this Saturday's workshop @ Prairie Art Stamps, in Springfield Illinois...

We gotta have it to...

make art!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

flea finds...

I just wanted to pop in for a quickie HI, so you'll KNOW I'm thinking of my blog friends.
Here's a FLEA FINDS from few weeks ago.
I have a THING for shoes...even if I can't WEAR them.
And who doesn't NEED a shoe sizer? I obviously did!
Back to the prep area...
cutting...stamping...more cutting...more stamping...
and eventually kitting & shipping.
The deadline is getting closer!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta hurry!
I hope your day is GREAT...
Think of me when YOU...
make art!
ps...back with more Q&A just as soon as I can...

Monday, September 14, 2009

table for 30, a counter for one...and more

Make that a FEW tables for 30.

What a GREAT day & a GREAT class with 30 GREAT friends!!
THANK YOU Scrapbook Friend'z for the FUN day.
You guys all did a GREAT job and made some awesome art...

Thanks too for the sweet comments about my book...
THANKS for letting me sign them...
PHEW...didn't screw up any!

YOU made me happy...AGAIN!

A HUGE thank you to Linda Broom...for being the PERFECT TA.
You thought I was kidding about hiring you...not so.
I'm serious...VERY serious!
Say adios to State Farm & come HELP me!

Next stop on the art adventure...
A NEW store in Springfield, Illinois...called Prairie Art Stamps.
A new store+new friends=FUN.
Can't wait!

See you THIS Saturday for 2 fun workshops...
one is THE BIRD is the grunge hanging.

And the "counter for one" part of the title?
Here's Rick working away on cruise stuff...
with HIS machine... die cutting

150 sheets of grungeboard...

while I'm stamping

450 sheets of grungepaper ...

and more to come...

Now...on to business...

The questions keep coming...
This whole question and answer thing is so much fun!!! I have a quick question (I hope it's quick for you since you are soooo busy). I'm wondering how Claudine's medium compares to Golden's... I have several of Golden's mediums including Matte Medium that I should probably finish before getting something different... but????

Ok...I'm NOT the expert to do a comparison...
so I went right to the expert...
Claudine Hellmuth...

Here's her response...
"my multi medium is comparable to Golden quality-wise but it has it's own creamy consistency that you can't find elsewhere so it lends itself to gluing paper a little easier as well as small objects!!"

So...there you have it...right from Claudine.
I really like holds even heavy objects...VERY WELL.

I like it for sealing art too, because when dry, it's not tacky feeling like mod-podge....or should I say brand X?

since the magazine didn't show us enough pics of your studio can you show us more? I want to see it all.

I think this question came from a cruiser...trying to trick me to get a sneak peek...
but I'm NOT going to fall for that & show any cruise stuff! ha!'s one...

For some reason I have to buy every one of these guys I see...
I like numbers...maybe that's why?

And another studio spot...
I picked up the little book in an airport somewhere. I HAD to have it...

Before studio 490 there was "wendyart"...
When I first started stamping, I thought if I ever made art to sell...that would be a good name.

But when things took off here...
studio 490 just developed & I like that better.

It's me again. Sharon said she loved you & you're coming back to Buffalo. WHEN? I was oot last time & i don't want to miss out again.

I will be back in Buffalo for sure. I LOVE Sharon, Mark & Jess too, but no date has been set yet.
I'm working on my schedule for next year, but I won't have it finished until the end of the year, or possibly the beginning of next year.

I do try to keep my teaching schedule current.
Just check the sidebar on the blog for updates.

Another question...
I know you do lots of mini albums for Maya Road. What's the best/easiest way to cover the pages? Yours look finished/professional, I don't think mine do.

Most times I ink & stamp the chipboard pages...since I'm a stamper...
but if I'm covering them with paper...(then stamping)
I adhere the paper to the a brayer over it to really get a good bond.
Then I'll trim off the excess paper with a craft knife & then distress the edges with Tim's sanding grip.
To finish it off, I'll ink the edges with the distress inks for a vintage look.
That's what works for me.


We watch very little TV, but friends got us hooked on America's Got Talent.
Do you watch it?
Who are you cheering for?

One last thing...
keep this in mind...
believe ALL things are possible...

make art!
ps...I DID believe that all things were possible, but the BEARS ruined that thought.
they suck!

Friday, September 11, 2009

one Q leads to more...

Now about those roses I showed yesterday...
let's start @ the beginning of the story...

Adhering patterned paper to grungepaper was NOT my original idea.
Tim did it...I can't remember his exact project...
Hey...I'm old...& forgetful...but it was his idea...

and keychain made paper covered giant roses, that she hand cut.

So...for those who sent emails...I am NOT the genius...they are!

I designed the rose stamp & used the mini Jenni Bowlin papers...
to make the roses shown above and the inked/stamped versions I've showed in previous posts.

That rose post lead to more questions...

OK....tell me how to get the paper on the flower so the paper fits the stamp. geez.

Here's what works for me...

I stamped the rose on grungepaper & roughly cut it out...see below. Then adhered it to the BACK of the Jenni mini papers, with my stamped image facing UP.

Now, when you cut, it's a perfect fit.

I did not put paper on the backs of the pieces, I just inked them ...

BUT... I did put paper scraps on the single petal & 2 petals that make the rose center. Since the petals are bent down, you really don't see much of the underside.

The original rose making post is here. It's got all the instructions and some step by step photos.

What glue do you use to glue paper to the grungepaper like you did for the roses using Jenni Bowlin's mini papers?

The 2 glues I use are Claudine Hellmuth's multi medium...the matte finish and I also like Art Glitter Glue.


I would like to see a TIPS section in your next book which would be answers to all our questions. What do you think?

I do have several pages with LOTS of tips, hints and my FAVORITE products listed in this book. If I think of more, you bet I'll include them.

I have a question...When ordering one of your stamp sets, do they come on the scalloped plastic page or do I need to order that separate?

The studio 490 stamps come on the scalloped storage sheet. You don't need to buy them individually.

My question is this: You mentioned that Ted brings your stamps to conventions. Will he be bringing your book as well? Next weekend I'll be attending the Stamp Scrap Art Tour in Rhinebeck, NY and I see that Stampers Anonymous will be attending.

LUCKY have a convention close!

Yes...Ted will be there with a TON of stamps and my book too. He does GREAT demoes & is a very funny guy. You'll have a great time in the booth. Tell him I said "HI!" Ask him if he can make a GRUNGE flower!

That's it for today. As I told our "cruise group" this morning...

We got a BOATLOAD (get it?) to do. The cruise leaves a month from "stuff" has to be completed & shipped to Tim by 2 weeks from today.


No time to...

make art!


ps...please take a moment today to remember the families affected by the tragedy of 9/11/2001.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

the Q & A continues...

We got MORE questions...

Hi, love, love your binder covers! On the second one, is the center of the flower on the lower right side a wooden button? It looks very interesting!

I took a closeup to show it better.
It's a vintage game piece...maybe an old checker??
ANYTHING can be a flower part!


I LOVED the binder ideas and the helpful tips. I see the number vol 2 & the 3 is hidden in the flower, but I can not find the 1 on the first. IS it hiddeen for a reason?

You guys are too observant. There is no number 1 on the first binder, because if the stamps didn't sell, there wouldn't have been more releases.
I guess I didn't want to jinx myself! ha!

And I found this yesterday, while looking in my photos...
Another cool acrylic binder.

This one is made by Timi Taylor, one of the owners of For Keeps Sake, in St. Louis.

Pretty cool, huh?

And speaking of For Keeps Sake...

just a reminder...
they have a FUN weekend planned for you...Sept. 26 & 27th.

Ted is driving from Cleveland with a TRUCKLOAD of stamps...

For as many stamps as I have...
I still get excited to see so many in one place...

NUTS...I know...but I REALLY do LOVE stamps!

I'll be there on Saturday for a book signing @ noon & then a workshop for 40...
The workshop is sold out, but you can come & SHOP for stamps!
I'm excited!

NEXT question...

These are all FABULOUS! I know you stated it somewhere, but how much is your book again? I'll have to save some $$ for it.

it's $14.95 and priority shipping with tracking in the US is $5.00
International shipping is $10-$12...depending on the destination.
Payment is thru PayPal.


have you done roses in any other color besides blue? i'm thinking about red or maybe orange?

Here's 2 I did using Jenni Bowlin's mini papers...
for a different look...

I LOVE the mini papers because the patterns are small & PERFECT for making flowers.
The paper is adhered to grungepaper.

I have done red(fired brick distress ink) and marmalade roses too...

I think I forgot to take photos before sending them out...but I did like how both colors turned out.

Next ...this is from a cruiser...

ok, i know you won't tell us about the classes but tell me what will be for sale in the ship store...pleeeeeeeeeeese...

NOPE! My lips are sealed...We want you to be surprised.

I'll be surprised too...since I still don't have my stuff decided yet!

It's on that giant TO-DO list I mentioned yesterday...YIKES!

While I work on that list...

I hope you go...

make art!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The title has NOTHING to do with this post...

I just thought it would be fun to type...9/9/09...
a once in a lifetime event!

Actually...maybe it does...

There are about 999 things on the TO-DO list...

I'm not keeps me off the streets & out of the stores...

I have no time to SHOP!

Which explains why you've not seen any new shoes lately!

More Q & A...

You answered a question about the floral wire and wrap with the following: "Cloth covered wire is perfect. I have it in both green & brown. It's available @ JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby & Michaels (in the floral section)...but I've only found the brown @ JoAnn's in our area."Ok - what's "our area"?? Are your stamp sets sold in Joann's? I've never seen any of the good stuff in our Joann's!!!! Sorry, offense! stamps are NOT sold in JoAnn's.
They're only available thru your LSS, on line @ eclecticPaperie & other on line stores or directly from Stampers Anonymous. If you're lucky enough to have access to a convention featuring Stampers Anonymous, Ted has them there too.

"OUR area" is Oglesby, Illinois...we're about 100 miles south & west of Chicago...there's NOTHING cool here...

MY LSS is 75 miles away...ONE WAY!
I'm happy to drive there SATURDAY to see my friends, do a book signing & teach a FULL grunge workshop! YIPPEE!

Just found your blog. How long does it take you to do a project? It takes me forever and they dont compare to yours.

I'm VERY slow, which is not a good thing when you have a 999 item TO-DO list.

It's rare that I can get a project done quickly.
A really detailed mini book... for example...
a Maya Road CHA project, can take me all 25-30 hours, to get it to the point where I'm satisfied.

Even a simple card can take me several hours.

Next question...

p.s. My book came yesterday!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And one of the best things that I love is the stamp index - that is cool! Are there binders to fit Studio 490 stamps and the book? I'm missing them if so...

The answer is simple...You can't find it, because...

I FORGOT to include them in the book.

Now that the book is arriving...I got this question like 8 times...
I TOTALLY overlooked it...

The acrylic storage binders are available here , LSS's and directly thru Stampers Anonymous, click on Accessories & then the category is...STORAGE.


hello...I picked up my binder @ the convention what?
do you have any tips for me?
where do I start so the glue goesn't show?
Here's what works for me...
I'll choose the paper I want to use, cut it to the size I want & lay it under the front cover....but NOT use any adhesive yet.
Then...I'll embellish the front and adhere everything onto the front.
Then, turn the cover over & you can see exactly where to place the adhesive to hide it.
Any place that has an embellishment will get some adhesive, to hold the paper in place.
Depending on the paper you choose, you may want to glue 2 papers together & then cut them for a perfect fit, if your paper isn't double sided.
It's fun to stitch them together too, like I did on this first one.
On the binder below...I also stamped the cover.
I used jet black archival & heat set it.
It's been shipped all over the country & it's held up very well.
Depending on the stamp you choose, you could also stamp INSIDE the cover to protect it even more.
But remember...
word stamps will be backwards...if stamped inside the cover...
designs work better.
This paper is from K & Co.
The embellishments are made from grungeboard & grungepaper.

This next binder holds my second stamp release...
I pieced lots of different graphic 45 papers together...
I wanted a quilt like look...

The ink colors are peeled paint, brushed corduroy, vintage photo and mustard seed... with a little bit of one of the browns over it.
The large scroll is grungeboard from this set.
And the newest 7 sets are stored in this last binder...
I mixed some Jenni Bowlin & graphic 45 papers...
The ink colors are brushed corduroy and broken china.
The flowers are all grungepaper.
The scroll is grungeboard, already die cut.

If you have the binders...I hope this info helps.
SHOW us what yours look like!
We'd LOVE to see them!
Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments & emails about my book.
You have made us VERY HAPPY!

From the bottom of my heart...
a HUGE...
make art!
ps...keep those comments coming...
we'll give away a book...sometime...randomly!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

studio 490 sightings, the Q&A continues and...

Let's jump right in to the questions...

Are you still answering questions?
I would love to know if you're going to do a tute on grunge flowers? The are so beautiful



Here's the recent rose tutorial...have FUN!
Be warned...they are ADDICTING!

The next...
Do you ever get blocked? If so, how do you get unblocked. (If you don't get blocked, could you just lie to make the rest of us feel better?)

That was funny!
I don't have to lie! Believe me... I do have brain dead days.
I HATE it and it's inconvenient...but there's no forcing art.

So...I have to completely walk away...
For inspiration...the internet is LOADED with cool stuff...

NEVER COPY...just be inspired. (That's my lecture for the day!)

Visiting flea markets and antique malls is very inspiring for me.
I like old rusty stuff...

WHY it works? I really don't know...but it usually does.

Next question...

My question: Will you have projects for the fall season using sticky back canvas? I just got some and am dying to find a "Halloween or Fall" themed project to use it on!

I am swamped with stuff on the TO-DO list right now, so there won't be a formal tutorial...HOWEVER...
this could easily be adapted to Claudine's canvas...

Stamp the butterfly & flower (pumpkin) onto canvas & proceed from there...

"make art" seems to be your signature. it's so simple. where did you get the idea?

YIKES! I was hoping this wouldn't come up.
It' s embarrassing...But since you're blog friends...

The first time I was asked to sign something I was SHOCKED.

ME? REALLY????????

and...she wanted me to sign a cool Tim apron, which made it even worse.

In 3 seconds my thoughts were...

*I hope she's sure...

*your handwriting sucks

*if you ruin this you'll be upset

*if you ruin it SHE'LL be REALLY upset...and it will be all over the net that YOU ruined her apron. God forbid!

So...I thought...

write something short...VERY SHORT and there's less chance of UGLY. I've always liked the word ART...that's one stamp I collect...if it has ART on it, I'll buy it!

So, I wrote "make art" & signed my name...and didn't ruin her apron. YIPPEE!
I thought about it on the way home...liked it, because that's what I it kind of stuck.

Phew...I'm glad that's DONE! Embarrassing...

More Q&A guys sent a huge list! THANKS!

My blog hopping time is VERY limited these days...

I have LOTS to get done...

I have workshops the next 3 weekends (YIPPEE...I LOVE them) and...


We're working hard...getting stuff done and organized...and believe me...

Tim & I are over the top excited and counting the sleeps!

So...I was happy to get some emails directing me to some
studio 490 sightings...thanks to my ROVING REPORTER!

This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's my acrylic storage binder...MAGNIFICENTLY done and LOADED with my stamps.

The artist is Linda Elbourne...

Lucky for Linda, that I can't drive over to the UK & swipe this beauty.

I LOVE IT!!! Love the the design.

THANKS Linda!!

And this wonderful tag is made by HELS...

I thought using the mini flower for a wing on the bird was pure...GENIUS. Or, as they say in the UK... simply BRILLIANT!

This has great colors...& I LOVE the stamp choices!
Thanks Hels!

Now about that GIVEAWAY...

Ok...I entered the chose # 30...
Is it you?

Here's the comment...

Tona said...

I too enjoy reading the Q & A's. You have a great sense of humor. Thanks for the chance at a great give away. I got my book yesterday. I've been crazy busy so I only had a chance to glance at it so far but I can already tell that it's wonderful. Without a doubt I will be buying book #2 when it comes out.
September 4, 2009 11:29 AM


Send me your address & I'll get your goodies in the mail.

I hope you'll use them...MAKE some ART...and show us what you made! I'll be happy to post it here.

Thank YOU... to everyone who took time to comment...

I have another book to give away...


It just might be to a random just never know...

comments are good...get it?

Time to...
make art!