Friday, July 8, 2011

favorites on Friday...

I actually have LOTS of favorites...
there's a surprise...

but today I'll show you a new favorite...
another NEW studio 490 stamp set...

and I think I'll throw in a second art parts reveal!'s THE weekend! let's celebrate!

one of my MOST favorite art parts that we currently have is the pocket watch...

so I thought...why not make it larger?

this guy has grown to 5 1/2 inches in diameter...

I've used it for several CHA samples...
and I can honestly say that I had a BLAST...
I'm thinking this will make a great gift, when family photos are used...

included in the "Timely Pocket Watches" package are...

2 of the solid pocket watch bases...
2 of the coordinating frames &...
2 of the circle cutouts...

this gives you 6 pieces total for...
"making art"...

I laid tim's ruler next to it, to give you an idea of the MEGA size...

moving on to a new stamp set...

this one is "he ruled it art"...

here's a quick tour of the set, starting @ the top...

there's "the flourish" again,
but it's a mirror image of the flourish I showed in this post...
I like the option of having both orientations available...
and stamping both of them creates a cool border...

I am so excited to see where people go with this one...
it has a million hilarious possibilities, for sure!

"the gentleman"...
also has a coordinating art part...
I've "altered" him in several different projects...
you'll see that next week...
he can wear all sorts of things...

"the lamp post"...
I flat out LOVE this! And it too has a coordinating art part...
be still my heart...

"specimen collected"...
is great to stamp on a tag or on an envelope that contains a specimen...
it's very easy to use portions of this stamp too, by masking it with Post-It notes...

"you ain't seen nothin' yet"...
gives a hint of what's to come...

"the stache"...
I used this on my large queen stamp...
yep...on a girl & it's funky fun...

one of the "ruler stamps"...
this stamp has a perfectly sized art part, so no more need to chop up pricy vintage rulers...
I like this stamped in jet black archival...
then inked in any color, with distress inks added to the edges, to create an authentic looking vintage ruler...
and the best part...
in ANY color your project requires...
very fun, if I do say so myself...

here's what "he ruled it art" looks like on the storage sheet...

I've been so excited to show this next art parts package of goodness...

meet "mustaches, men & more"...

that hand is 3 3/4 inches tall...
so it has plenty of space to stamp a saying!

I wanted to show you a close up of the art parts lamp post...

I stamped it with jet black archival...
inked over it with walnut stain distress ink...
inked the little window area with mustard seed distress ink,
then added rock candy distress stickles for some vintage shimmer...

do I see a hint of another new stamp in the peek above?

if you are in the mood to SHOP, I have some SALE INFO...

over @ Simon Says...
you can get $5.00 off your order by typing in the secret code...


this offer is good today, Friday July 8th & tomorrow Saturday July 9th...ONLY...

but wait!
there's MORE...

I see a 20% off sale on my stamps, art parts, tim's idea-ology & more @ eclecticPaperie...

I hope you've enjoyed today's new product show & tell...

I'll be back on Monday with MORE...

I hope your weekend is full of fun & sun and
that you can take time to...

make art!


  1. Wendy,
    Oh my gosh. I will be going to the poor house! I LOVE it all...especially the big pocket watch. I can just picture my vintage family photos in them. Thanks so much for the peek.
    Gail in Oklahoma

  2. WOW!!!! A huge art part pocket watch!!! They are just brilliant!! And i've got to say a mahoosive thank you for doing the rulers......they were on my wish list on your 2nd release of art parts!! Can't wait to get my paws on them!!

  3. The new art parts are amazing! Very cool. Thanks for the ruler stamps and parts as I almost bought a ruler last weekend at an antique shop but I don't know if I would have ever cut it up. LOL.

  4. Perfect, Perfect, Perfect!! Son in Afghanistan is going to love cards etc. made with these!! So looking forward to these!! Thank you Wendy!!

  5. Fun, Fun, FUN!!! I love where your creativity is taking us!!
    Hope you & Rick have a great weekend!

  6. These are all looking like must haves... of course! I love that large pocket watch an the new art part men bits and bobs.... can't wait for shipping!

  7. Wendy -

    You had me at the pocket watch. Then you threw in the stamps (love them), added the rest of Art Parts and now I'm picking my jaw off the floor. Can you say AWESOME!!! WONDERFUL!

    Elaine Allen

  8. Ok ... seriously this is a jaw dropper, it has to be my fav sneak peak so far, love love love the pocket watch set anyway but the larger one is just fab, he ruled it and mustaches is seriously my next fav so far.

  9. I love them all !! The large pocket watch has my mind spinning with possibilities. Thanks for the shopping .. I think I'll go do that now :) Happy Friday Wendy !

  10. OM GEE...these are fantastic!

  11. You are amazing!! More gotta haves!

  12. You're such a good enabler lol. I'll be heading to Simon today :)
    Loved your new sets!!

  13. More "coolness!" I too love that lamp post. Thanks for the SSS sale info.

  14. The mustaches are just too stinking cute!!! And the ruler is a must on my list.

  15. I think we're gonna need examples of what to do first! My brain is in seize with joy!!

  16. These are uber wonderful!!! I'm gob-smacked as to just what all can be done with them! Hurrah!!!!

  17. I think I see a new label as a background in the background (behind the man and lamp post). Woohoo if that's true!)

  18. Love the lamp post! And everything else!!

  19. Oh My! My kids just squealed at the mustache stamp. They put that on the top of their list. Loving all the reveals and your insight.

  20. Thanks for the discount tip at Simon Says - I finally was able to purchase your Phrenology wood mounted stamp! yayayayayaya!!!! Love the sneak peaks. Love your art.

  21. I love your new art parts and stamps! I am so glad that you have a light post. I have been wanting one and can only find them out of wood (from Australia most of them)! The big pocket watch is great and has so many possibilities! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  22. Wendy, how do you get the orange colour in the lamp post...I love everything you have new...can I get a discount if I buy it all?

  23. hmmm 2 mustaches? Does Rick have one?
    so much fun!
    Sandra ltb

  24. So far I haven't seen anything I didn't want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love these art parts!!! and the stamps!!!

  25. lovin' the larger size pocket watches and all the other new things!

  26. Well WENDY, just as I had feared?!!
    All of your releases ROCK, which is going to make it SO HARD to only pick my FEW FAVORITES to SPLURGE ON!! =) I REALLT LIKE the stop watch art part and the way your ART PIECE turned out using it!!
    Have an AWESOME TIME this weekend creating YOUR ART!! =)

  27. Oh WOW!!! All are to die for!!!

  28. yes, yes yes... i needed more men things. i got oodles of flowers and girly things but so limited on men things and this is so perfect

  29. It is all too cool. Love, love the mustaches. Great to have some really neat masculine stamps and parts.

  30. You keep getting better and better!

  31. The pocket watch art part is very! But seriously, the stamps and the art parts in this peek are just so very wonderful and the mustaches made me smile. Thanks Wendy Karen :)

  32. Nice art pieces. I was in an art exhibition last weekend and was vert cool 'cause they show old pieces from Buy cialis collection.
