Wednesday, February 24, 2010

these photos will explain...

why I NEED a blog-cation...

My little mind just figured out that teaching LOTS of workshops...
see right sidebar...

requires LOTS of supplies....

and this is just for one mini book workshop...

This might explain why my mini books are so FAT!

we needed like a MILLION...

of the SEW CUTE Maya Road minis...

and... a MILLION of the new buttons too...
LOVE them...they'll get embossed, then inked...or maybe stamped?? LOTS of possibilities!

and the mini 2 layer butterflies...

and a million scrolls...

and that's just some of the embellishments for this mini book workshop...

that starts with these adorable layered books...

I LOVE how they look when inked with the new distress ink colors...
how did we LIVE without them?

So...I'll be working on getting the chaos under control here...


making kits...

stamping art parts...

making MORE kits...

writing instructions...

making copies...

cooking some chow for my sil who had surgery again yesterday...
second time in 2 weeks...YIKES!

attending my grandmother's funeral...
may you rest in peace, Mimi...say hi to my mom...

making something for a guest blog posting...
if I'm lucky enough to get that far on the TO-DO list...fingers crossed!

packaging & shipping book #2 when they arrive...
it's snowing again...hope the PO guys get them here soon...

packing up for demoing and teaching on Saturday...

I'll tweet photos of the progress...
or chaos...
whatever the case may be.

I'll be back on Monday...I think.
Until then...

have a good weekend...
stay warm and take time to...

make art.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

answers and angels...

The Q & A continues...

1. Love the Perfectly Practical Pocket Journel. Will that be an Orlando class???

Yes it is...

2. Whose booth are you demoing in at the Columbus show???

Stampers Anonymous!

3. love the idea of the perfectly practical pocket journal (say that 10 times fast). OK I have to ask what color did you the background stamping? I share your love for that bundled sage- gotta have it!

That would be my new favorite combo...
tumbled glass, bundled sage and brushed corduroy.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the 3 used together!

4. I see in your ink drawer that you have the adirondack inks too. I have them, but since the distress i forgot them.
Do you have any ideas to share using the dye inks?

I DO! That's a post for another day! Stay tuned.
I'll figure something out!

5. I was sure I knew ALL your stamps. What sheet is the text butterfly on? You used it on the class photo. I'm on the hunt.. I must have it.

Well...if you have my large butterfly stamp...
you already do.

This is the large butterfly stamped on grungepaper & the back is stamped with the new register stamp...

It's my current most reached for favorite background.
I used the butterfly back instead of the polka dot front...
to change up the look.

6. I LOVE the hanging & the book...can you do those in the store or only at conventions?

Hmmm...since I got this question 4 times yesterday, I'm thinking...
I guess we could just make it a 4 hour store class & do both. I aim to please!

7. THANK YOU for the larger roses stamps. They are so wonderful and are a great addition. I like the 3 sizes together.

Thanks! I REALLY like them too. I was surprised @ how much easier they are to make being large. I REALLY wanted to make a REALLY mini rose, but it's a REALLY a pain... especially that inside piece...
I said bad words...
but you just never know...

that was the answers part of the title...
as for the angels...

there's only one coming...
but ANGEL sounded stupid in the title...

so I used ANGELS instead...'s my blog...
so I make the rules!

ANYWAY...I had so much fun making the art chick into an angel, I had to re-do her again in different colors...

the background is butterscotch and denim pigment inks...
with a splash of sunflower sparkle Perfect Pearls.

The plaid background was stamped with olive archival...
The chick is adorned with barn door flowers and a stormy sky butterfly.

Rick commented that he liked the "chink-a-do-ola" hanging from her hat.

This is aka a Maya Road chandelier trinket bead, dear hubby!

This is the back of the grungepaper...
the textured canvas side stamped with the register stamp.

I had an ahhh ha moment & realized that the small scroll is a perfect fit for the large butterfly.
I like it...

it wasn't planned...
just FATE! kits to make...
LOTS of kits...

I'll get them ready so if you're in a class of mine...

you will be able to...
(get this...!)
make art!

Monday, February 22, 2010

convention classes, Q & A and more...

I spent the weekend designing 2 new workshops that I'll teach @ 2 conventions this year.

Both of these will be offered @ Stamp Scrap Art Tour in Rockford, Illinois...(classes aren't listed just yet, but I'm sure they will be soon)

and also @ Stamp Fest in Orlando, Florida.

The classes in Madison, Wisconsin will be different.

That's not 'til late November and by then we'll have release #5 of my stamps...
I'm already working on them...yippee...

I will be @ Memories Scrapbooking Expo in Columbus, Ohio, but I will be demoing...not offering classes there.

We're allowed 2 hours for each convention class & my goal is for everyone to have fun, learn something new and leave with their projects completed.

Here's the first...

It's an art angel hanging...

For this the "ART CHICK" got a makeover & now she's an art angel...

ready to protect and inspire.

The second is called the perfectly practical pocket journal.

It's constructed completely from grungeboard & grungepaper, so it's perfect to toss in a purse or tote and GO...with NO worries about it being bent or damaged!

The pages are blank...perfect for journaling, to use as an idea center, or even for your grocery list!

NEXT...a few business things...

I have sent PayPal requests to everyone who has ordered books, but I'm hearing that in some instances, they got banished to the spam folder. YIKES!

Check there...
and it they are missing, please just let me know & I can resend them.

How could I forget this?? Hey...this proves I'm old!

When we introduced the new smaller sized studio 490 stamp sets @ CHA, we got emails & questions about offering a smaller acrylic storage binder to store just the smaller sets.

Ted & I thought we would wait 'til summer CHA to make them available...

but after the first hour @ CHA...

we found out that you didn't want to wait!

I like that...IMPATIENT...just like ME!

Ted ran over to the Ranger booth & asked if we wanted to rethink our plan...and make them sooner...

So...THANKS to TED and his staff...

we now have a small size acrylic binder coming soon.

No waiting 'til after CHA summer.


It's the same heavy acrylic, but with 2 holes & 2 giant binding rings & it will sell for $14.95.

I'll let you know when it's manufactured & ready to ship.

Now it's Q&A time...

#1...Since the Perfect Medium is stickier, do you need a special cleaner to remove it from your stamps?

You can use the Ranger stamp cleaners...

but I put Ranger's Rub-it Scrub-it pad in the bottom of my sink & squirt a little DAWN dishwashing soap on it.

A quick rub & they're ready to go. do you store your inks? I'm redoing my space & need some ideas.

I've seen some cute racks on internet sites...but I didn't bookmark them. So check the net...

I've seen them custom made...
made from wood & acrylic too...

some made to hang, some made to sit on a desk...

Before we built the studio, I had them in vintage sewing machine drawers...

they fit perfect & the colors were easy to see, by labeling the sides of the inkpads.

Here's what works for me now...

I stand @ my island to create & right behind me is a base cabinet, with a sink, drawers and storage.

This is a partial shot of my ink storage.

This drawer is convenient for me... you know when your new stamps arrive in holland?

I do know that they have arrived in the they are for sure across the pond...

Orders are shipped by Stampers Anonymous, in the order they were received.

So, stores who order on the first day @ CHA are at the top of the list to receive them.

#4...over 150 comments. do you really read them all?

YOU BET WE DO & we LOVE every minute of it!

It's no fun to talk to myself!

#5...where are you finding the other colors of archival ink? i thought there was only black

They are ALL in stock @ Simon Says Stamp...check here

WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!!

THANK YOU x 230+++ for all the comments.

I'm glad you guys like these inks too...they ARE awesome colors...


ALL 12 of the new distress inks from Ranger are going to live with...


Donna said...

Here is my story...I don't have a BARN DOOR to open and store my distress inks in. However...I would CRUSH OLIVES and eat FOREST MOSS. I would walk on TUMBLED GLASS while wearing my CHIPPED SAPPHIRE ring, carring BUNDLED SAGE with a STORMY SKY. After doing that I would have to use my PUMICE STONE on a RUSTY HINGE(and my feet). When I am done I will dress in my VICTORIAN VELVET and enjoy some SPUN SUGAR and WILD HONEY all while reading Wendy's blog. That's my story and I am sticking to it!
February 21, 2010 10:10 PM

Please email me & let me know where these guys will be residing...

Again...a MILLION thanks to my friends @ RANGER for their generous blog giveaway. That was FUN!

And a MILLION thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment.

I think we'll do this giveaway stuff again soon...

The ending is always the same...
make art!

Friday, February 19, 2010

now about that Ranger INK giveaway...

thank you MR UPS...
the Ranger giveaway box arrived yesterday!
but we'll get to that later...

And so did this...
180 of the NEW distress ink colors...yes...180!

and PLENTY more of the coffee and olive archivals too...
and more Perfect Medium...
and LOTS more workshop supplies.

Look @ those colors!
What a beautiful sight!

I DO practice what I preach!

I ALWAYS get the reinkers too...

in my books I say that pads NEED re-inking @ night, when all the stores are closed...
trust's TRUE!

so...we gotta be prepared!

On to a few questions about the Stampers Sampler cover...see photo in the previous post...

#1...PS. Did you use the Sage distress ink on the cover project? Any other colors?

No...actually the art for this issue was requested way back in July...
long before we got the new distress colors.

Because the distress inks stay wet longer, you can create custom colors, which is what I did for this art.
I blended broken china and brushed corduroy.

The background color is brushed corduroy used alone.

#2...I love the magazine cover and was wondering if you would share where to purchase the bird cage.

That cutie is made by Maya Road and comes in a set with birds, wings and cages. VERY FUN!

#3...ok, I think? the bird on the cover is Maya Road?, but it looks like the wing is bent? shopping info pleaseee

Yes, the bird is also from Maya Road and the wing is made with grungepaper. Details in Stampers Sampler!

now some other questions...

#4. I know you told us in class you use Perfect Medium, but I forgot why.

I use Perfect Medium for embossing, watermarks and to adhere Perfect Pearls. I LOVE it because it seems extra sticky and with this one pad, I have multiple uses.

#5...this one had me rolling on the floor laughing...

Maybe you can give lessons on tweeting - I don't get it. I get facebook, texting, etc. and I am "computer literate" but just can't seem to get tweeting.


There's NO way you'd ever want any techno info from me...phew...never!

That would be as bad as me giving driving directions...

NOT a good thing.

But THANKS for the laugh!

And speaking of THANKS...

many THANKS for all the book orders yesterday and for all the kind words! I sincerely appreciate it!

The books will ship next week.


Here's what I've been teasing about...

Justin and Alain from Ranger have donated ...

ALL 12 of the new distress inks...

to be given away here.

Pretty cool...huh?

HUGE THANKS to Ranger for supporting me and for their AWESOME blog giveaway...

Here's what one lucky person will receive...

Now if you think these inks should live with you...
you'll need to leave a comment.

it's pretty simple...
for a chance @ these awesome inks...

We'll leave the comments open 'til 8am on Monday morning...

then I'll ask Justin to choose the winner.

Hey...I don't want that responsibility!

I know you'll have a GREAT weekend...
if you...

make art!
the Maya Road SEW CUTE minis (hangers, dressforms & more) have arrived!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

texts, tweets and a twit!

whoever would have thought??

ME...the techno challenged old lady is now texting & tweeting....

Some things never cease to amaze me...

Here's my dear brothers comment...
"welcome to this century!" LOVELY...

The tweeting also prompted a name change for me...

Rick has called me "blondie" for years...

it has to do with winning a blackjack tournament in Aruba...

but now he calls me a TWIT!

How sweet...or NOT!

I have my friend, Leandra to thank for that!


Ted called last night & BOOK #2 is shipping to me on FRIDAY...(and to stores too!)


we should have them here...
Tuesday-ish or for sure Wednesday & ready to ship out.

I will send a PayPal request to those who have asked to be put on a notify list.

You can now email me ( to order, and I will send you a PayPal request.

Please let me know if you live in the US or outside, for shipping purposes.

I'm happy to personalize the books for you too...
just let me know if you want your name on it, or if it is a gift for a friend, then I'll need their name.

This make me oh so happy...

The UPS notification...


Scheduled Delivery Date:
Shipped To:

Another YIPPEE!...
HEY...that's TODAY...
GIVEAWAY...get it? when? we'll see...
Now the answer to an email that made me laugh...
everyday I go to your blog, see that house header and wonder how in the %**# you got those houses to stand on the ruler. today I'm tell, please
Here's what I did...
I added an extra scrap of chipboard to the back of each Maya Road house to attach it firmly to the ruler.
* make the ruler stand, I added a wooden block.
The front looks good...
the back ...not so much... but it works!
I've used this idea several times.
It's SIMPLE, but effective.

This has me over the top EXCITED...
It should be out the end of MARCH...
I'm totally thrilled with the photography & layout!
it's back to arranging flights & other inky business for me.
Have a great day and...
make art!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Simon and a bikini...

Here's the shoes...
we have tracked down enough for 2 classes...

The idea has been brewing for months...
but I wanted real vintage shoe lasts...

we now have enough for 2 limited edition classes...

The first will be @ For Keeps Sake in St. Louis, Saturday April 24th.
The class limit is 30, because that's all I have...

the second has been offered to a store...we'll see.

I have the sample done........
let me just say...

FUN to the MAX!!

And how does BIKINI fit in with shoes?
Get ready for this...

Susan had a birthday recently and a group member, HELENE HUBER sent her a card.

Susan thought I'd like to see a VERY CUTE...
VERY UNIQUE use for some studio 490 stamps.

Is this not THE CUTEST???
GREAT job of thinking outside the box Helene...

I think this is the perfect invite for a swim party...
or a little girls birthday invite, and obviously a fun card.

Thanks for sharing this cool idea...

Moving on...
THANK YOU FOR 94 comments!!

Since we got lots...

I have a goodie package for...

Elaine A said...
Wendy -I love those tags and I am really starting to fall in love with that scallop stamp. I love that you can change colors to make the stitching look different, I love that you can cut out the scallop, its just awesome. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Elaine Allen


Please send your mailing info (
& we'll get a package off to you...

And speaking of giveaways...
my friends @ Simon Says Stamp are giving away a BRAND NEW set of my stamps...

a favorite...
ok...I LOVE them all...

It's the ...


Here's the scoop...
gotta enter to have a chance to win...

That's it for today...

The Ranger box isn't here yet...
no #2 books yet either...but I'll call Ted & check on a date...
still waiting for my Maya Road order to start making kits...

good thing I'm patient...

Pop over to Simon Says...

make art!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

all you need is love...

fresh rubber and pigment inks...

I hope you took time to play with the pigment inks...
it's a VERY COOL & VERY FUN technique...

Here's another tag I made for my demo table...
same technique, but this uses just denim (on sale!)for the background.

The flower ( a new tim Sizzix die) is inked with butterscotch pigment(it's on sale too!) and the stem is stamped with lettuce.

The background is stamped with olive archival...
you can see that the olive REALLY makes the saying pop, when stamped in jet black archival.

If both were would be flat & boring...

I stamped this background and this one with butterscotch...
over the flower layers...

Another pigment combo that I LOVE...
red pepper & lettuce...

I want to use the scallop stamp on EVERYTHING...
I think I will!

now about those wonderful comments...

Rick said...
choose #14, since it's a Valentine's Day gift...'ll be happy if your name is...

Katrina said...

You Rock!!!Thank you for the wonderful ideas
February 11, 2010 9:40 AM

because for leaving a comment...
Katrina will get a goodie package!

Please email me with your info & some goodies will be headed your way!

Now just a little FYI...
I have inside info...

I have a very special package coming...

it's donated by Justin & Alain, who own Ranger...
they! ha!

Hmmm...not sure when they will arrive...THEY???
but it's a special giveaway...

from Ranger...


a simple blog comment will win...
but on what day???

guess we'll have to wait & see..........

So...all you need is love...and...fresh....

oh wait...FRESH studio 490 RUBBER has arrived...

here and here...

No long wait this time...

THANK YOU to everyone @ STAMPERS ANONYMOUS for getting them made & shipped out quickly!
You guys are THE BEST!

Enjoy this special weekend...

spend it with those you LOVE...

and in your spare time...

make art!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

with love, from me to YOU...

as a special THANK YOU for being blog friends...


for all the wonderful comments you leave...(hint)

I have a valentine tutorial, just for you!

I'll show you how to use Ranger's pigment inks to make an easy awesome background and I'll show you a completed valentine tag...

studio 490 style...

The pigment inks are a quick drying pigment ink, that provide opaque coverage. So, they are perfect for quickly inking chipboard or grunge.

They'll air dry on porous surfaces in about 15 minutes...

or if you're like me...impatient...

just blast them with the heat-it craft tool for a few seconds and you're ready to move on.

So that's one way to use the provide complete coverage.

But I found another way to use them, for a totally different look.

This technique can also be done with the Distress inks, but because they are transparent and pigments are opague...
you'll see that the look is very different with each.

Using the pigment gives a chalky look, that I really like...
Let's go!

Make sure to work on your Ranger non stick craft sheet.

To make the Perfect Pearls mist, add a small bit (what fits on the end of a popcycle stick) to an empty mini mister & fill 3/4 full with water. Shake to mix.

Perfect pearls are set with water, so they won't rub off & no special stinky fixatives are needed.

For this sample, I used Sunflower Sparkle Perfect Pearls and Ranger's Red Pepper & Denim pigment inks.

2. Lightly swipe the ink pads onto the craft sheet, placing the inks close together.

Just a light touch is all it takes...

it should look like this...

3. Shake the Perfect Pearls solution to mix, then mist the inks to create dots of color to look like this...

4. Place a manila tag over the area & swipe your hand across the back of the tag.

DO NOT drag the tag thru the color...

that will mix the inks & make mud. trust me!

DRY with the heat it craft tool & the tag will look like this, with a base coat of color.

Nothing exciting yet...
but this technique is about adding layers to create interest...

5. Lightly tap the tag onto the remaining ink dots & pick them up.

DRY...repeat picking up the ink dots until you are satisfied with the background.
Dry between adding layers.

STOP when you like it...

if you go too far, you KILL it & calling 911 will do you no good! trust me!

It will look like this...notice the bling from the Perfect Pearls.

6. Using red pepper again, stamp the scallop 3 times as shown.

DRY with heat tool.

I designed the scallop stamp as a time saver.

Instead of rethreading the sewing machine each time I wanted a new it's simple...

I just change the color of the ink!

7. Using denim, stamp the register stamp & dry, with the heat tool.

8. Trim the bottom of the tag along the scallop, to make a scalloped edged tag. It's so EASY...& I LOVE the look!

Use the gold Paint Dabber to edge the tag.

I chose gold...but other coordinating dabber colors would be fine too.

9. Using jet black archival, stamp "with love" @ the bottom of the text.

10. Next, grab a scrap of grungepaper and stamp the heart, using jet black archival.

Cut out the studio 490 heart.

11. Using the ink blending tool, lightly TAP the blending tool onto the red pepper pad.

Don't rub...just tap lightly...pigment pads are foam.

***Use just a bit of ink...remember the pigments are opaque, so use just a bit. Too much covers up the stamped image***

You can always go back & add more. me!

12. Stamp the 2 mini flowers on grungepaper scraps with jet black archival & cut out.

Using denim, lightly apply ink with the ink blending tool.

Use jet black archival to stamp the register stamp over the flowers.

13. Using olive archival, stamp the leaves onto grungeboard scraps.

Cut out & ink with peeled paint, on the front & back.
Curl each petal to shape.

Stamp just the leaves from this flower, using jet black archival, onto a scrap of grungepaper.

Cut out, ink with peeled paint (front & back) and overstamp with a background stamp and jet black archival. photo...someone?? deleted it accidently! duh...

14. Assemble as shown.

Add a threaded vintage button for the flower center.

The finishing embellishments are a mini heart pin, from Maya Road and a bit of gingham ribbon, also from Maya Road.

Pen stitch around the edge of the tag.

Here's a close-up...

15. and the finished tag...
for that special someone...

Once again...thank you for being blog friends!

I hope this was fun...

now get those supplies & stamps out and...

make (valentine) art!

ps...some teaching locations have been updated.
Check the right sidebar.