here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

a set a day...#9...

it's another day...
with another stamp set...

here we go with day #9...

this is the last of my new small stamp sets...
I've been so excited to show this set...

it's title is...


starting with the mini truck...

I sized it to be a perfect fit for the smallest compartment in tim's configurations boxes...


I'm happy to say...

it's an art part...

ink... stamp...
add 2 long fasteners to accent the wheels...

look how cute...

the saying was designed with the 2 large hearts from current sets in mind...
kind of a rule to live by too...

the belt is a fun border...
it can be stamped up & down or across the project...
it's good for guy cards...

it's also another good image to emboss...

I also see it as closure for a card...

this guy holds a special place in my heart...

when the new art parts arrived, he was the first I tried...
YES...he's an art part too!

my thought was...
if the idea works with him...
the rest will work too...

I have to honestly say that I about jumped out of my skin the first time I stamped him on an art part...

he's good hanging off something...

he's good for guy gifts...

his hand was designed to hold something...

like a sign...

or a balloon...

or a memo pin...

or a flower...

the bottom saying is fun with altered type art...
I see lots of possibilities...

I'll show you something soon...

and speaking of showing...
I got tons of requests to show the face from yesterday's post, stamped...

I had to chop it down...
to not show "something" else...

but here's what she looks like stamped on grungepaper...

and could that be an art parts mini flower?

one more thing before I head to the studio...

yesterday tim showed his kraft paper pad...

be still my heart...
I'm NOT kidding on this one...

this stuff totally blew me away...

here's a little peek...
hey...@ least it's something...

this was misted with butterscotch, sailboat blue & denim color washes...

this is one INK_credible product...

with a BILLION possibilities...

today I showed new stamps &
announced some art parts too...

talk to me...
Rick gets a kick out of reading the comments to me while I...

make art


Art By Wanda said...

She looks fabulous stamped on grunge... you coloring was perfect!!! Wonderful set... love the guy!! My heart skipped also when I read Tim's blog and saw the kraft paper and also the butterfly tape :-)) You two are killing us ya know... there is no way to buy it all!!!!!!!

ellen vargo designs said...

Hey Wendy - that truck is just TOO cool! Can't wait to try it in a Configuration project. And you're right, that kraft resist paper is to DIE for... lots of inky fun possibilities! Have an inky day!

Ellen xx

Primitive Seasons said...

Well, I love the sayings on this one! I liked the girly one yesterday better so this won't be my first purchase from the new line but eventually I'll succumb! Does Rick like it? Silly question.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, ditto what Wanda and Tim are KILLING me! The kraft resist and those glasseine papers are soooo intriguing, and can I say that I love love love this latest set....the truck, the running man....too too cool! Well, maybe it's a good thing that it isn't all available right now. Gives me some time to formulate my bank robbing scheme. LOL!

Cim Allen said...

I love the saying "it started as an ordinary day " that could go on every project I do lately ! The truck is awesome especially since it has an art part to go with. Looks like I better get me another between you and Tim and all the cool stuff you're bring out I HAVE TO HAVE IT ALL !!!! You Rock Wendy, have a great day

Barbara said...

Gee - I still "must have" some of your previously released sets. Now what am I going to do!! Too many I'd like to add to my stash.

The guy set is wonderful. And thanks so much for sharing your ideas of how to use them and how they "work" with other products. Great information

Barbara K

lois Skiathitis said...

Another great set Wendy, I love the male figure with the flower. The lady looks wonderful all colored up. Now no more excuses making male cards, if you know what I mean. I agree the belt could be used as a closure on a mini album, stamped and colored on grunge-board and attached to the book with brads a buckle or even eyelets, so many possibilities. Thanks for the inspiration. TFS!!! and for bringing a smile to my face. :-D

SherrySue said...

Wendy and Tim, go together like "peas and carrots"!
Going to be the best year yet...keep the art parts coming!

Dorothy said...

I have been waiting for some "guy" things!! Excellent Wendy! I have been keeping up with your blog while in the hospital with my daughter. Yes i brought my computer...didn't wanna miss anything ya know!

Heidi said...

Yes!! A guy set ala Wendy! With art parts to boot! Who could ask for anything more... Well, I could, but... I don't want to get greedy now! LOL These are AWESOME! Thank You Wendy!

TheLastOfNine said...

I had a light bulb moment when I saw the man, yes that's it...he is changing a light bulb...reaching up on a step to change a light bulb, all started as an ordinary day.

Between you and Tim it is going to be a very expensive year (deep sigh).
Gloria H

Jill said...

Fantastic stamp the belt and the face from yesterday on grunge....Marvelous! Ooohhh, and art parts flowers still my heart!!!!!

Larajc said...

I love the belt and the truck! How fun is this for Man-Cards!

Unknown said...

How cool ... NEEEEEEEEED me that man ... erm .... NOW!!!

Sandi M said...

This is such a fun set! Can't you see him chasing the bus? Can't you see him sliding off the roof while grabbing for the elusive branch? It started as an ordinary day....yet nothing ordinary came his way ;) Oh, and I think you and Tim are more like baguettes and good cheese or ice cream and cake....carrots? No offense SherrySue, but Yuck! Carrots only belong in cake :)

Tara C said...

Well well well I did not love the women yesterday but now seeing her stamped on grunge--holy cow! Love it but the truck the guy the belt how amazing there us always a need for mens or gentlemen stamps!! An I must say between u and tim I don't know who's killing me the most the kraft restist and the glassine paper and now u tell us how wonderful it is--as if I had any doubt!! I'm dying I'm dying to get my hands on some!!!

scrappin-scrappin said...

Wow, you are really out doing yourself this time around Wendy! I have totally loved every stamp set you are releasing!! And the Art Parts!! Keep them coming!!

Lori said...

This set is fantastic, and now we have TWO trucks? Cool! Love that guy, he does have a lot of possibilities...Rick if you're reading this, tell Wendy I said HI.

SusanK said...

With all the new releases this CHA are you sure you'll have stuff left for future ones? Oh my goodness, these are all so awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic set, that guy looks great stamped. Its superb to have such a great manly set for those guy cards and gifts! The face from the visions of art set looks beautiful stamped too! Thanks for sharing all the sneak peeks with us :)

Marijane said...

This is a MUCH NEEDED set, by me especially. Masculine cards are always a struggle for me - NOW I will have another man to use besides Tim's Umbrella Man! (...and a fantastic belt and really cool truck....and lots of good ideas coming from you, Wendy) I can't wait to get this one.

Angie Hall Haviland said...

OK OK..... I'm a Wendy Newbie....I'm a big Tim Junkie and have been hearing the Wendy buzz from some of my friends....Eileen B., Donna L, Etc. and just had to come see!! OHHHHHH all your new stamps and ART samples you've made with them!!! WOW!! Guess I'll being sQuEEzIng Wendy V. things into my studio this year also!! HEE HEE :)

Anonymous said...

ok, start singing "Men, men, men, men..." LOL. I love your manly stamps, what a wonderful set! It amazes me when I can "see" other projects for a stamp and I am "seeing" LOTS with this set. Thanks for all your efforts designing thoughtful sets that can be used in so many ways!!

Hels Sheridan said...

**waves to Rick!!!**

Corrrrrrr blimey, I love this set!!! The man... he reminds of Jonathan Ross... he is a chat show host over here in the far, far away land that is the UK. As for a certain Duke of Distress and his new papers... I actually did a HUGE squeak when I saw those last night... and... I was buzzing with ideas for combining my very favest stamps in the whole widest world ever with those papers... I can see colossal stacks of paper flowers and stuff... how cool!!!! Any chance that you can have a little word with Mr & Mrs Stampers Anon and see if they can get your new stamps over to Blighty super quick pleasings... only, I really don't think I can bear the wait until April when they will finally be here... I shall be a dithering wreck before then ROFL

Hope you are having a fun day in your Studio... I am in the Room of Stash, surrounded by Grungepaper and...erm... a few... art parts and a few more... 490's!!!

Congrats AGAIN on your amazing designs... I am... smitten!!! xx

Debby said...

I love this set! The truck and art part to match are perfect! I took a tiny truck from my husband to put in a configuration and now won't have to hunt for more small cars and stuff. Whoo hoo! Love that new paper too. Can't wait to see more. I just want those stamps now so I can play.

Elaine A said...

Hi Wendy -

I still think it is so awesome (and very clever of you) to create Art Parts for some of your stamps! The samples you've shown us are just way too cool. I love them! Today stamp set is great! I love that truck and the guy is just so quirky. Another set I'll have to get. Money's no object, I'll just take out another mortgage on the house (just don't tell my husband)- LOL!!

Elaine Allen

Anita said...

I love seeing your stamps in action. The new kraft paper looks amazing. Have fun making art!

Lisa Somerville said...

Great masculine set!

Penci said...

OK, so far there have been 9 previews and so far I must have 9 wonderful, exciting, awesome "art" from Wendy! I love that you are sharing so many ideas for each set with us. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Shirley said...

Wendy, I love love love your new stamps are art parts. I cannot wait to see what else you have for us. Your ART is in everything you do even your blog posts!

Susan said...

I love that mini truck! And can't wait to see all the new art parts. Thanks for all the great ideas too.

lesleyworth said...

pretty sure i just drooled all over my keyboard! LOVE IT ALL! and how exciting with the art parts...and the stamps...and the kraft paper from tim...cannot wait until these hit the streets!

Unknown said...

Arghhhhh! I missed yesterday's sneak peek! Where was I? What happened to Monday? Oh ... I was in a coma ... yeah, a coma ... one of those freak comas where you just lose one day. Love this set, but I must go see yesterday's set now!

jackib said...

there isn't much guy stuff out there so this is a great set! I like that he can hold something - flowers, an ice cream cone, a white surrender flag for when he's been bad. :) Keep 'em coming, Wendy!!!

Gerrie Johnnic said...

Way kewl and again, so different for you, I am excited. Does Rick really have skinny legs like that? lol Another great fun release

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Such fun.

2amscrapper said...

great set Wendy--I see uses for guy cards, steampunk, and vintage---that sentiment on the bottom is outstanding!

Becky T. said...

While I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to see all the new goodies... I wonder (silently) how the utilities are gonna get paid! :-)

Liz in MO said...

Ok, this is my favorite so far! I love the guy and the car and the sayings! And the fact that there are art parts to go with him, whoo-hoo! Hi Rick! Make Wendy, make art. . . and then take pictures of the ENTIRE project, she won't ever know if you share with us, we sure won't tell on you. Have fun you two,.

Helen said...

Hello to Rick too! Love today's stamps - even with no man in my life I can see so many uses for these. Can't wait!!

Bethan said...

great to see some stamps for the guys, love the truck!

Anonymous said...

lol hey Rick! Do you ever let Wendy sleep? not sure where she comes up with these ideas...but..they are awesome! Well, I luv this set too and the art parts...and Tims paper...and and and..and I want it all but won't be able to do that this year lol..need to keep my addiction in check, cuz heaven forbid my hubby finds one! OMG! what would we do! just keep showing us the goods..*wiping drool off mouth*

xo cher

sue said...

Wow! 5 more this so fun, and the days are flying by. I love this set. It is hard to find cute guy stamps with art parts too. What a greaty idea.

Vic said...

Another great set!

michelle said...

I love this set and it is a have to have along with some others . . . I do not think my budget which is blown and is so all your fault can take this any more! How I am I going to last five more days oh wait that gives me time to sell the house or maybe just take a loan out of my savings . . . oh shoot I have not even seen all the art parts yet!

slbt17 said...

oh, Rick reads theses? Well Rick - you are a great sport, to support Wendy in her playing ... hats off to you sir.
Thanks for sharing your wife with us - we really do appreciate it!
Have a great day!
Sandra ltb

nonnie said...

Hi Rick and Wendy and Ranger the cat and everyone else in snowy this set...for some reason i am picturing the guy climbing up tim´s sizzix pine idea why....LOL...ok, i have to go to my lss and buy a reinker...stop looking at pre-cha blogs and make art! stay warm - from here in snowy cold minneosta...

Kate Burroughs said...

Wow, wow, wow. I am loving all the sneak peeks. Can't wait until we can buy these things!
Aloha, Kate

rhonda said...

Digging your new man on your stamp set there just aren't many men available on stamp sets. Love him!

Becky said...

Yeah! A guy set! Woo hoo!

Karla Anderson said...

This is a great set, I love it when I can find some "guy" stuff amidst all our pretty pretty "girl" stuff. I love the guy and the truck and my favorite is the BELT - so many possibilities with this as a border, a closure to a mini album or art journal, across a page to hide a secret...I love it! thanks so much for all the peeks!

MA said...

Awesome! Can you see your Guy chasing Tim's Umbrella Man? That was the first thing that came into my that a good thing? Funny, how the mind works.

jan metcalf said...

Were you thinking of Rick when you designed this set? :)

Marilyn L. said...

Can't wait to get the "man stamp set" into my hands. Making cards for men is always a challenge! My husband says my cards are too girly with all the flowers & stuff! Won't he be surprised!

Unknown said...

Love this set. I am already thinking of tons of uses for that belt.

Dawn said...

I love the truck and the gentleman. I can totally see him holding flowers and begging the beautiful lady to go out with him. Maybe they could ride in his new truck! I can totally see all of them working together! Have fun making ART!
Hugs from the beach
Dawn in SC

Tona said...

Love the ordinary day saying & that crazy little man makes me smile :) I also have thing for old trucks...have no idea why but thanks for making one & one that's an art part!

Kathy Eddy said...

I am loving this one for sure! I also love how so many of your things can just go hand in hand with Tim's. Can't wait to start adding these to my ever-growing collection!

Ava Gavloski said...

just love the saying
it started as an ordinary day...

Anonymous said...

How did you know I wanted a truck just like that! lol

Debs Doodles and More said...

love this guy set, the man is very clever!! so many times I am at a loss to use stamps for a guy type card, this will sure take care of that problem.

marci said...

Wow! Every reveal gets better and better. Thanks for the masculine stamps - I love them.

Linda R said...

o.k. I knew this was gonna be good, but pee my pants good? OMGOSH....I can only imagine what the new book will be like whaaaaaaaa whoooooooooo!

octlove said...

This set is too are just blowing me away with the stamp sets you have shown thus far!!!

Can't wait to see all the samples & projects you have been hiding:)

Larissa Heskett said...


Anonymous said...

Love the little truck-so adorable. Thanks for the peeks!
Gail in Oklahoma

Karen Goulet said...

I love the saying...It started as an ordinary day...
The whole set is FAB! Thanks Wendy!

barbara b. said...

Love the "It started as an ordinary day" stamp. What a cute title for an album! Oh, the possibilities!!

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Lovin' it! Great vintage vehicle and I like how it fits into the configurations. Art part can't go wrong with something like that!!

Sherry Goodloe said...

I can hardly WAIT to see you in March with all of the new products Wendy!