here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Friday, February 4, 2011

home & oh so very happy!

phew...seems like I've been gone for a month!

I finally got home from beautiful sunny WARM LA last evening.
LA is where they actually have sun, green grass & even a few flowers...
amazing to say the least...
I can't remember the last time we saw those things in Illinois...

I had a one day delay getting back
thanks to mother nature's little white gift to us...
Chicago really got nailed...

so I went from a wonderful 65 degrees
to a frigid MINUS 12, all within a 4 hour plane ride...

but...even if the temp is brutal,
there's no place like HOME...
and sleeping in your own bed...

I had a blast @ CHA...
a total flipping blast...
don't get me wrong...
it's LOTS of work, but it's a buzz beyond words...

the atmosphere is exciting...
the products & displays are amazing...
there is inspiration around every corner...

it's so fun to reconnect with friends from all over the world...

I find it amazing that art changes strangers to friends...

I was THRILLED to see all my products displayed & SOLD in the Ranger booth...
Product Performer's picked up my stamp line...
so did Notions...

I'll be back with Stampers Anonymous
booth photos & more later...

one of the first highlights of CHA was to be included in this amazing group...
together we taught a Ranger workshop to 80 smiling faces...
(photo stolen from tim's blog)

we each used the same 6 x 6 chunky canvas as our base & then focused on a specific line of Ranger products...
I was assigned the Adirondacks...

each person had 30 minutes to teach the complete project!
it went off PERFECTLY...
and we got LOTS of wonderful comments every day...
and it was so much fun!

from the Adirondack line we used the color washes, pigment inks, metallic mixative & alcohol inks to create this...

what I want you to see in the photo below is the GIANT bag of goodies that each participant received,
compliments of Ranger...

they also got stamps
donated by Ted & Michelle from Stampers Anonymous...

take a look @ all the goodies in the lower right corner...
(another stolen photo...)

where to start???

I've gotten so many questions about tim's new distress stains that I think I'll start there...

some of the questions are...
do they replace the distress pads?
do you like them?
why do I need them?
are they like a re-inker in another form?

here's my thoughts...
I seriously LOVE them...
and NEED the other 24 colors...

the HUGE benefit is that they quickly & easily lay down the base color on a large area...
you can ink a 12 x 12 in less than a minute...

think about how long that takes with the blending tool...

they DO NOT replace the distress pads...
you use the stains to lay down the base color & then go back & add the shading, blending & distress with the blending tool & the distress ink pads...

so, instead of rubbing & rubbing...
the stains make it so quick & very easy...

they react just the same as distress inks...
because they ARE distress inks...
so all the distress techniques work well...

for those who have taken my classes, those mini book pages can now be colored quickly...
instead of spending an hour getting all the pages inked,
I bet we cut it down to 15 minutes...
and that will include going back to add the distress & shading...

they are absolutely AMAZING...
they are awesome on paper, cardstock, ART PARTS, grungeboard & grungepaper...

and one of my favorite uses...

OMG...serious LOVE...
kraft resist is kraft paper, printed in black,
with some clear embossed designs over it...

the distress stains are one of those TRUST ME products...
you will love them!

here are a few fun CHA projects...
I'll be back later with more info...
so just a few little comments about each...

one of my most favorite new art parts is the pocket watch...
the art parts frame was inked with weathered wood distress stain...

the mini flower is Clearly for Art...the NEW blackout...

my medicine box was stamped on kraft resist & inked with broken china distress stain...
love tim's new pen nib...

this next piece was really fun...
the red is fired brick distress stain over tim's kraft resist...
the blue is broken china, again over kraft resist...
and the green is peeled paint over kraft resist...

and it's all glued onto...
art parts...

using the kraft resist made me want to clear emboss my art parts scallop...
& then ink it with the peeled paint distress stain...

now this was a blast...
tim sent out 2 of his new print trays & I was lucky to get one...

it's LOADED with idea-ology goodness and art parts...

you'll see that many of the new art parts were sized to fit configurations...

this guy took me 3 days & I was actually sad when it was finished...

can't wait to do another...

I used the gold dabber to edge the pieces & then glued the individual pieces in place, after they were completed...

I LOVE the plaquette...
LOVE the fractured dolls...
LOVE the face hiding in the corked vial...
the hanger clips are so stinkin cute...
as are the mini light bulbs...

LOTS to look @ here...

on to the fun stuff...
unpacking & laundry...

have a great weekend...
take time...

make art!

use discount code...


for $5.00 off any order @ simon says...



ellen vargo designs said...

Welcome Home Wendy! Glad you made it safe & sound - great to hear all about CHA from your perspective. Looking forward to getting my hands on some of the new products as soon as possible. Enjoy being HOME for awhile and have a great weekend.

Ellen xx

Helen said...

So good to see you home safe and warm (well, not warm, but you know what I mean!)Love the configuation you put together 490 style - that really rocks! I can't wait to do one of these babies.

Unknown said...

Glad you got home safe and sound ... it was fantabulous to see you and those samples look even better in real life X

Cim Allen said...

Welcome Home Wendy, missed your blog entries ! Sounds like a blast, that stack of stuff everyone received would send me over the edge, how cool. I love your projects with the new art parts ! Can't wait to try that distress stain too.

Elaine A said...

Hi Wendy -

You sound exhaused, but happy - LOL! I'm guessing you had a grand time - Yes? I am so loving you pocket watch Art Parts. Have I mentioned I'm addicted to them? I think they are fabulous. Can't wait to get my hands on your new ones. And it sounds like I'm going to need that print tray too.
Welcome home Wendy!

Elaine Allen

Kathy said...

It was so good to see you at CHA. And yes so many wonderful things there. Sorry about the 12 degrees, but Ponksatony Phil (not sure about the spelling of the groundhogs name) did not see his shadow so they say that means an early spring. I hope so! I am off to make art and room for all things that will be on there
way soon.

Hels Sheridan said...


CORRRRRRRRRRRRRR BLIMEY Wendy... that Printers Tray... WOWZERS!!! I have just been sitting here gazing at it... there is sooo much to look at... it is... A~MAY~ZING!!!!!!!!

Glad you home safe and sound... was thinking bout you and all that white stuff.. that must have been a heck of a shock from one climate to another in so little time!!!

Have a lovely restful weekend... mahoooosive hugs xxxx

BTW.. didya hear... Ellen is coming to stay again... in ... 13 days!!! Bonkers!!! xx

Susan said...

Glad you got home safe and sound. We were on the last plane into the Dallas/Ft. Worth area Monday night before the storm hit here. We've been iced in ever since - not common for this part of the world! Loved seeing all your products up close and personal. The Ranger/Stampers Anon booths were my favorites over all at CHA! Can't wait til the products arrive.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Wendy. We missed you!
All of the projects you've shown with the new stamps, art parts, distress stains are beyond fabulous, and I can't wait to get my hands on them.
One good thing about the cold, you have a great excuse to stay indoors and MAKE ART!

SherrySue said...

It looks like it was a wonderful time, filled with friends, fun and art!! Can't wait to get my hands on new art parts! Glad to hear that you are home safe, although cold. We are snowed in here in Dallas, a great time to Make Art!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to the land of ice and sn*w. LOVE the Printers Tray - It looks amazing. Can't wait to see what you will show us next! Sympathizing with the Laundry, not my favorite either. Glad you're back!

Nancy D. said...

Absolutely loved all your art & new products at CHA! to see both you & Tim using the new distress stains..yes they are a must have!!!

Lynne Forsythe said...

Hey Wendy......A~MAZING as always...and I love to hear great reviews on the new products....YOU ARE AWESOME....and your creation...NOT SO BAD EITHER!!

Karla Anderson said...

Can't wait to get my hands on all the new products form both you and Tim - they work so well together - perfect harmony! welcome back form CHA, sounds like it was awesome fun.

Barbara said...

the man with the mustache and car - are they stamps, art parts or ?
Very cool stuff

Vic said...

I'm glad you made it home safe. I love your creations - I can't wait to get some stains & kraft resist.

Liz in MO said...

Oh, it's good to have you back and sharing stuff. I love the printers tray, would like to spend some time and just look, look, look! glad you made it home safely!

Unknown said...

Great projects, and you're right about the goody bags ... what a haul! Glad you're back home safe & sound. I'm really in love with the new black clearly for art. Can't wait to get some! So excited about all the new releases! Thanks!

Debby said...

Welcome home! I think today is colder than yesterday. Love all of the projects you are sharing. It will be great to pick up some of the new products soon! Hope you put your teaching schedule up soon!

SusanK said...

Yowsa! Glad you're finally back home safe & sound...nothing like sleeping in your own bed and having your family within fingertip's reach. :) And all the new goodness that came out of CHA? Whew! Takes my breath away! Rock on!

lois Skiathitis said...

Welcome home!! Glad to hear about all of the happenings at CHA. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Your projects are just so awesome. Thanks for your opinion on the ink stains, they have really peaked my interest. TFS!!! :-D

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhh my word! just love all the projects, but cannot take me eyes off the printers much luv there! I like you want it ALL! but...I think in my next life I will just come back as you...then I get your great brain and Tim and Ranger will mail me goodies...whatccha thinK??? need a corner baaaaaaaad...xo eher

mluxa said...

Well, welcome back to the frozen midwest - glad you got a chance to be in a warm place for a bit
Can't wait for your stamps to be delivered - did some SERIOUS damage at Simon Says - I'll be in hock until July, and the new Art Parts aren't even out yet! The new tray of Tim's is fabulous.Thanks for sharing!

Art By Wanda said...

Great to have you back!!! All these samples are WONDERFUL!!!!! I'm hoping for closer pictures of the tray!!!!

Dorothy said...

Welcome home and thanks for all the art inspiration!!!!

slbt17 said...

WOW! wonderful projects!
Thanks for the inspiration Wendy!
Sandra ltb

jan metcalf said...

Glad you are back! Happy to hear Notions will carry your products. You know I have that second job to buy all these supplies and my employer will special order from Notions!

Etta said...

And you think you're happy to be HOME? WE ARE EQUALLY EXCITED TO HAVE YOU BACK!!! It's been lonely without you! The printers tray is BEYOND AWESOME as are all of the other cool projects I've been able to see along the way!!! Look forward to seeing them all up close and personal of your blog. Now, sit back and enjoy your weekend.

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Glad you are back home! Welcome to the blizzard of 2011! Talk about a nightmare! Anyway, you missed the worst part...but I did get to stay in my house and make ART! Well, and shovel a ton of snow...anyway, can't wait to get my hands on some of these new products to try! I just don't know where to begin...I want it all...always do...gotta make art you know! Hope to see you really soon! Aprile

Unknown said...

Lots of exciting stuff

Lori said...

Love all your samples, truly amazing! I think I'll need to get those distress stains first!

Tara C said...

Love all of your post from the show!!! Thank you!!! I love all your art parts and new stamps!!! Thanks for all the sneak peaks!!! Loving all your new products thanks for your dedication and inspiration!!! I do have to say I was a bit jealous it looked like you were having way more fun than was allowed if you are at work!!!!

Angle L said...

Thanks for all your sneak peaks and insights on your new products!!!

michelle said...

Welcome home . .. oh I knew I was going to be sad to miss that ranger class but DH had heart test to be done. I will just have to make my own sign now! Well, as soon as my order comes in but now it looks like I need to place another one! You are bad for my budget!

Linda R said...

I can't IMAGINE the fun you had, and so much inspiration all in one spot. It must recharge your batteries for a LONG time. I preordered 3 stains to give them a try and thank you for telling us a little about them. I think I get it now ;-) making art ;-)

nonnie said...

love the printers tray...

rhonda said...

WOW WENDY I just love everything from you and from t!m! You go together like peanut butter and jelly which I love btw! So excited to see all of your new creations!

Kate Burroughs said...

Looks like an incredible array of new products. Cannot wait until these things all start hitting the stores. What a blast to be in the inside circle!
Aloha, Kate

Nancy said...

Welcome home! I bet we've missed you as much as Rick, Ranger & Ringo have!

I love all of the buzz about your new products & designs - I know I can't wait to play with it all! Every single thing you've created & shared has been wonderful - I want to make every one of them!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Candy C said...

Welcome back to the Arctic Circle..I mean the midwest! :) Glad you made it safe and sound. I have to say, I enjoyed meeting you in person at CHA and admiring your lovely work. (I was hangin out wiht Nancy Wethington). She has so many wonderful things to say about you...and I found them all to be true. :) Have a great earned it! :)

Jill said...

Loving the beautiful projects with all the new must-haves! I just love your style!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Wendy!!! Wow, those projects are sooooooooo neat. Can't wait to get my hands on some new items and get busy!!!

Karen S. Ohio

Tona said...

Glad to hear that you had a safe trip home.
Wow! I could spend an hour just looking at that tray. fantastic job.
Thanks for the info on the stains too.

Becky said...

Glad you didn't get stuck too long in Chicago! Welcome home! As I was wandering the aisles at Michael's the other day I saw some birdcages that made me think "...hmmm wonder what Wendy would do with THAT?!"

sue said...

Welcome home I missed you bloging everyday. Love the tray. They are going to be so much fun. Sorry you had to spend one more day in the Sunsine. We in the midwest are getting real tired of Snow!

Marilyn L. said...

The projects are so cool. So many ideas and so little time! I don't even know where to start. The distress stains are amazing - can't wait to get some (or all). Thanks for sharing your imagination with all of us.

Julie said...

Thirty minute classes? Wow! Great gift bags! Loved to have been there!

Sharon Secor said...

Wendy - you are just tooo funny - love reading your blog. Thank you for sharing - the tray is marvelous and the stains and art parts - must haves!!

Marijane said...

I just love seeing the beautiful samples you have created.... more, more, more please!!! I went to SSS and pre-ordered several stamp sets before I even left a comment. I want to be the first in line to get mine. (Thanks for the discount code and I got free shipping as well!) I'm anxious for the new Art Parts to become available too. I can imagine how much fun you had creating the tray - just darling!

Keely said...

Wendy, you've gotta love Chicago in February!! That storm was wicked. I LOVE the way you used your art parts on the printers tray!! can't wait to get my hands on the hand art parts. i already have and LOVE the hand stamp!! and yes, i can see how much easier the distress stains will make the background art parts!!

octlove said...

so glad u had a great trip & made it home safely!

so glad I finally get to see some pics of all the goodness you were working on:)

i missed seeing you make art!!!