begins today on the Ranger blog with...
and Jenni Bowlin...
pop over see 2 different versions of the pumpkin...
both are definitely THEIR unique style!
moving on...
a few weeks ago I got an email asking me to answer a few questions...
to make the story short...
the email said that some friends were planning their second annual WWW...
which I was told was short for
hmm...that grabbed my attention...
she went on to say that the weekend is devoted to eating, shopping & using my stamps & art parts...
and that each person presents a little project
for the group to create...
WOW...that's pretty cool...
the gal told me that she was in charge of the games this time...
& she asked me to answer some questions...
the "winner" gets a home cooked dinner...
it's cooked by the losers...
and the $$$ in the pot, for a shopping spree...
she also said the gals have already answered the questions @ their planning luncheon & they were in sealed envelopes and were being held by their minister...
now that is flippin' hilarious!!! we go...
she reminded me that each question should have only one answer to avoid DEBATES!
wow...this is serious business!
here's the answers as of today...
but honestly, some of these ink answers change daily...
1. favorite green ink
2. favorite blue ink
3. favorite brown ink
4. favorite stain
5. favorite crackle paint
6. favorite paint dabber
7. favorite color of "clearly for art"
8. favorite art parts package
residences (but the NEW ones are fab! OMG!)
9. favorite background stamp
11. mom van or sexy sporty car?
hmmm...SUV...there could be a DEBATE there...
12. color
why BLACK, of course!
13. favorite movie
Wizard of Oz
14. favorite TV show
Anderson Cooper, the daytime program
we DVR it & watch it every evening...
15. favorite flower
red geraniums
16. favorite food
17. PC or Mac
MAC all the way!
18. number of new stamp sets coming (closest wins)
19. state where do you live
20. shoe size
6 1/2
21. favorite Tim-Ranger product
22. favorite Tim NON Ranger product
23. favorite Ranger NON Tim product
24. nuts in your cookies?
25. number of times you have been published (closest wins)
I honestly have no clue on that one...sorry
well gals...I hope you have a fun weekend!
what's for dinner?
I asked SIRI last night if she would help get my make & take stuff ready for the convention this coming weekend in Madison, Wisconsin...
she said...

I take that as a NO...
that's all from me today...
have fun checking out the pumpkins...
then be inspired to...
make art!
I wish those girls were around me, I would love to join for the WWW :) Too fun !! Have a great day Wendy.
How fun! If I was closer I'd stand in for SIRI and help you! Off to check out the pumpkins.
that weekend sounds a great idea!! Can't wait to see YOUR pumpkin...
A www sounds like lots of fun! Can't wait to see all the pumpkins in their holiday finery!
Great questions...even better reasons!
Love this - very interesting!!!!! 14 NEW STAMP SETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are we ever supposed to keep up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're not?!?!?!?! I feel so much better... LOL.... I think I need a nap :-)) Can't wait to see your pumpkin!!!!
What a great idea to have a Wendy weekend with friends. Have to check out the pumpkins.
So looking forward to the stamps!!!
Sounds like you have a fan club. I hope you post the winner. It would be fun to know.
Cool Claudine pumpkin! Hey, we both have small feet! I wear a size six! Use to be a size 5-1/2 until I had a baby!
I knew a few of the answers to the questions lol! I am looking forward to seeing the pumpkin that you create. 14 new stamp sets...really? I just will never be able to keep up. Karen :)
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