here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Monday, November 30, 2009

let the celebration begin!

THANKS SO VERY MUCH for all the sweet comments!
I appreciate each & EVERY ONE of YOU!!
You guys are....THE BEST!

OK...I have lots to include in this post, so let's get started with today's guest artist...


I met Susan when I was teaching in Springfield, Illinois @ Prairie Art Stamps...she was in both of my workshops...

She sent me some photos of her art and I HAD to share!

Here's her Thanksgiving centerpiece...
and here's what she said...

Here's the floral arrangement I made for our Thanksgiving table using Wendy Vecchi's stamps. There are 11 (assorted colors and prints) roses, 3 pumpkins, 1 filmstrip flower, 5 antique buttons and 1 piece of wood. I had some brightly colored fall leaves tucked away that were the same colors as some of the flowers but I aged them with Walnut Distress Ink. Perfecto! The jar is the size of a small mayo jar. Inside the jar is black abaca paper so you don't see all the green stems. The ribbon border is also one of Wendy's stamps, ditto for the flowers (center is an old snap) and leaves on it. The arrangement is 3-D so all sides are a bit different. My fingers are super inky...maybe they'll be too disgusting to look at and I can get out of food prep on Thanksgiving?!?!!?!? LOL Enjoy! SusanK

Get ready to be amazed.....

And since I LOVED that project...
she sent another...

This is thinking outside the box...
Susan made a wreathe with my leaves stamp...

Click for a larger view...

THANKS very much for sharing your art & ideas with us Susan!

You're very lucky you live far away...
I'm tempted to drive over & swipe that centerpiece! we'll back up to Friday...
it was a nice sunny day & Rick suggested we "get out of here for a bit"...

which means "let's head to the antique mall".

Here's our find of the day...
Not only did we LOVE the colors & the awesome font...

keep in mind that Rick was born on Christmas day...

We both flipped when we saw it...


This was meant for us & now has a new home in our hall...

Next subject...
I've said many times here that I am NOT patient...

but here's a very cute photo of the ultimate in patience...
I stole this from my friend's blog...
the AMAZING...Katie Watson...

Her girls dressed up their pet... this is NOT MY cat!

I think this is an award winning photo...

and a reminder for me to be more patient...

the look on her face says it all...
Does this skirt make my butt look big?

one quick public service announcment...
For you guys who ordered tags...

The tags are shipping this morning!!
You should all have them before the weekend.
HAVE FUN...get inky. promised...a quickie holiday gift!

Supplies you'll need... to play along...

*Jet Black Archival ink

*Coffee Archival ink

*Heat-it craft tool

*unglazed tiles...4 x 4...found @ Home Depot (a set of 4 makes a great gift)

*this tree stamp

*Claudine's Multi Medium...I used the matte finish

*foam brush

*Fabri-Tac adhesive

*cork or felt to finish the bottom

And here's what we'll make...a set of coasters...

Here's the quick & simple steps...

*wipe off the tiles to remove any dust & dry

*using coffee archival, ink the edge of the tile directly with the pad...wipe off the excess & heat to dry

* using jet black archival, stamp the tree and the border

* heat & dry...the tiles get careful!

The archival ink is waterproof...
but I was worried about some ironstone mugs possibly scratching the surface, so...

*I applied 2 coats of multi medium as an added protection.

I used a foam brush and brushed one coat horizontally ...dried that then applied a second coat vertically.

You'll see the foam brush leaves tiny lines & give it a linen like matte surface.

It seemed to add a bit of texture, which looks good and added depth to the stamped image.

There's also a gloss multi medium, if you prefer a gloss finish.

So...on the left...the original...
the finished on the right...

* I found these green felt coasters (in the $1 section of Michael's)
and glued them on with the Fabri-Tac...

* I'll finished some with cork...

So...I now have one gift done...

and the best part...
15 minutes tops...

I'll tie them together with a cool ribbon...
toss them in a gift bag...

DONE...simple & FUN to make!

Other ideas... can choose any color tile to coordinate with a specific decor...

A larger tile done the same way makes a great trivet for hot dishes...

I'm going to do 4 x 4's again...
I'll stamp the entire tile with one of my background stamps (using coffee archival)
and then use tim's alphabet stamp to add the recipient's initial...
to the center of the tile...

Then I want to make another set...
I'll use tim's alphabets again & make one for each member of the family...
with their initial...

Check the Home Stores...
lots of times these guys are discontinued & REALLY a steal!


Today's prize is from RANGER...

in the package I see...inks, Rock Candy Crackle Paint, Rock candy stickles, LOTS of the new distress stickles colors and MORE...

I gotta keep some secrets...
I want the winner to be surprised!

So...leave a comment to be entered...

I'll draw the winner @ 7am tomorrow...

the winner has until 7am on Wednesday to contact me...

If the winner doesn't...
we'll add the Ranger goodies to the next drawing...

I hope you're inspired to ...

make (Christmas gift) art!
wendy guys are hilarious...
I accidentally hit publish (not enough coffee) before the text was added & there are already 17 comments...
and you only saw the photos...

you must really want those RANGER goodies!


Anonymous said...

hey, I ought to get a prize for being first!! Love the tiles.

lesleyworth said...

the tiles are absolutely gorgeous! congrats on your blog-versary!

2amscrapper said...

Such pretties! Congrats Wendy!

Cyndy said...

Love the flowers in the jar...the tiles are cool...happy golden blog-iversary!

Erica said...

490 post?!? WOW! If only I would have been introduced to you on post number 1. Enjoy the blogs and the many inspirational pieces you share each day.

Nancy said...

I LOVE the tile! So simple, so pretty!

Congratulations on your blogaversary! Thank you for sharing yourself & your creativity with us!!

Artyjen said...

Love the tree tile......closely followed by the cute cat in his stripy top!
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

The vase is awesome. What a great way to show off your fabulous flowers.

Congrats - and thank you for reminding me that pigment ink resists dye ink. I made something very cool because of you!

Chirpin Is Fun said...

What the ..... No talking today? Love the pictures! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Gypsy Lady said...

Happy blog-iversary Wendy! Thanks so much for all the inspiration you have given me!!

Unknown said...

A quiet post ... that is not like you *LOL* ... I totally love the pictures though ... your jar of flowers looks amazing and those tiles ... makes me wanna re do the kitchen :0)

Donna said...

Happy Blogaversary to you!! Your vase of flowers are amazing!! Kitty is adorable, and I really like the plaque. You are so nice to share your ideas, keep them coming :) please!!

SusanK said...

Love the way this celebration is starting! And thank you so much for including some of my work. I'm very flattered. Love all the photos - great stuff!

Sharon Margiotta said...

You're so quiet today! OMG, is that Ranger? Cant believe he posed for those photos ... or are you learning photoshop???!!!

the tile is awesome ... you going to tell us what you put on top of it?? Looks like a frosted cookie!

How u doin?

Sharon Margiotta said...

Okay ... duh ... its a tile ... its early on a Monday .... very nice tile!

Scrapthat said...

Happy Blogaversary Wendy! I love the "Have the happiest of holiday piece!
The cat is stylin'! feel a little sorry for him/her but still very much a fashionista! LOL

Anne Jagger said...

just love those tiles

Linda said...

Congratulations on your "golden Bolg-ivesary"! 500 is pretty impressive!


Anonymous said...

Love the images Wendy - how on earth did you get the cat to hold still long enough to dress?? Inquiring minds want to know....

Kathy said...

Great ideas. Will you show us step by step how to dress the cat?

Dawn said...

The coasters are beautiful! I love them and so easy, I am on my way to Home Depot now! Ok, please please please pick me for the winner, I haven't seen, played with, or experienced the rock candy stickles yet.
Hugs from MB, SC

margie said...

Thanks! I'm sending my husband to home depot togight.

Helen said...

The tiles are just fab - but I can't get side-tracked this week - I have the week off work to finish my Christmas cards - need to get them in the post before long - but thanks for a chance of winning!!

Etta said...

Way cooool project! It does seem quick and maybe I can do it. I love IDEAS!

Kathleen said...

I don't think my cat would sit still long enough - it would definitely take two little girls to hold her down!

Hey, who doesn't want Ranger goodies! Love the coaster idea......i'm off to Michaels!

scrappin-scrappin said...

I figured you must not be done when I seen the post with just pictures! Too Funny!! I'm the same way without enough coffee in the morning! Love your find from the antique mall, how perfect!!

What a great gift idea!!! I think I will try the trivet one for a hard to buy for person!! Thanks so much for sharing your ideas!
Have a good one!

andrea50harris said...

Really liked the Thanksgiving centerpeice and wreath--these gave me some ideas for Christmas--Thanks Wendy--love your blog!

Andrea Harris

Lori said...

Susan is quite the artist! Love that centerpiece. The tiles are a great idea! Love that tree stamp!

Elaine said...

Love the colour scheme you've chosen for the tiles - very natural and vintage. Thanks so much fr sharing.

Nancy B said...

The tiles are awesome, quick & easy. Off to Home Depot to look for tiles. Thanks for another great idea!

Cindi (aka iring) said...

Pretty tiles! Thanks for sharing (ideas and goodies)!

Jenna K. said...

Heck, YEAH we want those Ranger goodies!! Love the tile, by the way!

Nancy Lynn said...

You can find the tiles real cheap at thrift stores and I see different sizes too. You can also find the tiles at Habitat for Humanity Stores if you have one in your area........I have one and see all different sizes of them all the time there. It is a great project Wendy and people really like them as a gift. I was on the cruise and finished my inspiration board and have enjoyed it so much as it greets me when I walk into my studio. Nancy L.

Helena said...

love those tiles!!!!!!

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Thanks for explaining the pictures. I need to make some of those to the store I go!

Rhonda said...

Love the tile coasters. Susan's vase and wreath are awesome too. I think the old license plate will bring Rick much luck!

photoscrapper said...

Love your ideas and projects. Thanks for sharing

ScrappyPam said...

Thanks for the how-to on the tiles! I've always wanted to make these, now I have no excuse!

dblanken said...

The tiles are so cute - I am definitely making some of those. You always have such cute creative ideas flowing - all the time.
Who doesn't love Ranger products -

Denise G said...

you always have so much to say! i love reading your blog. great tiles. i have wanted to do this for a long time. i guess this is the week that i am going to do it. you make it sound so easy. love that sign too! that is a great find!

Debby said...

Love the art shared by Susan. Love the gift idea too Wendy. I would love to win some goodies!!! You are so kind to all of us. That license plate was a wonderful find. Way cool.

Allie Gower said...

Susan is sooooo talented, and so are you.

Alisa said...

I love the tile idea. I am totally doing this. Thanks for the idea!

Kathy Eddy said...

Great gift idea. You are too funny, of course we want the prizes! LOL That poor cat has got some patience, huh? Kathy Eddy

Holly said...

Thanks for more great inspiration! Thanks also for the chance to win some wonderful goodies!

Art By Wanda said...

I haven't done any tiles in quite some time... I'm inspired to get them out!!! Would the multi medium hold up ok to putting something hot on the tile?? The antique find is too cool... wow!! Love Susan's items!! And that cat... amazing!!!! Thanks for the fun!!!

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Wendy, love the vase from Susan, and
have to say I saw the blog with no words,
thinking maybe she typed it in black
or my glasses need cleanng...
but now I know you published before speaking!

Traci said...

super cool idea for coasters. thanks for keeping the ideas need that at this time of the year!

Joyce said...

Love the idea using the tiles. Now I'm off to Lowes. Great idea for xmas gifts.

Dawn (dmh) said...

Would really love those Ranger goodies! :) Oh could I use some new supplies.
I love your coasters. I made magnets with the 2X2 tiles one year for Christmas gifts. I colored the background with alcohol inks and then stamped images..... What fun.
The centerpiece is beautiful. Good thing I don't know where she lives.
I hope you have a great day.

Erica - CopperSunSilverMoon said...

Love Susan's art!

What a great idea with the tiles. I actually have a couple of the same tiles (the larger ones) and never thought to stamp on them. I guess it's time to get inky and make some art ;)
Thanks again for the inspiration!

carpediem said...

Many thanks for offering your bloggers so much inspiration!! Love all of the projects!

Vic said...

Love the coasters - a great gift!

Elaine A said...

Hi Wendy -

I just love the picture of the cat, just too funny. I used to do that to my German Shepherd, Conan. The poor guy, we used to put baseball hats, t-shirts, sunglasses, anything we could find on him. He was so very patient, although he used to sigh alot! Love the tiles and I think I will be making some of these as gifts, quick and really a nice, useful gift. And Susan's centerpiece is just beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing with us. And thanks for the opportunity to win Ranger goodies.

Elaine Allen

Carol said...

The coasters are such a cool and easy idea for gifts. Way to go Wendy! Susan's flowers are awesome!

Tona said...

Wow! Thanks for the inspiration! I now know what to give my aunt & uncle for Christmas, Woohoo. I'm so excited. Tomorrow, I'll head into town to get some tiles. Can't wait to get started.

embellishstudios said...

Wonderful art! I love the coasters...think I will head out and get some tiles right now! And Ranger products are awesome, so winning some would be great! Thanks for sharing!

Sue Benedick said...

Wendy, my husbands birthday is the same and yours. Month day and year. So when you get tired of that sign I will take it off your hands.

Cariena said...

stunning tiles! now i just need the goods..........CUTE CAT!! (poor thing.......) would LOVE the give away, i really need it......Susan's centrepiece is INSPIRING!!!!

Trish said...

That is a fantastic project to try - thank you Wendy! Poor cat...

Unknown said...

I love the tiles. No one would guess they are so simple to make.
I'd love to know how Susan made her film strip ribbon flower.

Jayne said...

I love those coasters. Fun and easy, and oh, so nice looking, my kind of gifts to make. Thanks for the tips, Wendy.


Sharon said...

Great projects...the tiles are pretty! But I have a heat safe are they? You mentioned an ironstone mug...makes me think of HOT coffe, tea, or with the medium stand up to it? Do we need to caution the recipients? Shouldn't be a problem for cold stuff...but I have visions of someone's favorite mug stuck to the coaster dancing in my head...and the reindeer being sent to find me! (And you thought the antlers were only me, you don't want a reindeer ringing your bell! Door or otherwise!) Otherwise...they would be great put in a frame for decorative use only. And if we can make flowers for vases...can small trees be far behind? Love your blog.

Thespoena McLaughlin said...

Love your blog and the wonderful projects you share, I've added a link to you from my Vintiquities Workshop blog. Have a happy day!

Anonymous said...

I love that centerpiece and the tiles are a great gift idea....keep 'em coming! Did you see our projects for the un-Christmas thing we have going on EWV? You'd be surprised at how your flowers are turning into Christmas trees. :)
Eileen in NYC

Among The Stars... And Within Yourself said...

Love, love, love the coaster idea! Thanks for the inspiration to try something new!

Unknown said...

Do you know ... I am dumber than dumb ... I thought you had lost your voice *LOL* Tis much better with words hun ... and I still love the flowers in the jar and the tile still makes me wanna re-tile the kitchen ... but I did think the puddy cat was yours :0)

Lori Sheppard said...

wendy, i love the flowers in the vase and the art project you so kindly shared. i have been needing coasters for my dining room. now i can have some custom one. you are awesome!

Karla Anderson said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I am making some coasters for a Xmas grab bag gift - these are perfect. I took your tag class in Madison last week - thanks, I learned a bunch. Showed my aunt at Thanksgiving what we did and she is convinced she needs some disress

Courtney said...

Very cute. Don't you love the dollar bin!

debbig said...

Thanks for all your cool ideas.
debbi g

Rockin Robin Caldwell said...

Oh yeah...I really want the goodies!!! I just picked up another almost $200.00 worth of Ranger Products at a friends store today. Lots of distress EP, crackle paint, 4 sets of Tim's cling mounted stamps, the fantastic escutcheons...and some other random stuff. I lucked out and got a bag of distress stickles at the Madison show. Whew...I bet I still won't have enough to do the 12 tags of Christmas though. I NEED more ranger products..yes I do!!! Hisses, Rockin Robin Caldwell

Renee said...

Love the tile idea.

I think I'm going to have to go the tile store and break out my stamps.


Dr. Theall said...

what amazing projects! I love the coaster idea!

Sarah Anderson said...

Those tiles are fab, what a great idea. I'll be looking out for tiles now to make Christmas pressies, you've solved the problem of what to give to my Aunties!!!

Anonymous said...

Well Wendy - I guess this is a second post for me - I hadn't had my coffee either and thought I wasn't seeing things(text). Glad I stopped back for the Low down. I do love the Tile Idea, I have a Sister-in-Law who is impossible to buy for. This is a wonderful idea! Thanks!
p.s. Ranger goodies are excellent!

Tammy F. said...

I am totally in the mood to Create Christmas Art!! Good thing I have a 3 day crop coming up this weekend. You tiles were just added to my list of to-do projects. I am going to make these up as teacher gifts. THANK YOU for the idea! I have never won anything from a blog, but I am crossing my finger (ok, my toes too!) that some YUMMY Ranger products might find their way to me :)

Paula said...

I was at Home Depot on Saturday, and had these tiles in my hand, but I put them back. Now I have to go back to get them to do this cute project. What nice gifts they will make.

SusanK said...

Wendy, you are on a roll! Love your ART, blog and thanks so much for sharing yourself with us! Would love to win more goodies because I have lots of ideas swimming around. Wait until you see what's up next on my plate using your stamps! My kitties would have no part of clothing; hiding under rugs, yes.

Southern Chic Vintage said...

I bought your book from Eclectic Paperie and received it earlier in the week and I LOVE it. I need some Ranger supplies now to make some of your wonderful projects. Thanks for such a wonderful book. I cannot wait to make everything in it.

pta4him said...

I love the flower arrangement. I can make the flowers now (thanks to you Wendi for the cruise classes), but I can't arrange flowers. Wonder where I can take a flower arranging class (and would it help)?

Kathryn said...

These are great ideas - thanks to you and Susan for sharing!

Things like your antique mall find always give me a little thrill of happiness - such serendipity to find something that's so "right."

KAREN said...

I LOVE the flower arrangement Susan made and your tile idea is wonderful!! Thanks so much for giving us such wonderful gift ideas!!! I love all the Stickles and thanks for giving us a chance to win!!!

Miss Iowa said...

That license plate is AWESOME! I would love to see how you have it displayed. Thanks also for the coaster ideas. I have a package of those things sitting in a drawer somewhere...

Hels Sheridan said...

Wendy hun, what a FAB blog post...featuring all my fave things...a cat dressed up like a ACE flea market find...BEAUTIFUL art made using your stamps...and...of course and very obviously your words of wisdom! I was late getting here so didn't see the wordless post..but I just know it would have looked grand...**wanders off wondering if I have done enough buttering up to win some RANGER stash** ROFL x

scrapnrn said...

such a good idea with the tiles, i'm going to try it. thanks for the giveaway.

Nancy S said...

Wow, you are one creative cookie! I love the idea of hand crafted gifts and these are well within my ability. thanks!

jan metcalf said...

Remember rock candy on a stick? Loved that as a kid, and now I'm loving rock candy as an adult! What fun stuff!
Great idea to do coasters and or trivets gifts, Thanks Wendy

Princess of glitter said...

Great idea with the tiles! My husband is going to wonder why I keep suggesting we go to Home Depot!

Becs Attwood said...

Awesome coasters - can't wait to try them out (if I can find all the supplies)! Thanks for the chance to win - you're a real sweetheart!

mamakat said...

Thanks for the great ideas! I'm a coaster addict and can't wait to make some for ME!!!! New Ranger stuff can be used for gifts, hint, hint, (pick me, pick me...)

KAT said...

THUD... that's me falling on the floor after seeing the fall center piece - I think you should go and "borrow" it for a while - it's a beauty and they are your stamps!!!

Love the tile idea and sealing with the muli medium - that should seal them perfectly.. They have the tiles in inchie size so that would be perfect accent pieces too!

Jacki said...

who doesn't love ranger products? i also love those tiles, wendy, and may have to give them a try! thanks for the ideas and for the opportunity to win fun stuff!

Barbara said...

the flower arrangement was fantastic. I felt sorry for the poor kitty and I wonder if my home depot carries those tiles.

Diane said...

I love the tiles!! Gotta give them a try. I just love your creativity.

Far North said...

OH what a fun, quick gift idea! I am going to give that a try! Thanks so much for sharing!

Pat W said...

Love the tiles! You're sooo creative!

mikki said...

great gift idea-so pretty!

artbeckons said...

Yes, we DO really want those Ranger goodies - can't find them in any of the stores here yet =(

hbeecomer said...

Love the centerpiece and the tiles. I need to get some coffee archival ink!

Donna said...

Oh your guest artist is fantastic! You may have to sneak that kitty out the back door!

Robin Swederske said...

Love the flowers and would like to see the filmstrip ribbon flower a little closer. Love the tiles but then when have I not loved your art!

Dale said...

That vase is awesome, a must to try. I am in luv with your blog, have learned so much from you, thani you for all your wonderful talent and generosity. Someday i hpe to meet you in person (do you ever come to Northern California?)
Congrats on the Golden Blog-Iversary!

Dianal said...

Love this blog ... I learn so much ... almost like having you in my craft room ... almost ... Susan's vase of flowers is absolutely devine ... and a special thank you for providing quick and easy Christmas gift ideas ... can't wait until your next project. Thanks for sharing your art!!!

Michele K said...

Hi Wendy: Love all the pics you shared today. A little of everything!! Thanks for the opportunity this week to win some goodies! You are the best! Take care...

Janis Morris said...

I just got one of your stamp sets, and now I am dying to get my hands on some rock candy crackle paint. Thanks so much for your wonderful art!

Kim said...

My mom did tile coasters like that for my wedding as a gift for the guests a few years ago!! Loved them!! love your too!! Thanks always for the chance to win prizes!!

Dawn said...

Wendy, I figured out how to add our group button to my blog, YEAH! I cant wait to tell all of my friends about your wonderful art.

slbt17 said...

thanks for the inspiration Wendy!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Love the centerpiece and the tiles are way cool. I have a bunch of those and this is great inspiration.

nonnie said...

Thanks for the fun ideas. It's the first time since i returned from the Madison stamp show i've had time to check blogs, and look at all the art. it was wonderful to meet you. looking forward to more great ideas and all the fun stuff this week...congrats on 490 posts...i'm not sure i can even figure out how to comment on a blog! there's a first time for everything! late at night, live from St. Paul, goes...

funkycrafter said...

Very impressive post. Enough cool stuff here to keep me busy for ages (as soon as I get to Home Depot for some tiles). Unfortunately, I have birthday cards and Christmas cards to make first. Started thinking about making Christmas cards 3 months ago. So I must go to make art.

kokomogoldie said...

awesome gift ideas...thanks for sharing! Congrats on the blogaversary!!

Betty said...

I need some new coasters so I'll have to give this idea a try. In addition to electrical clips, I guess I need to add tiles to my Home Depot shopping list...hmmm, or maybe I should add them to my hubby's "to do" list!

CindyPT said...

I love those coasters. They look GREAT!

pickles99 said...

I can always count on your posts to bring a smile to my face (even at this horrific hour: 5:45 am):)
thanks wendy,
linda t

MooMoo said...

Thanks for the inspiration, headed to my nearest hardware store to shop around!

Unknown said...

I loved this post Wendy! Very inspirational:D

Olga-MIA said...

Thank yo so much for all your inspiration! I am looking forward to making those coasters ! Awesome! Kind regards, Olga, Miami, FL

Lynne Forsythe said...

Wendy...Ranger goodies are always nice...but I love your ideas just as much...
WOWZEROONIE...Susan's creations are AWESOME!!! and how cool is the "signage"!!!

kngwd89 said...

Thanks for the inspiration, Wendy! What a cute and quick and fun idea! LeAnn

Unknown said...

What a great idea! Thinking about all of the great holiday projects is really getting me in the mood!

Lindart said...

love the coasters! I've always liked that tree stamp!

Janie said...

Cool coaster. I so need to make some for my Brother and his wife for Christmas.

craftlyn said...

Love the to Home Depot! Thanks for the inspiration!

Jill said...

These are the classiest coasters I've ever seen- I like your style. This is the type of project I like- simple, functional, and beautiful! Thank you!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

That centrepiece is absolutely fabulous :) Love the pic of the cat :)
Anne x