I missed you...LOTS!!
A MILLION THANKS for all the sweet comments from the last post.
YOU ARE ALL GREAT, in my book and Rick likes you too!
Moving on to random catch-up stuff...
Good God...
it's March 1st...
so whoever is in charge, PLEASE turn on the sun & HEAT...
(global warming? I think...NOT!)

On Saturday I demoed & taught @ Scrapbook Friend'z in Bloomington, Illinois.
What a fun day...no seats left in the class...
everyone left with finished projects...yippee...
except cutie pie Erin, who promised she would...
she just came for the demo, but grabbed the last seat in the class...
not one person was worried about their inky fingers...they're used to my classes!
all my new studio 490 stamp sets went to good homes...
yes...ALL of the new sets!
I'm soooooooo happy you like them!
hey Ted...get ready they took special orders!
So the class was GREAT...
the demo?
NOT so much...
here's the scoop...
I was all set up & starting to demo the pigment inks...
a nice large group came...thanks gals!
I started sniffling...and sniffling...
I wiped my nose & I had a nosebleed!
WHAT? Never ever have I had one before...
so if you see photos of me (the classy broad) with a paper towel stuffed up my nose...
the photos were not photoshopped...
that was the real me......
with plenty of witnesses...yikes!
some people have NO CLASS!
that would be me...
Anyway...it was fun to show people how to use Ranger's pigment inks and Perfect Pearls in new ways...
the techniques are simple & FUN!
other breaking news...
this package made me over the top happy...
I don't have them all YET...
but by God, I KNOW I WILL...
you can get them here and here...
Hmmm...what else?
I finished my guest artist piece yesterday for...??
Stay tuned...it's coming sometime in March...
#1 on the TO*DO list today...
shipping out studio 490 books to you!
They arrived...thanks TED...
You'll get a notice when I print the PayPal labels, if you live in the US. International orders will not get that notice. Our local PO people won't allow me to use those labels (small town rules suck)...
so those get done with different paperwork & confirmation numbers...per request of our PO folks...
This is cool...
a while back I did an interview for Julie @ Julie's open window...
with lots of Q & A...
if you're young & don't know who Samantha is...let me know!
It's posted now & you can read the interview here...
That's it for today...
got LOTS of books to sign & ship.
I gotta get this in somehow...
make art!
Hi Wendy,
Thank you for the most awesome class on Saturday. I really enjoyed the class and making the book. Read your interview and if you were Samantha I would want you to make it late spring or summer in Illinois. I am enjoying your second book and need all of the new stamps!
Loved the class - so much fun as always! Will be posting my finished project on my blog shortly. Can't wait for another chance to MAKE ART! with you!
Can't wait to take a class with you, Wendy, even if you have a paper towel stuffed up your nose!!! Can't wait to see the new book!!!!
Good to have you back ... I missed you too X
Well it seems like since forever that you were here but I am glad class was great.
Welcome back home to the both of you! (just wanted to make sure Rick knew he was missed too)
The joys of living in the dry winter midwest, huh? (Thank you for not posting a picture - I'm eating my lunch as I blog surf *lol*)
Can't wait to see what everyone created in your class!! I've got almost all of your stamps now & I'm almost ready to play - which reminds me I need to check in the EVW group to see what swaps are upcoming.
Glad you had a good weekend! Hope you don't get a cramp in your hand from signing books!
Hi Miss Wendy
loved the class and hanging this weekend
I posted about it on www.thepaperlife.com today!!!
Hugs, Amy
Read the interview for Open Window...very interesting! You must tell us HOW you became Ranger's exclusive demo artist and on the design teams for Maya Road and Tim's Idealogy...please? (was that snowman in your backyard?)
LOVED!!!...your class Saturday. Got 4 sets of your stamps and went back Sunday for another one or two after reading your book... Guess what? All gone! (well I guess you knew that)
Now I am waiting for them to come in. Oh well, guess it's a good thing that they're in demand. We want to keep you around for awhile! See you next time - Marijane
Love your new sets and along your previous sets, I have been creating and having so much fun! I can't wait to see you in March at Carson. We can't guarantee that it won't rain but it will be warmer and there won't be any snow.
Love that snowman is he yours?
I would take a class from you with paper towel up your nose anytime!
Yes, do tell us how you got to be on Maya's and tim design team!
Ohhhh...like that package...but I got mine and I really, really been inking all weekend!
So sorry I missed the fun day in Bloomington.
Great interview. I love getting a better picture in my head of those I admire! Also can't wait to get the magazine...
kathy m
Ooooooooo! I'm so excited to be getting the book soon!!!!!!!!!!
My stamps I ordered are on the way, I will be able to Make New Art soon, yippee. I can't wait to see what the lucky class got up to at the weekend I am sure they all had great fun.
Hi Wendy -
I just cracked up at the photo of the poor snowman. I think there are quite a few of us ready to lead a lynch mob - LOL! Great interview at Julie's. I used to think I wanted to be Jeannie (I Dream of Jeannie). But when I thought about living in a bottle and being at someone's beck and call, thought better of it. Samantha is much better - LOL!
Elaine Allen
That was a great interview. Wow, 30 years as a surgical nurse, amazing. & now you Make Art ;)
Love the snowman! They dry air will give you the bloody noses .... try a bit of vaseline around the base of your nose and you should be all set.
Love the picture of the snowman. My feelings too. I am so ready for spring.
Wendy, you crack me up with your 'snow-hatred'. How ironic that you are getting so much snow there and you told me you would not come to Alaska because of snow/cold and here we are begging for snow and groaning with all the rain this winter (kind of like Vancouver) So for some bizarre reason, we have global warming on this part of the globe.
Thanks for all the updates today...love them all. Saw you added a class in Greenwood, IN. I am talking my mom into that one (that's where she's at) : )
Aw poor you :( Love the snowman hehe. I can't wait till we get those dies over here in the UK ;)
Anne xx
Oh! You got Tim's dies, lucky you! I have some on pre-order, I can't wait to get them. And it is really hard not to order more than the two I pre-ordered already... I too know I will most likely end up with all of them, but I will try to spead them over the next few months...
Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication Wendy- you are a gem!
Cant wait to get my book.
Hugs from the beach!
Dawn in Sc
wow Wendy, sounds like a blast except for the nose bleed!!
You poor thing. Nose bleeds totally suck; sometimes I wake up and realise I had one in my sleep! I do not recommend it.
And I got the PayPal notice that my book has shipped. Yay!
I'm not looking! I didn't see that oooo I have to get those! LOL
Oh no, poor you having a nosebleed...hope it didn't get on any of the art work hun :O)
Have missed you and it is lovely to see you back in Blog Land again...can't wait to see more of your divine art xx
Oh, I hope that poor snowman melts before someone tightens that noose! lol Yesterday, the mister had to shovel the patio in front of the grill so he could cook some steaks. I think there's about a foot of white stuff out there.
I am soooooo jealous that you have Tim's new toys. Gotta wait until I have something green to spend.
Sorry that you got a nosebleed. It sounds like everyone had fun.
Hi Wendy,
Glad you are back! Yikes....sorry to read of your paper towel episode. Looking forward to receiving your book. Will I get a pay pal notice first?
Take care....you've been a very busy lady.
welcome back!!!! nosebleed? u best get that checked out girlfriend...dont make me worry bout u! we missed u all these days...and yep! got my books comin I think...TYVM! Got the stamps! just need some nudgin to get started..but soon very soon!! Slow down...xo Cher
Sounds like a great time except the noseblled of course. I got notification that my book is shipped so either tomorrow or wednesday I should have it in my grubby little paws. Yeah, got Tim's book today so I'll browse that until yours comes.
A nosebleed!!! I hope everything is ok. My book is on the way... can't wait!!!! You are such a tease, lol... guest artist... then nothing... you are always making us wait. On my way to check out the interview.
Wendy, I love having colored fingers! I took a grunge roses class and my store this past weekend using some of the new distressed inks and your wonderful stamps. I also got your new book. I can't wait until you come back to Buffalo in September.
P.S.-(I love your 'basic' supply list).
That snowman is so funny, I love that. I don't want to make you jealous Wendy but here in Arizona this time of year it's usually in the low to mid seventies during the day with plenty of sunshine. The nights can get down to the low forties, which is really cold to us. We have had a little rain lately which we desperately need, but compared to the weather in the rest of the country I think we are pretty darn lucky.
I would love nothing more than to take one of your classes. And I'm not really a class taking type person. I recently bought a couple of your new stamps from SA. Loving them!!
Hope you have a great week.
You are such a lucky girl! Those die cuts are incredible!
Happy Monday!
Since I am so jealous of those who were able to take the class on saturday....are there any pics of the finished class project? You know, from all the kits you were making? And if you ever get to take a Wendy Vecchi class...jump in with both inky hands...you won't be disappointed....I never have been! Waiting for the next time that I can Make Art with Wendy!
I enjoyed reading your interview at Julie's Open Window and had a good chuckle over the snowman photo. It would have been wonderful to have taken your class over the weekend, but, since I live in S.Calif., I'll have to be satisfied seeing you in Carson. I'm looking forward to seeing those inky fingers do their magic!
Last week, your stamps arrived.
Today, the new distress inks, Tim's book and stamps.
Tomorrow, or the next day, your book.
Is that great mail, or what?
Welcome back, and by the way, I'm with you all the way in your winter hatred. We've gotten 39 inches of that white stuff in February alone.
Enough already.....someone send me some tulips!
Eileen in NYC
Wendy , great interview btw :)
I am sooo envious of the gals that got to come to your class on Saturday!!!
I love Rome but it's a bummer it's too far away for you to do a class :(((
Hey, spring has arrived in Italy!!!!! Lots of sunny hugs from me to you and Rick!
Soooooooooo glad you are back!!We missed you!!!! can't wait to see photos of what everyone made in your class!!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for another great class Wendy! Loved making the cute little book. I'm looking forward to another fun class with you at Scrapbook Friend'z!
Wendy I just read your Q&A's from Julie's open window and I knew I loved your art work but... I found so many of your answers would be mine also.... I live in the NE and HATE snow and winter ... I have always wanted to be Samatha or Genie from I dream of Genie so I could just nod my head and poof I am away from winter! Shopping is an Art ( we just might be competing for gold metals) and I love to spend time organizing my craft room with just the right container! The problem is that it never seems organized so I work around the chaos. But most of all.... You have inspired me to never give up on my art as I too have been in a "people" field for 30 years. Paper is my passion! I have a goal that some day it may be more than that. You have given me the boost I need to continue to strive toward my goal of attending Ranger U. You are the best! Thanks!
PS OMG Tim's alterations... can't wait to get my hands on them. Croppinsville here I come... again!
Enjoy your Saturday... I can hear birds singing... spring is on its way!
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