here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

tim's Sizzix stuff & a STAMP SALE!

I better start with a WARNING...

enabler alert (sale info) coming later in this post...
YOU HAVE been warned...
I'm just sayin...(warned)'s a card I made using several of tim's new Alterations dies...which are manufactured by Sizzix.

The yellow-ish cardstock base is cut with the Baroque die and it's stamped with my leafy background & butterscotch pigment ink.

The large flower is from the Tattered florals die...
it's stamped with my new plaid stamp & inked with red pepper pigment ink...

the small gear is PERFECT for flower centers...

I also used the smallest gear to make the mini flowers...
it's simple...
die cut...
ink...I used denim pigment...
stamp with any background stamp...I used this text...
fold in half & staple with the tiny attacher...
cover up the flower with the flower center...

The scroll/leafy grunge is also a Sizzix die called Vine with leaves...makes sense!

it's stamped with my polka dot background and olive archival ink.

The green paper is graphic 45, again overstamped with olive archival and my text background.

I think it looks kind of like a poppy!

oops one more thing...
the cute button is a new idea-ology button...YUM!

I leave for California early tomorrow I got a MILLION things to accomplish today, but I wanted to answer this question because I've gotten it several times in the last few days...

I took your ranger ink class @ the stamp convention, is the store class the same? Would I benefit by taking it again @ the store? Is it different?

The 2 classes are very different, because @ conventions we are limited to 2 hours (most times).
So...the Ranger ink class @ conventions is basically about distress inks/ blending tools... and we sneak in one pigment technique...
it's a VERY FUN (very INKY) class with 10 techniques.

The Ranger technique class for stores is 4 full inky hours ...
and since we have more time...
we can play with more techniques & more products.

Some of the products we use are distress inks, pigment inks, perfect pearls, archival inks, stickles & more...

So...if you're INTO inks like me...
the store class is REALLY inky fun.

It's probably my most requested & most FAVORITE class to teach.

Now about the STAMP SALE...
I copied this from the eclecticPaperie newsletter...

It starts out talking about tim's new book...then mine...
and both are included in the sale!

Now here comes the enabler part...warning...

So, to celebrate these two new books by a couple of our favorite paper craft designers, both Tim Holtz and Studio 490(by Wendy Vecchi) stamps are on sale. Now through Sunday, March 14th, all Tim Holtz and Studio 490 stamps are on sale at 10% off their regular price. Pick up some older ones that you may have missed and pick up some new releases.

I'm off to pack demo stuff & a few clothes for the Carson CA, Stamp convention this weekend...
believe me..the demo stuff is way more important than clothes...

I'm excited to head to Carson again...
now that I've been there a few times...
it's really fun to see familiar faces....
and they have SUN in California!

Ted will have the Stampers Anonymous booth LOADED with lots of cool NEW stuff...LOADED...
Hope to see you there!

Come back tomorrow for some AWESOME eye candy...
This piece totally blew me away...
I WILL be amazed!

that's tomorrow...
until then...

buy lots so you have stuff to...

make art!


Scrapthat said...

Question for you Wendy!...With the enamel accents, do they dry hard? What I mean is the liquid pearls tend to dry sticky and want to stick to page protectors so do the enamel accents dry up hard or do they tend to remain a little on the sticky side?

Artyjen said...

Love the "poppy" it is fabulous! :)

Lillian Child said...

What a striking card, Wendy. But I've come to expect nothing less from your abundant creativity. Thanks for sharing with us and inspiring us. I actually picked up a copy of Tim's new book over the weekend, and now plan to add yours to my "go to" library. Sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for our stores to get Tim's new line of products in! Have a grand time in Carson!

Unknown said...

I love your sample Today! I was on the edge for this gear die, but now I think you convinced me to get it.
I'm working from home Today, and the postman just brought me five of your new sets and all the new Distress colors. How am I supposed to do my everything-but-art work?

Stef H said...

oh this is absolutely stunning. i just love the colors!! have a save trip and i'm off to check out that sale!

Unknown said...

That is S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G ... I really really neeeeeeed Timmy's dies ... like now :0)

Liz in MO said...

have fun, fun, fun, fun!!!!!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Wonderful art as always Wendy :)
Anne xx

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Love the card! Thanks for the heads up about the sale...going there next! Get some sun in Cali and have fun at the demo booth! Will miss you making art for us!

Hels Sheridan said...

Totally FABULOUS art...tis scrummylicious...and I wish I lived in the US cos I would take advantage of that sale that you told us about...maybe one of the nice stamp retailers in the UK will have a sale *hint hint* LOL
Have fun packing...oh, how I wish I was going to be going to Carson....*sighs* :O))

Kathy Eddy said...

Oh what fun art you've shared with us today! Love it! Those gears are going to be very versatile. Wish my preorders for the dies would arrive soon.Have fun in CA; now off to the sale.....

mewTilman said...

See I'm not the only one whose pre-order has not arrived! 'Til then, your lovely card is a tempting teaser.

joy said...

Gorgeous card = your creativity amazes me!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Gorgeous! Now you make me want the gears! And why are the best sales always when you have the least money? Grrr...

Kathy Eddy said...

Love your blog Wendy and since it brings me so much sunshine each time I come here, I awarded your blog with the Sunshine Blog award today!

Denise G said...

love the art today. so very fun and pretty. thanks for the sale tip.

Unknown said...

Oh those dies - drool - and what a spectacular work of art you made with them - yes - a perfect arty poppy - love it

Debby said...

Beautiful card as usual. Have a great time in California. Hope you can get some shopping in! LOL.

Elaine A said...

Wendy -

Awesome, awesome card! I'm loving the red flower and that button is just beautiful. Now I'm off to look at goodies and if I get in trouble for buying things, I'll just lay the blame at your door - LOL! I'm just saying . . .

Now go have fun at Carson!

Elaine Allen

Helena said...

Lovely flowers as always!
Hmmm, should I even click on eclectic paperies site?? I´m sure I shouldn't but what the heck: I'm all for living dangerously!

Cim Allen said...

All you had to do is say "SALE" and I"m there. I love a sale and when it's a sale on products by Tim and you I really can 't pass it up. I love the flowers as always. Have fun in the sun in California :) Safe trip !!

Lori said...

Love this piece! and using the pigment inks, love those things! Have fun in CA!

slbt17 said...

great piece of art! I love the use of the gears as flower centers ....

Unknown said...

Wendy have fun in Carson. Can't wait to see what you have created.

Kathy said...

Great art...I love the gear flowers. Yes the Sun is shining in CA. Have a safe trip.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the enabling. Beautiful card! Happy(and safe)Trails to you. Please bring back some sunshine!!

Unknown said...

These are AWESOME! I'm waiting (impatiently) for some of these to arrive at our local store. I have gotten the NEW distress colors--wow! and some of the archival colors--terrific! And a sale on stamps? How can I resist? Thanks for the heads up.

Unknown said...

These are AWESOME! I'm waiting (impatiently) for some of these to arrive at our local store. I have gotten the NEW distress colors--wow! and some of the archival colors--terrific! And a sale on stamps? How can I resist? Thanks for the heads up.

libbym said...

Loving the art work and have hit up the sale... now off to "make art"! Thanks for the inspiration!

Karla Anderson said...

Beautiful art work... I am now officially enabled - i love stamp sales. I am glad you answered the question about the class at the store vs. convention - now I need to rethink - I have already taken the convention class - but I love love having inky fingers and learning different techniques! Decisions, decisions, wish I could afford all three classes at Memory Bound - disability bites!

Alexandra said...

Wonderful creation again Wendy, I love the large "Scottish-tartan" or plaid poppy, they DO grow naturally like this here in Scotland you know! lol, that would be so cool, if it was true.
I couldn't resist that "tartan" stamp set,I got it last week along with quite a few others. The gears die cut makes great centres & lovely wee flowers too.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful piece, Wendy! All of those Tim things you used....I've ordered most of them and am so very IMPATIENTLY waiting for them to come! I'm itching to play with the new dies and idea-ology.
Well, off now to make some art for the new challenge at EWV!
Eileen in NYC

Art By Wanda said...

Beautiful card!!!! Have fun in sunny CA... it's sure not sunny in Iowa. It's looking like Saturday could be an almost all day make art day for me... woohoo!!!! And I'm getting ready to order all the new stamps... YES!!!!! And maybe even some of the older ones I don't have... are they here yet, LOLOL.

jan metcalf said...

Wish I could go to Carson with you! Thank you for all the blog inspiration, I will have to settle for that. Did I say I love your blog style, the mixed fonts, how you talk to me? ! :)

ellen vargo said...

OMG you really ARE an enabler... just ordered 4 stamp sets (two from you, two of Tim's... equal opportunity to my two favorite artists...) --- AS WELL AS some other stuff - just discovered CRATE paper - LOVE IT! thanks for the info, and for being an enabler.. :) Wish I could come to the show in Carson... have fun!

Anita said...

This is amazing! I love how you used the gear die to make flowers.

Donna said...

Wendy~really loving that geared poppy flower and that button is to die for!
have a great show!

michelle said...

Loving how you did this card and just so you know it has been chilly out here in sunny California so bring a jacket with you. . .

Safe travels and now I am going shopping because you said I could!

Dorothy said...

Thanks for all the info Wendy!
Travel safe!

Cher said...

ok one more thing i GOTTA HAVE thanks WEndy! I just hope my hubby never finds you lol...