here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

a quick update...

sorry for being MIA...

Just a quick update on the reasons for my absence...
my brother is seriously ill & I'm expecting that he will be transferred to a major medical center today. he's been hospitalized since Saturday & it's been a roller coaster ride...

and on Saturday evening Rick's cousin was killed in a freak motorcycle accident. very nice guy...3 very sad...

I will be back just as soon as I can...
believe me...I can't wait to show you lots of
fun new studio 490 stamps, my new art parts products & some fun CHA projects.

thanks so much for understanding.


slbt17 said...

so sorry Wendy, I will keep you all in my prayers.

Sherry Cheever said...

Many hugs to you and Rick. Will be thinking about you and your families.

Helen said...

Sorry to hear of your sad news, hope your brother improves. We will be thinking of you.

Scrapthat said...

Sorry to hear of all the sad news Wendy.
Wishing good health to your brother and peace in regards to Rick's cousin for the family.

Anonymous said...

oh my word...too overwhelming....just be there for them...we can wait as long as need be...geez! so sweet for you to let us know...God be with you all...sending up prayers stat! xo

scrappin-scrappin said...

Oh Wendy, so sorry to hear that! Wishing your brother well, thoughts and prayers to you and family.

craftimamma said...

So sorry to hear your awful news Wendy. I read your blog all the time but don't comment often. However, on this occasion I wanted you to know my thoughts are with you and your family.

Lesley Xx

Primitive Seasons said...

Prayers and hugs to you and Rick. Family problems come before anything. You two are such good folks, God will surely answer your needs. Hang in there....


Jan said...

My thought and prayers will be with you, Rick and your families. Take care...

Margie Higuchi said...

Warm HUGS and strong prayers to you & Rick. Wish your brother a FULL recovery! xo

Linda said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


SusanK said...

Family and personal lives come before all else. Please be sure take care of yourself with all this going on. Hugs and prayers!

Lillian Child said...

You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers.

Lori said...

Oh my, that's terrible. Hope things go well for your brother, and so sorry about Rick's cousin..we'll still be here when you get back, don't worry! Take care...

Debby said...

So sorry to hear the news of your brother and Rick's cousin. My heart goes out to both of you.

scrapnrn said...

You and your family are in my prayers.

Rhonda said...

So sorry to hear the news, hope your brother improves soon. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers

Debby L. said...

So sorry to hear about brother's illness and Rick's cousin's accident. Family is where you need to concentrate right now and hope things improve very soon for you. Yours and Rick's families will be in my prayers.

Unknown said...

You are in my thoughts. This is a hard time for you and your family.

yoursartfully said...

Hey Wendy, that's way too much bad news for one family. Sending loving thoughts from the UK.

Lin x

Jessica said...

May God bless you and your family through this difficult time.

Kathy Eddy said...

So sorry to hear of your loss of Rick's cousin. My prayers for his family. Also, sure hope your brother's health improves each day and he is healed up soon!

Kathy said...

My prayers are with you, Rick and your families. Take care of family first!!

Elaine A said...

Wendy -

I'm so sorry for all the sadness you and Rick are facing. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Elaine Allen

Unknown said...

Oh my word Wendy ... how awful ... My thoughts are with you and Rick XXX

Shirley said...

Sorry to hear such sad news. I will keep these families in my prayers.

Darla said...

Wendy & Rick,
I am so very sorry to hear of your sadness and difficult times. Family is structure - take time for yourselves and I know you are strong. I care.....Darla

Alice I. said...

Wendy, I am very sorry to hear your news on your brother and Rick's cousin. Will certainly keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Stay well.

Donna said...

I'm so sorry to here about your brother and your husband's cousin. Sending you hugs and good vibes.

Robin Swederske said...

I'm so sorry to hear your news. I'm sending good thoughts to both you and Rick.

Donna said...

Your family needs you right now, be with them we can wait. Prayers to you and your family.

julie m said...

my thoughts and prayers are with you both, as well as your extended families.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you & Rick. May God give you peace, wisdom to the doctors and grace to the grieving family.

Hels Sheridan said...

Oh Wendy hun, that is so awful...poor you and Rick and your family...sending massive hugs nad hoping that your brother makes a recovery soon.... am saying me prayers tonight for you all xxx

Michele K said...

Oh my goodness, Wendy, my heart and prayers go out to you at this very difficult time. I somewhat know what you are going through. We just lost my mother-in-law two weeks ago and just getting a little bit back to normal now. Is there anything I can for you to help you out? I'm out your way quite regularly as my husband and his 4 siblings are now running the business, Kishauwau on the Vermilion, out by Tonica. Take care and I will be praying for you and your family. PLEASE do not hesitate to let me know if you need help with something.


carpediem said...

I'm so sorry Wendy. Take care.

patricia smith said...

Wendy, thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care of yourself, also!
Hugs, Pat Smith

patricia smith said...

Wendy, thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care of yourself, also!
Hugs, Pat Smith

Miss Iowa said...

Oh Wendy, when it rains it pours. Sending positive thoughts to you and your family during these stressful times.

KAT said...

My heart is with you - consider this a cyber hug! Hope your brother makes a speedy recovery and I am also sorry for your loss (3 children - heartbreaking!)

michelle said...

I am so sorry sending up prayers.

Chirpin Is Fun said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Cim Allen said...

I'm so sorry .. my prayers are with you and the families.

Tona said...

You & Rick are in my thoughts...
On a happier note, over the weekend I ordered 3 sets of your stamps. Soon I will be able to Make Art ;)

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you.....

Sharon said...

At the end of the day...only people matter. Everything else is trivial. You have more important things to do right now...everything else about stamps, etc. can wait. I am so sorry for all of the sorrow and fear that you must be dealing with right now. The best that you can do is for you and Rick to be there for each other so that you can be there for the other family members that will need you. There is so little that we actually can control in this life...only how we deal with things. I pray that you and yours will have the strength and the grace to deal with whatever has happened or will happen and that you feel the presence of the One that loves and holds each of us. God bless you and yours.

Nina W. said...

Holding you all in light & love Wendy.

mikki said...

we just never know, do we?
It's so important to live each day as if our last, tell our loved ones we luv 'em and
keep ourselves happy by making art!
Thinking of you and family with luv.

Linda M. Cain said...

So sorry to hear about Rick's cousin and his family's loss. Hoping for a speedy recovery for your brother.


Betty said...

Sorry to hear the sad news about your families. Will be thinking of you and Rick and sending positive thoughts for your brother's speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your brother and Rick's cousin! You fo what YOU need to do which is to take care of your family!!! Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Karen S. Ohio

Nancy said...

Oh, Wendy - I'm so sorry you & Rick have all of this happening! You & your families are in my prayers.

nonnie said...

You all are in my thoughts...I hope your brother gets the care he needs...nonnie

Linda R said...

It is with shock and sadness that I write this comment. I am so sorry about your brother - I will pray tonight and every night until you update with what you choose to share and that things are improving! Also such horrible news about Rick's cousin - such a shock and so very sad. Take care of you, and we'll be here when you're ready. Sincere hug.

Susan said...

Such sad news - I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Kathy said...

Thoughts, prayers, blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

So sorry about your brother and Rick's cousin. Prayers and good thoughts heading your way.
Eileen in NYC

jan metcalf said...

Just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and your families, positive thoughts are coming your way...

Elisabeth said...

You and yours are in my thoughts.

TheLastOfNine said...

Hoping the your brother gets better soon and my thoughts go to your husband and his cousin's family.

Art By Wanda said...

Wendy, I'm so sorry. Do they know what's wrong with your brother? Lots of prayers, love and hugs your way.

Lisa Phillippi said...

You and your family will be in my prayers!

Kathy JH said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care.

Kathy JH said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care.

Glen said...

How awful Wendy. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. ~Glen~

Alexandra said...

Wendy - I'm so sorry to hear this.
I will be thinking about you and your families. You and your family are in my prayers.
Gentle hugs to you and Rick.

Dawn said...

Wendy- you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers- take time and be with your family- that is the MOST important thing- we will all be here when you return.
Hugs from the beach!
Dawn in SC

Dorothy said...

So very sorry Wendy.
Prayers being sent your way!

Dianal said...

So very sorry to hear this news Wendy. Take care.

Cindi (aka iring) said...

Oh my gosh, a double whammy! So sorry. Will keep you and your family's in my prayers.

By the way, I saw your samples, front and center at Stampfest in Orlando and they are gorgeous. There was a lot of picture taking going on there!

borcherding said...

Sending prayers and ((HUGS)) to you and your family!!

Sandi M said...

Wendy, sorry to hear about all that your family is dealing with right now. I understand a little too well what it all feels like. Be there for your family. Hugs & prayers.

Anonymous said...

My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. As soon as you have time, your creativity will soothe your broken heart.
St. Louis, MO
For Keepsakes Customer and Wendy Vechhi Fan

Julie said...

Remember: Nothing is impossible with God and as He told prophet Isaiah, "Is there anything too hard for Me?"

Shannon said...

Wendy, I am so very sorry for what your brother is in going through and for the unfortunate loss of your husband's cousin. That's horrible that it's happening all together. I will keep you in my prayers as well. Just know that you have a huge network of faceless people who are praying for your brother, the cousin's family and you and your hubby. God should hear us loud and clear don't you think? You take care.