here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Friday, June 4, 2010

not a's the REAL DEAL!

Now this is VERY cool...

Maya Road has an EARLY SUMMER release...

to hold us over 'til CHA!!


it's shipping...


Here are a few of my MOST favorites new items...

MINI crowns...

be still my heart!

MINI is the key word...

Laundry days mini chipboards...

I have LOTS of ideas/uses for these guys...

bingo chips in...


I'll take a million of these please...
think of the possibilities...

This will be fun...

a canvas banner album...

and wait 'til you see these BEAUTIES...

I'll be needing 10,000 of these for sure...

think about altering them with alcohol inks...

PERFECT for the top of a Christmas tree on a card???

or a 4th of July card...

or summer birthday...

or..."you're a STAR" cards/layout...

TOTAL coolness...

behold this eye candy...

also in this release...

new Maya Mists in these colors...


pink lemonade


raspberry and...

I'm ordering buttermilk for sure...

and there is an acrylic MINI alphabet set...

and some way cool trims...

I'll keep you posted & let you know when the arrive.

Announcement #1...

RANGER now has a blog and you can follow them on Twitter here.

you'll find LOTS of FREE info their blog & website...

Announcement #2...

Just so you know how much I appreciate comments...

I'll be back on Monday with a gift for some special...


Until then...

make art!



Anonymous said...

oh my..why do I see a purchase in my future lol...luvvvvvv these too! mini is me! ty ty to find them...have a great weekend..xox cher

hilly77 at comcast dot net

Lillian Child said...

OH MY OH MY ! Those laundry day chips and bingo chips - be still my crafty heart !!

Becky T. said...

Heaven. I'm in Heaven! Maya and Ranger overload. Not sure if my wallet can handle all this but I LOVE IT ALL!!!!! ;-)

Primitive Seasons said...

The bingo chips are really cool. I have a set of really old bingo cards and wooden chips and I just look at them because I hate to use them up. Need to think of a creative way to display them. Good luck with your computer transfer Wendy. No matter what, you'll continue to "make art."


Unknown said...

I can't wait to see what you do with all the cute Maya Road stuff.

Anonymous said...

Why are mini things so fabulous? I mean, I have no idea what I'd do with the mini crowns, but I have to have them!

Helen said...

Oh wow! I love those chips...

Jenna said...

A CANVAS mini book?!? I'm in love!!1

Colleen said...

Oh man, I NEED those chipboard crowns like yesterday. The school my kids attend's mascot is the River Kings/Queens. With everyone so involved in school stuff, I could so seriously use those crowns on almost every page I create. How do I get my store to stock them NOW?

Joan said...

You are always a wealth of information ... thank you!

Dorothy said...

So many cool things!!!!

Etta said...

Dear Wendy,

I want it ALL!!!

Your friend in Florida

ScrappyPam said...

Wow! What fun stuff! And what an enabler you are!!

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. While there are many inspirational ideas and beautiful crafts, your comments about daily life are a joy to read. It's a great mix of art and life. I look forward to your next snippet...


scrapnrn said...

Thanks for the peeks. Love the star pins, especially since you could make them any color.

slbt17 said...

wow! Thanks for the peeks - lots of good stuff there!
Have a great weekend....I plan on making are!

Sandy said...

I am definately making art this week-end.
Come play in Arizona some day...please.

Babsarella said...

Thanks so much for the "heads up" on these new products. I see quite a few things I think I "need".

Unknown said...

Loving the crowns and those stars and the banner and the laundry and the and the and the.....

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Wow! You are full of great info today!

Donna said...

I chips in my future for sure maybe not a million but at least 100,000. Canvas banner, oh yes a few hundred of them and did you have to show me the stars?

Unknown said...

I think I need two of everything. I love the star embellishments and the crowns especially :)

Unknown said...

Wow..thanks for the preview! I will be looking for those goodies for sure. So many creative possibilities. I love your blog..always check you first in the morning!
Happy Summer...wish yo were coming to Hannahs!

Unknown said...

Bingo chips and stars and banners and oh so many more wonderful new things to play with. Your blog needs a huge ENABLER ALERT warning!! Thanks for the peeks, I was dying to see what was new!

Linda said...

What fun stuff! If Maya Road's early summer release is this fabulous, how awesome is the CHA release going to be? Love the Bingo chips and the stars and the minis (all of them)!

Have a GREAT weekend!

Patti said...

LOVE the Maya!!! Got to get me some bingo letters and stars! Thanks for sharing!

KAT said...

Crowns and those bingo numbers - SOLD! I bet you about fainted when you seen the bingo numbers in black - so your color palette!!!

Stephanie said...

mmm new maya mist colors!!!

Sharon Secor said...

Wendy - you are such an enabler and I just love you for it!!! Thanks for the heads up - so exciting!

Heidi said...

You really know how to drop a bombshell!!! First the maya road stuff!!! omg...gotta have the bingo chips!!!! and the stars!!!! OM Goodness. And the ranger blog...that will be such fun!!!

Thank you for sharing!!

Lori said...

OMG! I have to have one of every thing! This is a totally awesome release! And the key part..SHIPPING NEXT WEEK!!

Elaine A said...

Hi Wendy -

I love, love, love the crowns and the bingo chips. I see earrings made of bingo pieces - need to get them in my hands to play and experiment with.
Have an artful weekend!

Elaine Allen

michelle said...

Gosh where does a girl start. .. such cute stuff and how fun to have a release before the CHA . . .Thank you Maya Road and thank you Wendy for giving us the low down!

Kathy Eddy said...

Love the new chipboard shapes and Bingo in black! Be still my heart! Can't wait to have these in my inky little hands!

lovetostamp said...

Wendy - what a great post - full of great info. Love it that Ranger got a blog - already subscribed! Thanks for keeping us updated - so much cool Maya Road stuff!

Anonymous said...

Very exciting products Wendy - thanks for a full reveal!!

Tona said...

Omgosh! So many great new products!I just love the Maya Road chipboard pieces!!

Cyndy said...

The Bingo pieces and the "stars" are a must have! Not much else to do this I think I'll get inky and make art! Thanks for sharing.

Joyce said...

WOW! Love it all! Thanks for sharing pictures of the new stuff coming out. You gotta' love Maya Road!

Michele K said...


borcherding said...

Love the banner album, star pins and bingo numbers and EVERYTHING else! LOL!!

Alisa said...

The star pins are fabulous! Can't wait to get my hands on those.

Kate Burroughs said...

I love early releases! So how soon will the new Maya Road be available for purchase anywhere? I love about half of the items you showed. Can't wait to actually see them on the shelf for purchase somewhere!
Aloha, Kate

ellen vargo said...

B-I-N-G-OOOOHHHH MY GOODNESS!!! LOVE them! Can't wait! Hope you have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ah, Wendy, you are such an enabler! I need the crowns and the bingo pieces NOW. And I'm pretty sure I can make a case for needing everything else too.
We really have to wait til next week?
Eileen in NYC

Sharon said...

I belong to the "star" stars. Found a really neat font that has stars carved into it. Using it for my e-book cover. Stars, stars, stars. According to "The Hidden Truth of Your Name" my name even means "star". How cool is that? I see a star...gotta check it out. But when are you Miss Wendy going to start sharing your new stamps? Enough of this star-tease...I want to see the stamps. Ok, I'll be good now...I'll wait. Maybe. Have a great week-end all(and how about living in a country that has 50 stars on it's flag?...gotta love that!).

Courtney said...

woo hoo, love Ranger, glad they have a blog. (not that I need another blog to stalk) Love the new Maya Road things.

jan metcalf said...

All the new MAYA ROAD looks great!! What's not to love? And a new RANGER site too!!

Liz in MO said...

wow oh wow. . . you gotta love maya road!!! and ranger's blog is gonna be too cool.

carpediem said...

the MR star pins and laundry chipboard pieces are too cute! they also have some awesome crocheted trims!

Dianal said...

Love the new maya road chipboard ... the star pins are so cute and I love that you share all these exciting new things with us ... thanks Wendy and have a great weekend .. I'm off to Make Art!

TheLastOfNine said...

Wouldn't mind playing with a "load" of laundry chipboard. I am so in LOVE.

Miss Iowa said...

Wow--thanks for the preview of all the new stuff. Love those Bingo numbers for sure, and in one of my favorite colors.

bethchien said...

thanks for sharing the Ranger ink blog...added it my sidebar!
hope you have a great weekend!
{aka trouble maker in your class. lol}

pta4him said...

Wow, love the canvas albun and ALL the chipboard. What great fun!

Nancy D. said...

Love all the new MR goodies!...thanks for sharing!

Alice I. said...

Wow, Wendy, I'm really loving those bingo chips! They are way cool. Thanks for sharing.

Debby L. said...

More fun stuff to put on my have to have list! Love the star pins and the mini chipboards. Can't wait until they're available.

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

So cool. I LOVE the bingo chips.

Anonymous said...

I actually had to buy a lottery ticket! I never have enough Wendy stamps or Maya Road, and who knows what Ranger has in store? That on top of my new Apple/Mac wishlist is just too much ;-)

Nancy said...

Thanks for showing all the cool mini products - I can see where they can be used in so many different places!! Have a great week end.

mamakat said...

Love all the new Maya Road stuff and can't wait to get my hands on a lot of it, including SEAFOAM mist. WOW. And I am looking forward to seeing the samples you produce. The Ranger blog is way, way cool too.

Sue said...

Oh I need the bingo chips and the crowns! Can't wait to see it all and a Ranger blog also what a day! :) Sue

Julie said...

Thank you, Wendy
for revealing so many,
chipboard minis;
Of crowns and launder days.
And Hey!
What about those bingo chips,
That’s sure to make a hit,
Game pieces… at your fingertips!
So wave those canvas banners,
Colored in every manner,
Of Maya’s new color mists,
There is orange, pink lemonade, sea foam, and raspberry
And such!

Unknown said...

it all looks so lovely! need to find me the bingo chips & the new mists -- yum!

scrappin-scrappin said...

Oh my, love those bingo chips!! Love it all!! Can't wait to see what you do with all of it, I'm sure it will be fantastic!!

nonnie said...

love the crowns and pins with the stars!!! thanks for the preview!

Irene Lenihan said...

Love the bingo letters and the stars. I can see lots of uses for all of the new stuff.

2amscrapper said...

Wendy, thanks so much for sharing photos of the new MR products. Of course I love them all!

Vic said...

Oooh! Gotta have those stars & bingo chips!

Shannon said...

OMG, I'm getting so behind. I still have plenty I need to buy from the last CHA show. Now the next CHA show is slowly approaching and I need/want to get a bunch of Maya Road products, not to mention the whole Tim Holtz die cutting system and I also still need a couple more of your stamp sets. I'm going crazy just thinking about it. I definitely need to win the lottery so I can go crazy and buy tons of supplies. That's a fun dream to have, buying unlimited amount of new products. Wendy, I am on pins and needles waiting to see your next new set of stamps. I'm quite sure they will be just as great if not greater than the last batch.

julie m said...

just when i think i have everything i need...
you must have an advanced degree in enabling. all of this now and still all the cha goodies to look forward to. off to get my credit card.

Karla Anderson said...

Wow loving all the new stuff. Your right the Bingo chips and star pins are amazing. Can;t wait for the store to get this stuff.

Roseanne said...

I think the creators of all these things have mind control chips telling us what we want - or just some really awesome insite!!!

Can't wait until you give us a peak at the project you make with these mini treasures!!


Cindy Trobaugh said...

Those Bingo chips afre awesome. I see them in my future!!!

Lynne said...

Love the Bingo chips & the little outfits!!

octlove said...

Lovin' the black bingo chips, the mini chipboards of the crowns, laundry days plus the canvas banner probably would have been easier to say that I love it ALL!

Be still my piggy bank:)

Anonymous said...

I love anything mini! Maya Road has the best goodies. Thanks for the update and the hole in my bank account...

craftjunkiesc said...

OH MY, what gorgeous goodies coming our way. Thanks for the heads up. Love your blog. Thanks for sharing your time & talent with us.

Deb Smith said...

Thank you thank you thank you for spending my next paycheck. I couldn't have done it without you. Of course I have to have one of everything to round out my collection. Love the Maya Road and with some Studio 490 stamps and some great Ranger inks I can see art happening.

Twyla and Lindsey said...

I love your posts! I love your work!
I can't wait to get my hands on those star stick pins!! Love them!

Angie said...

Thanks for sharing! I want 1 (or 100) of everything.

Can't wait until you can start sharing your new releases and projects. :)

Cindi (aka iring) said...

oooh that Maya road stuff looks good! (you enabler you)

patricia smith said...

Oh, you enabler, you! I can see lots of laundry items, crowns, all the goodies, in fact, in my over stuffed craft room! lol

Thanks for helping us keep up on ways to use our money!
Hugs, Pat Smith

Art By Wanda said...

I'm going to have to share a pic of my Maya Road drawer... it's a BIG drawer and I almost have too much stuff for it... and now there are more Must Haves!!!! I really need to Make Art!!!!!!!!!

Allie Gower said...

Sweet, can't wait to get all the new Maya goodies in at Croppinsville.

Sandi M said...

Oooh, an early release...Love it! That was one piece of blog eye candy after another :) I think the bingo chips are at the top of my wish list!!!

Kristy Hansenwi said...

Gotta have those bingo chips---birthdays, anniversary, oh and the stars would have been great on graduation cards......Hurry and get in the stores!!! kh

susie f said...

Canvas banner??? and star pins??? and laundry day minis???? I am keeping my fingers crossed they all make it over to the UK soon....hopefully before my birthday, then I can swwet talk the hubby!!

RMarijaR said...

Your entries are always filled with perkiness and joy. Do like those mini crowns! Of course, the "coming attractions" of products do tug on the purse strings but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to keep riding on the creative train!

Angie A. said...

Wow, love all of the new Maya Road items and a facebook page for What more could a girl ask for on her birthday!

dani larcom said...

I can think of a million things I could use those bingo chips for!! And those wands are super cute.

Vicki in MD said...

oh me oh my - am I headed for trouble - of the creative kind of course with peeks like this. I've got to have those crowns - my daughter has always claimed that she is the princess - and I always told her that if she is, you know what that makes me. As if all that wasn't enough excitement - Ranger now has a blog. Good thing summer vacation begins next Monday - no school until August 8 so that will give me time to check it out. I saw no warning label at the top of your post - you enabler!

Michelle Nelson said...

A Ranger Blog? Sweeeet indeedy! I may NEVER get away from my computer - YIKES!!!

Susan said...

Yay for Maya Road - they always have super cute products. I was lucky to be able to get the star pins and Bingo markers at convention this weekend. Love them!

Anonymous said...

ok so I have searched..when can we buy these new beuties? cher

Anonymous said...

you're such a generous enabler! love maya road's early summer releases,, especially the star pins.

Tanya said...

Look great!!!!! Just want him!!!!

Aknancy said...

Thanks Wendy for the great sneak peeks. Love it when you do that.
Glad to see you are going Mac. Love mine I was the fiirst one to switch. Now entire household has switched over and never looked back
Too funny about him having you pull up your blog page. Haha.

KAREN said...

Wow, Wendy!!! Love all the minis!!I LOVE the bingo chips ! I can just see those little stars in little fairy hands~~~off to make art! Thanks to Maya Road for the early release!

Donna said...

OMG! Can they make anything more cuter - yes, fractured English but I don't care! Love the Laundry Line Mini Chipboard - way cute!I wnat to go to CHA!!

Kim said...

Wow!!!! I love the new MR stuff!!! Adding it to my wish list right now!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about the new products! It so makes me want to get crafting again.


Deb said...

OMG! I just found your blog, having a wonderful time here.

mary said...

love the crowns and the stars. gotta find who carries them in my area :-)

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Fabulous stuff and I adore those stars ;o)
Anne xx

The Grimes family said...

OMG, I MUST have those bingo chips!!! I hunt for those at every junk store I can find and now I can get them whenever I want! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!