here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Sunday, December 19, 2010

NEW studio490 stamps!

ok here you go...Rick got a photo for you of my brand new...literally, hot off the press stamps...

I'm hoping this link works...

if not, I'll be back next week with some photos...
try this...

the tour was amazing & just plain fun. we both loved it.

we got to see how stamps are created & art parts too.

gotta get ready...headed out to brunch with Ted & Michelle...

we need new stamps to...
make art!


slbt17 said...

WOW ---- but wait I have not finished collecting the last sets!
You are a big TEASE!
GREAT picture Rick - he obviously is a BIG tease too!

Anonymous said...

I was soooooo ready to see the new sets!!!! You are sooo bad!!! When you say HOT OFF THE PRESS, you really mean it!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!

Karen S. Ohio

Helen said...

They're really hot!

Dorothy said...

Thanks for sharing!!!
Waiting for the final!!

Liz in MO said...

Boy, you two are in BIG trouble. You do know what Santa is doing right now, right? Marking a GIGANTIC X through your names. NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY, NAUGHTY!!!!

Rick, you are officially fired as the spy photographer! The only way you can make up for this is to send us all a box of Wendi goodies! Snap, snap, get on it, you only have a couple days to get back on Santa's NICE list!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

haha, such a tease

Unknown said...

I was excited to see the new stamps......But seeing a very small portion of the process was interesting to!

sue said...

You so enjoy teasing us I will wait for the real pictures. Please don't wait to long.

Lisa Somerville said...

Nice tease!

Primitive Seasons said...

What a tease, new staps hot off the press......more like pink pancakes....from a distance yet. You are a bad girl!


SusanK said...

Sight unseen, okay, actual images unseen...all are on my list to get as soon as they are released. YES!

Debby said...

Bummer I could not get that link to work. I am going to try again. Looking forward to seeing what is new. Of course I will want them all!

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

LOL! That is a tease! Looked like bubble gum sheets! :P

Marijane said...

Very tantalizing glimpse of those new babies. We'll be happier when we see the actual stamp-images though!

~* steph :) *~ said...

oo, so exciting...hehe. can't wait to see them :)!!! have a great Sunday! *hugs* steph :)

Chelbella said...

you and rick must be having a ball!!! can't wait to see you new releases.....for real! :)

Donna said...

HOT! Yeah, HOT water that is! You guys are two peas in a pod, you both took us, sucked us in and said naH,naH,Nah! Coal in your stockings! Hope you are having a fantastic time. Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, how exciting!! Sounds like you are having a fantastic time, enjoy!!

Unknown said...

The link works ... but ... arrghhhh! ... can't see them!! Why must you torture us?! Do you think this guy has any INKling of what we're going through? It's like he's brewing up some crack for us rubberheads. hahahaha! Stephanie Rodgers

Cim Allen said...

I can't wait to see the new stamps ! Sounds like you had a great tour~ have a great weekend, can't wait for pics next week.. couldn't get link to work :(

Diana said...

IT IS NO WONDER TIM LOVES YOU!!!!!i so can't wait to see what you have come up with!!!! and what your schedule for 2011 is like.. i am so hoping you make it to the east coast this year!!

jan metcalf said...

I wanna see, I wanna see! :)

Linda R said...

I checked your Blog as I do CONSTANTLY...and a post on Sunday I thought? hmmmm must be good and something that can't wait. Then I see NEW STAMP photos..............oh boy!!! Then @#$#@%^^$#*%&&@$%^%$ grrrrrrrr - lump of coal instead - bad very bad. We need to do lunch with Rick and teach him what BTS means - it means "mole" get us some secret stuff ;-) enjoy and a very Merry Christmas to you both!

Dee in N.H. said...

LOL! What a teaser!

funkycrafter said...

finally! how did you know i have been looking all over for big, flat, blob-shaped stamps? how nice of you to give us a sneak peek. are you going to have some little blog shapes too?
so what's up with this! most times you show at least a little corner. i can see you smiling.

Ava Gavloski said...

well, i thought i got someone else's photo's for some reason, they looked like pancakes on a big kitchen grill.......funny funny, you and your husband must be rolling with laughter.......enjoy the

Heidi said...

Teaser!!!!! this is me sticking my tonge out at you......

TheLastOfNine said...

How cool to view this process up close and personal (lucky you), I have always been facinated how all things are made. What does it smell like, how long is it from start to finish.
Gloria - TheLastOfNine

Karen Goulet said...

Hi Wendy. Was that an April Fool's trick? I cannot wait to see the new stamps. I just know that they are going to be as fabulous as always!

Donna said...

I'm so gullable. I'm all set to tell you the link didn't work until I read the other comments and realized, "She got me!"

Looking forward to your release. Merry Christmas!

Elaine A said...

You are so bad Wendy! I actually believed we would get to see the stamps, then I remembered who was sending us the link - LOL! Funny, funny girl!

Elaine Allen

Julie said...

Cooked stamps! Who would have imagined! At least it's not burned rubber!! LOL

Vic said...

Cute! I know I better start saving some money, though!

Lori said...

Nice! I'm working on zooming in with my photo editor...stay tuned...

Nancy said...

Oh, aren't YOU the tease?!?! lol

Anonymous said...

oh ya... we will get ya back ya teaser u! lol... cant wait tho!
xo cher

Diane Swanson said...

I can't wait to see your new stamps-you tease! It sounds like you are having lots of fun!!!! Wish I were there-but I am having fun making my Christmas cards and the gift card/money holder with your stamps!

Anonymous said...

hahaha....very funny you two!
Well, hot off the griddle is what it looks like. wish I could really see the stamps, but thanks for the good laugh!
Eileen in NYC

Unknown said...

I bet they are fabulous!! yeah...that was definetly a teaser shot ;)

Art By Wanda said...

Not even a peek at one image!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sigh!!!! I'm glad you are having fun!!!

Therese said...

what a big tease-----not nice to do that------i am sure that your mother taught you better than that----that is what my mom would of said when i do stuff like that to my family and friends..........well kiddo, i am off to do last minute making art -----i know but this is better than xmas eve and xmas morning, lol.......your stamps, tumbled marbled tiles, rangers black pigment ink, ranger clear embossing powder, heated oven and add any kind of ribbon and then the stands from the great dollar stores ( 3 clear for 1.00).............have a great holidays to you, the hubby and your extended 4 legged ya, therese

Robyn said...

thanks for the sneak peak

KAT said...

Stinker! You are such a tease!!! Hope you stayed warm while you were here in Ohio.... It's brrrrrrrrrr....

Can't wait to see your new stamp line!

Kate Burroughs said...

Oh that photo shows so little of what the new stamps look like. Can't wait to see the sneak peeks from CHA!
Aloha, Kate

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Thanks, for almost showing us some new stamps! That's least they are in production! That means you will be making art for us soon...with new stamps! Yippee!

Etta said...

Wicked awesome, Wendy and Rick!!! Glad you had fun 'cause that means more fun for us!


Anonymous said...

Awww, I was all psyched up for a sneak peek. All I got was a lot of Pink-LOL just kidding. I feel like it's one of those kids pictures with the hidden clues. I see the corner of a cover sheet behind one of the boxes. Going back to look for more. P.S. Tell Rick we are getting him photography classes for Christmas.

Renee said...

Couldn't see the pic but look forward to seeing the new stamps in real life soon.

Happy Holiday!

Marilyn L. said...

Can't wait for the pictures - link did not work for me.

mluxa said...

You are a stinker, Wendy!!! Remember, the elves are watching you, and reporting back to Santa! (well, it used to work with my son when he was 4)

Gerrie Johnnic said...

lol, my heart was thumping, and then the let done, shame shame....but I should have known better...can't wait to see them all!Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Penci said...

Just bought myself another set of your stamps for Christmas! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us in January!
Many blessings to you and yours this Christmas......Penci

Larissa Heskett said...

AWESOME!! I am so excited!! Thanks so much for the sneak peeks!! I really am excited to get aome of the new rubber and CREATE SOME ART!! =) THANKS for sharing and have a GREAT WEEK!! =)

Tara C said...

Well I couldn't get the link to work but it seems by looking thru the other the comments I didn't miss much. I am waiting for these new stamps I have imagined many times what may be I story-- I hope I'm right!!!

octlove said...

that was just plain wrong...but oh so funny...should have known u were just teasing!

My lss finally got your latest batch of stamps you know I will be creating art over the holidays:)