Congrats to Linda Cain on having her book chosen to be displayed in the Maya Road booth @ CHA!!! YIPPEE!! Lucky Linda gets $75 worth of FREE Maya Road goodies as her prize. FREE a GOOD 4 letter word!! And...Linda will get a goodie or 2 from me too!
There were 14 other entries chosen. Any other blog friends get a call from (my master)...Lisa Pace?? Let me know! I'll be happy to send you a goodie too! I call her my master because she is a Memory Makers Master 08! Talent to the max in that gal...amazing. You'll see her work in lots of scrapbook publications.
In another news flash, yesterday the Design Team got a preview of the new Maya Road catalog cover. WAY cool eye candy and lots of inspiration. 4 of the photos on the cover are mine! I'm super happy! I can't wait to share this photo, but mum's still the word. The minute we get the OK...I'll post it. You can count on it...
I got several emails about the cool new metal flowers in the sneak peek...all wondering what I'll make with them. Guess what? I'm still wondering too! I haven't used them yet. I have to find just the right project. Yikes...I better hurry..I leave 2 weeks from today.
This is fun...check it out...blog
And other things you probably don't need to know...
I actually used PINK! And I used it twice yesterday on some CHA stuff. Never ever before have I used pink, but this idea NEEDED pink. Well...ok...I tried before, didn't like the results & trashed it. However, these dabber paints are perfect for chipboard & just the right color of pink. Shell pink & cloudy blue...way different for me, but fun stuff. I'll show you when I can.
And...this is hard to believe...I did one whole BIG project with no vintage photo. HORRORS. Only colors...matter of fact, that's the title...COLORS. That's one of the photos that was chosen for the cover...I even used MARMALADE! Imagine that!!
Ok...enough blabbering for today. Time to open some vintage photo! I was almost in withdrawal...........phew......
I hope your weekend is THE BEST EVER!!
YEAH, Wendy!! for having your creations on the cover!! It's so exciting, isn't it?! But now I want to see them NOW! LOL!!!
Congrats to Linda! Love when a fellow IL artist gets recognized! YEAH!
Have ya figured out how to use those flowers? Quite the challenge but I'm sure you'll find a way!
Good luck!
congrats for having your creation on the cover... exciting cant wait to see it
Who are you & what did you do with the REAL Wendy???? She never uses pink!
Congrats on the cover-can't wait to see it!
Hi Wendy.
Just stopping by to let yah know today was your feature on the Queen Kat Designs Bloggers Club. Come check it out. Nina did a nice write up on you. :)
Have a great weekend.
Congrats Wendy for the cover shots!! And isn't Linda a true champ for winning the Maya Road comp too! :) Her book is just adorable!
Pink!?!?!?! I nearly fainted when I read that!! :) I only started using pink after I had my daughter Zoƫ. (she LOVES pink)
Thanks for the plug, girl! Pink..how strange, I just made a winebox today for a class with PINK. Well, kinda, it did have Mahogany Distress Ink on it!
Congrats on all the wonderful pics on the cover, can't wait to see them!
Your Friend in ART - Linda
LOL... when I saw your "Colors" project I thought it looks like Wendy's work BUT it has lots of COLOR and Wendy does NOT do color... it is a beautiful project and so worthy to be in the catalog cover collage. I'm your biggest fan.
WOW-Four photos on the cover-that's great!
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