Lots of inking...lots of grunging...lots of STAMPING...
LOTS of new art friends.
THANKS Terri for the invite & to everyone who came & played.
I LOVED the store...
I LOVED the customers...
I SHALL return!
I SHOPPED there too...YIPPEE!
I was inspired by "something" that's NOT grunge or rubber...
More on that later...
but I will tell you that Rick said...what the heck is this for???
I have plans to adapt "it" to my stamps...
Hopefully the picture in my mind can be done...
I just need a little playtime...
Susan was kind enough to send a photo of her bird...
from the Build A Better Bird workshop...
once again...no camera for me...same old song...
She thought outside the stamp (box) and made the funky flower into grass...
it looks so COOL!
GREAT job Susan...thanks for sharing...

Ok...I SHOPPED...you should too!
I've had lots of emails asking about where to find the NEW Rock Candy & Metallic Distress Stickles...OMG...it's sooooooo cool...
they're in stock HERE...
and the NEW Rock Candy Crackle Paint is in stock too...
and FINALLY...we waited FOREVER...
and ever..for...
the 12 remaining colors of the Distress Stickles!!
Happy shopping to you!
Next...a studio 490 sighting...
These tags were created by Hels Sheridan...
Pop over to her blog to see more of her awesome art...
I'm totally impressed...
I bet you are too!

and another BEAUTY by Hel's!

Hels...LOVE your art!
Hmmmm...What else do I have to say???
I had no clue that we would ship so many of my books to so many far away places. The internet sure makes it a small world...
So far we've sent them all over the US, Canada, LOTS to the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy and today's mailing goes all the way to Japan.
THANKS Minori! Rick will mail yours this morning...
I'm excited about this weekend...
the next stop on the art adventure is...
For Keeps Sake in St. Louis...this Saturday.
Ted will be there with a billion of tim's stamps...
other Stampers Anonymous stamps...
and all my studio 490 stamps...
I'll do a book signing @ noon...
and then a grungy workshop after that.
Hope to see you there...
(a BILLION stamps!...I'm just saying...)
Now about that yummy film strip ribbon...
looks like I'm not the only one...
LOTS of you like it too...
The first number chosen is...
Claire said...
Ribbon? Wow... filmstrip ribbon along with your new book (which when it arrived on Wednesday got read and re-read, so no dinner!)would lead to a whole new set of ideas!
September 18, 2009 4:56 AM
and since I have PLENTY...
Let's send another to a new home...
the second winner is...
mamakat said...
Okay; I stopped making grunge flowers and getting my new stamps all inky to check my email, etc. and what do I find? That you have ALL of the ribbon that I have been coveting since CHA! Please Wendy, let this inally be the time that I win. Please,please,please...
September 17, 2009 9:56 AM
CONGRATS to the 2 winners...
Please email me with your name & shipping info...
I think we'll do another giveaway...LATER this week...
It's off to cruise kit central for me...
LOTS to accomplish before my shipping deadline...
keep your eyes open...
be inspired...
make art!
oh...I almost forgot...
Love those tags, and I'm off to get some rock candy! :)
Love that bird! Wendy, where do the wooden birds come from?
Congratulations Claire and mamakat! Have fun with the film strip ribbon!
Wendy, if you need help getting ready for the cruise, I am SURE I could convince my bosses to let me take a couple of days off to help and I promise I wouldn't say a thing to anyone. . .really I wouldn't - my lips would be sealed! Only 20 days to go! Can't wait!
Linda H.
Congratulations to the winners! Way to go.
Elaine Allen
Congratulations to those lucky winners! The Bears did win! It was awesome to see them fight back. I got to go to the game which was really sweet!
Congratulations to the winners ... Fabulous bird and awesome tags ... I really really wish I was closer to that truck ... the same continent would be good :0)
Congrats to the winners! I love that bird. I sure wish that you would come & teach that workshop in my neck of the woods.
Love your blog and congrats to the winners. Maybe I'll get in on the next one. :)
WOO HOO Hels tags look great and her blog is certainly worth a visit xx
Congrats to the winners of the Film Strip...bet you have FAB times playing with it :O))
Wendy ... you are such a STAR! Thank you from the very bottom of my inky heart for featuring my tags...I feel so HONOURED! Thank you, thank you, thank you for inspiring me to play and get inky and messy and make ART!
I so love that birdy too...it is fab and the grass is awesome.
Enjoy your weekend Wendy, as usual, I am not at all jealous that I can't be there :O)) ... big hugs xx
Congratulations Lucky Winners!! I am just going to have to continue stalking the scrapbooking store! Also, love the bird- amazing job Susan!!
Yeah!! Yeah!!! Yeah!!!!
Finally I won and I'm so excited! I guess its true what they say; "good things come to those that wait" and "you can't win if you don't play!"
Thank you Wendy
Congrats to the film strip ribbon winners:) I am lucky though...going to see you this weekend in St. Louis for your class!! I can't wait to see all of those stamps too!...the hard part will be not to buy them all;)(That might make the hubby a little upset...lol)
Congrats to the winners. I loved using the filmstrip ribbon on my project this past Saturday at Wendy's workshop. I can't wait to get some more. I have lots of plans for it. Wendy, you were a fantastic teacher--as always. I've read the first part of your book. Now I'm onto the details of the inspiration projects.
Congrats to the winners and I must say those tags are just wonderful. ..
Congratulations you lucky winners!
Have a great week Wendy. See you on the ship next month. Color me excited *smiles*
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