60 packages...
each containing 24...
I told you before I LOVE tim's snaps...
they're great embellishments for LOTS of things...
it's a good thing!
I snapped last night...
snapped with coffee this morning...
What a lovely vision...
all 1440 put together...
perfectly matched...
gold with gold...copper with copper...silver with silver...
ready to be put in some kits...
and checked OFF the TO-DO list!
This is the progress we've made since 5am...today.
A little messy...but hey...
we're making
Come back tomorrow...
GIVEAWAY details...
Now while I'm making kits...
I hope you can play &...
make art!
Hi Wendy!
I love reading your blog and today I just happen to check out the stuff on your sidebar. I happened to see where you live....OMG! I was in Olgesby this weekend when passing through on my way to Wisconsin. That is our half-way point on the drive. We usually stop at the Rootbeer Drive-In. Love the Rootbeer! Maybe someday I will see you there....Ha!
Thanks for the great inspiration!
Cindy Van Sluys
WOWZERS Wendy ... counting and colour matching snaps ... 5am ... you must be worn out ... I hope you get well looked after on this cruise ... you have certainly earned some 7 star treatment X
Hi Wendy - While you're making kits, I'll be making my way to "the day job" to continue working my way toward the 8th of October. That's when I'm starting my PRE-vacation before we leave to cruise *smiles*!
I love all of the teasing you've been doing. I am soooo looking forward to being surprised with the class projects. Nothing quite like a good surprise!!
Ahh snap! Breaking out some crafts this morning. Thanks for the inspiration. :)
All I can say is... I'M SO EXCITED!!! ;D
Looking at the really cool bowl of snaps reminds me of happy moments spent running my hands through jars and cigar boxes full of grandma's old buttons. Maybe if I ran them through snaps it might make the hot flashes not so bad??? :)
Wendy -
Your poor fingers must be sore from all that snapping!
are you kidding...you snapped together almost 1500 snaps and you didn't get carpal tunnel of the thumb or something? wow. that qualifies you for a crafting purple heart anyway, at least.
Wendy - 5 am, wow!!! You are amazing (and probably pumped up on all kinds of Caffeine) I have to say that I am envious of your cruisers. They are lucky folks indeed!
OH Snap!! My kids used to say that and I am not really sure what the slang means. But that is a lot of snaps. They sure are pretty in that bowl. I think my eyes would be pretty messed up with doing that but that is progress! Thanks for sharing with all of us. Have a great time in St. Louis this weekend. It is a great city.
Oh, every tease you leave makes me more and more jealous of the lucky folks who get to cruise with you!!
Snap, snap, SNAP! More teasing! *lol*
Maybe I should have volunteered to help you instead of Mario - you're a lot closer to OH & I may have actually been able to do it. ;o)
See you SOON!
Lots and lots of snaps but at least you are making headway.
wow...you give new meaning to the expression "snap to it!" I'd say you have, and then some.
16 days til my flight to L.A.
Am I excited? Oh, my!!
Well, shoot. I just finally got some of Tim's little paper clips, which I adore, & now I see I need some snaps lol.
The anticipation is building! The teases just make me want the date for the cruise to get here sooner. Love your blog!
Wow...your fingers must be sore. OK, I have a question today. I love the hitch fasteners, however, only seem to use the front part. So I have a package that just has the back left. Any thoughts on what I can use them for? I tried to cut the threading part off so they could lay flat but they are too thick. What do you do with yours? Thanks much and happy kitting.
I don't think I've ever seen that many snaps in one place and I can't believe you assembled all those sets! Kit away...
Such busy fingers LOL!!
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