Are you still answering questions?
I would love to know if you're going to do a tute on grunge flowers? The are so beautiful
Here's the recent rose tutorial...have FUN!
Be warned...they are ADDICTING!
The next...
Do you ever get blocked? If so, how do you get unblocked. (If you don't get blocked, could you just lie to make the rest of us feel better?)
That was funny!
I don't have to lie! Believe me... I do have brain dead days.
I HATE it and it's inconvenient...but there's no forcing art.
So...I have to completely walk away...
For inspiration...the internet is LOADED with cool stuff...
NEVER COPY...just be inspired. (That's my lecture for the day!)
Visiting flea markets and antique malls is very inspiring for me.
I like old rusty stuff...
WHY it works? I really don't know...but it usually does.
Next question...
My question: Will you have projects for the fall season using sticky back canvas? I just got some and am dying to find a "Halloween or Fall" themed project to use it on!
I am swamped with stuff on the TO-DO list right now, so there won't be a formal tutorial...HOWEVER...
this could easily be adapted to Claudine's canvas...
Stamp the butterfly & flower (pumpkin) onto canvas & proceed from there...
"make art" seems to be your signature. it's so simple. where did you get the idea?
YIKES! I was hoping this wouldn't come up.
It' s embarrassing...But since you're blog friends...
The first time I was asked to sign something I was SHOCKED.
ME? REALLY????????
and...she wanted me to sign a cool Tim apron, which made it even worse.
In 3 seconds my thoughts were...
*I hope she's sure...
*your handwriting sucks
*if you ruin this you'll be upset
*if you ruin it SHE'LL be REALLY upset...and it will be all over the net that YOU ruined her apron. God forbid!
So...I thought...
write something short...VERY SHORT and there's less chance of UGLY. I've always liked the word ART...that's one stamp I collect...if it has ART on it, I'll buy it!
So, I wrote "make art" & signed my name...and didn't ruin her apron. YIPPEE!
I thought about it on the way home...liked it, because that's what I it kind of stuck.
Phew...I'm glad that's DONE! Embarrassing...
More Q&A guys sent a huge list! THANKS!
My blog hopping time is VERY limited these days...
I have LOTS to get done...I have workshops the next 3 weekends (YIPPEE...I LOVE them) and...
We're working hard...getting stuff done and organized...and believe me...
Tim & I are over the top excited and counting the sleeps!
So...I was happy to get some emails directing me to some
studio 490 sightings...thanks to my ROVING REPORTER!
This is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my acrylic storage binder...MAGNIFICENTLY done and LOADED with my stamps.
The artist is Linda Elbourne...
Lucky for Linda, that I can't drive over to the UK & swipe this beauty.
I LOVE IT!!! Love the the design.
THANKS Linda!!

And this wonderful tag is made by HELS...
I thought using the mini flower for a wing on the bird was pure...GENIUS. Or, as they say in the UK... simply BRILLIANT!
This has great colors...& I LOVE the stamp choices!
Thanks Hels!

Now about that GIVEAWAY...
Ok...I entered the chose # 30...
Is it you?
Here's the comment...
Tona said...
I too enjoy reading the Q & A's. You have a great sense of humor. Thanks for the chance at a great give away. I got my book yesterday. I've been crazy busy so I only had a chance to glance at it so far but I can already tell that it's wonderful. Without a doubt I will be buying book #2 when it comes out.
September 4, 2009 11:29 AM
Send me your address & I'll get your goodies in the mail.
I hope you'll use them...MAKE some ART...and show us what you made! I'll be happy to post it here.
Thank YOU... to everyone who took time to comment...
I have another book to give away...
It just might be to a random just never know...
comments are good...get it?
Time to...
make art!
Would love your fab book, looking forward to the cruise !ateepo
oops typed in the security word in the wrong place, lol
Thanks for the Q & A sessions, the reference to things I might have missed (because of life).
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who has stuff rumbling around in the old
♥ the Art!
Love the book. Looking forward to Saturday's class. It should be fun. Always ready to learn something new. Have to do some cleaning today. Yuck.
I love you ... 'nuff said XXX
Just wanted you to know that I'm trying REALLY HARD not to think about how many days are left before we leave on the cruise! Some days I feel like I'm just going to BURST with excitement *smiles*.
Hi Wendy -
I like the Q&A's, very informative (and who needs a comedy club when we have you)! Thanks so much for taking the time from your busy schedule to spend time with us.
Elaine Allen
Omgosh! Thanks so much!! I can't believe I to figure out how to send you my info :)
Did I see the words "full cruise mode"....not long now....can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!!!
You are such a tease!! LOL! When I order my book I'm going to ask you to write something REALLY LONG inside. :)
I just love your random questions. . . do you watch icarly?? They do random dancing (can you tell I have preteens in my home??). Anyway, I got my book in the mail on Sat. and I immediately sat down and absorbed it, it is absolutely FANTASTIC!!! (Don't throw me out of the drawing I can always use 2!, one for my scraproom and one for my craproom. . . oops, did I just type that >))) some of the best reading is done in that room!!!!
Anyway, TMI, love your blog and book!!
That's kind of an obvious "hint", even for me! LOL. I am so looking forward to the cruise. Everyone keeps asking me what clothes I'm taking...who cares about clothes??? I'm taking empties to bring stuff BACK!
Thanks for the link back to the rose - only I don;t have that stamp yet, damn! Wish I was going on the cruise, I am sure it will be absolutely fabulous!
WOW its great to see my friends works on your Blogs, especially as they are Wendy stamps hooked and I mean hooked, they are producing fantastic artwork between them and its just soooooooo kind you have seen there work and Blogged it, they will be well happy, your works such an inspiration and also a huge thanks the 2 books arrived with me in the UK today, so the girls will be pleased with those to, thanks again for the extra signatures xx
Another book give away - you are too kind. I love the Q&A. Wish I could go on the cruise. It sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing where Make Art came from - awesome!
Isn't it funny how the moments we struggle with leads us to something wonderful. . . Make art is forever yours now!
I loved your Q & A and love your work. I would be so excited to get one of your books and for you to sign it would be great. you wouldn't mess it up.
Congratulations Tona! Enjoy your prize!
I will be ready for the cruise on Friday. . .my "baby" leaves for London on Thursday for 3 months. . .empty nest - just me, my hubby, the cat and the dog. . . what am I going to do? I know! To borrow Wendy's words - MAKE ART! (And really get everything together for the cruise!)
Wendy, thanks for all the inspiration!
Linda H
Collage style is so very hard for me. Gonna have to get me a copy of your book!
I would love to have a copy of your book!!
Would love to get a copy of your book. Thanks.
You rock and I'm loving these Q&A's. I absolutely love the flower as a wing - how smaht is HELS?!!
Thanks for all the inspiration. I got registered today for the workshop Sat in Bloomington! Whoo Hoo!!!
Wendy, you have the best personality, and your work is beautiful! I wish I was half as talented as you.. I am going to go and make some art!
Dawn in MB SC
Thanks for the Q & A. Enjoyed your story about signing the apron and love what you wrote.
Sure wish I was going on the cruise.
Congratulations Tona :)
I too love reading your answers Wendy, very amusing :)
Anne (UK) x
Such a great idea to use the mini flower for bird wings!!!! Congrats to Tona!
Too, too funny about the apron!! What a great memory... or not :-))
O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got back from a week in the sunshine and WOW!!!!! You put my tag on YOUR BLOG!!!! O M G!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooo honoured you did that .... THANK YOU ... and WOW, Linda's covers are so gorgeously scrummy that I am actually goin to drive to her house and pinch them...p'raps we could have a time share on them LOL thanks again Wendy....again, all my art is inspired by you.... hugs xxxx
Yes, Wendy . . . I was sure I wanted you to sign my cool Tim apron, your handwriting doesn't suck and you couldn't possibly have ruined it! But you never told me I was the first person to ever ask you to sign something. Wow - now I feel very clever to have recognized how special you are. Looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks in St. Louis!
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