but still no sun!
What gives?????????
OK...give it up & talk about art...
I have some photos for you today, compliments of Susan Kesselman...
She was @ the workshop on Saturday & brought a mini rose to show me...
I made ONE about the size of a quarter a while back, as a test for a possible stamp...
The operative word here is ONE...
it was such a pain...no more for me...
Look @ the one below, made by Susan...
This chick must have the patience of an art saint!
it's soooo ADORABLE and sooo mini...

And that's not all from Susan...
She embellished a sweatshirt...using my stamps!
Let me tell you...I wasn't the only one who wanted to steal it!
That's Lori on the lower right...Deb on the lower left & I'm next to Susan. They're group friends.

on to some Q & A's...
#1...Could you be persuaded to sell you personal pocket journal kit?? (please envision sad puppy dog face) It would be perfectly practical, I'm sure - prudent even... I would love to purchase (pretty please with rock candy stickles on top!)
Lots of people would like me to sell kits...I get this request frequently, but here's my thoughts...
My workshops are all about inking and stamping...
LOTS of stamping. I bring TONS of inks & TONS of stamps...
So...if you have the kit parts and instructions, but not the stamps or the right color ink...
the kit does you no good.
We thought about stamping everything...but then you have no fun & may as well buy the finished piece. make sense?
We're still thinking on kits...plus time is another HUGE issue. We talk about this often...to be continued...
#2...I thought this comment was soooooooo sweet
Wendy, love the q & a- I have to tell you this- I am a curriculum specialist at an elementary school and yesterday was Dream Big day- where we got to dress like what we want to be when we grow up- well i wore painted on jeans and a shirt and an apron with "Make Art" on the front- I also had a tag that said Mrs. McKinney- Artist- So I guess you could say that I dressed up like you yesterday!
Hey Dawn...I hope you didn't have a paper towel up your nose!
#3...forgot 2 ask...how did u mount ur craft sheet to the cutting mat?
I have my non stick craft sheet attached to a self healing cutting mat, like quilters use(JoAnn's)
I attached it with Ranger's Wonder Tape...but just around the outside perimeter.
You don't want an X diagonally...that will show thru when you ink over it...
I like that it's more stable and you can still see the quilters lines thru the craft sheet....for straight easy stamping.
#4...this is from NANCY...it's a blog comment...I have no email to answer this...so here goes...
Hi Wendy,Glad you are back! Yikes....sorry to read of your paper towel episode. Looking forward to receiving your book. Will I get a pay pal notice first?
We mailed every book order yesterday...so Nancy, please resend your book request in an email. THANKS!
#5...(was that snowman in your backyard?)
HA! NO WAY would I stay out there to make him...NEVER! I'm IN 'til JUNE!
#6...can I ask what machine you use for those Tim dies?
I have the Big Shot Express from Sizzix & I LOVE IT...(but I will be getting tim's new Sizzix machine...you can bet on it! It's TOO COOL...It's coming this summer and I can't wait)
#7...ah ha!!!!!!!!! YOU thought you were being sneaky. I found out what you were hinting about...the guest artist thing. I FOUND your new Ranger video. do I win a prize?
HA HA! WRONG...that's not what I was hinting about...but thanks for letting me know it's been posted.
I see that LOTS of new FREE videos from CHA are up on Ranger's site...featuring Tim, Claudine, Suze & my sweet UK friend...the REAL Lady Dy.
Get a beverage & check them out for some FREE fun!
There's more questions for another day...
I'll be back tomorrow.
Until then...
make art!
Thanks for the links to the videos. Will check them out as soon as I'm finished drooling over all the great loot I've received this week.
I really need to stop drooling and start arting!
Eileen in NYC
I am SO there with Eileen! I feel like a kid in a candy store - where do I begin???
Wendy! Hi there, can we order your books directly from you or do we have to order from Stampers Anonymous? If I order both books plus shipping how much would it be? Thanks so much. Just read your interview and thoroughly enjoyed it.
LOVED spending my Saturday with you and other like-minded artists! Can't wait to do it again - maybe 4/10?? Thx for the compliments-making art with your images is lots of fun!
That sweatshirt truly is just perfect...I would have been really sneaky and got nosebleed blood on my own top...then pleaded that I was frozen...so Susan would then have taken pity and given said sweatshirt away to keep you warm!!! *betcha didn't realise I could be so cunning ROFL*
Loving the dinky flower...tooooo cute...hugs x
Hi Wendy,
Any chance you could link where you are teaching to the store's Web site? I sometimes find it difficult to locate info for the stores and if they are close enough to my state I would love to attend classes! I know you're coming to us is August but I find it soooooo hard to wait that long!
I am enjoying your new book. Even made one of the projects in it to get my creativity going. Thanks for sharing with us. Told my husband about 4/10 so he has fair warning that I will be gone again!
That rose was beautiful, but too small for me to manage! Susan does a wonderful job thinking of that stuff! Class sure was fun, and I LOVE my new stamps!
Hi Wendy -
I can't believe the size of that tiny rose! My freaking fingers are too big to even hold the parts for assembly! She truly must have the patience of a saint - it is amazing and so adorable! Thanks for sharing it with us Wendy.
Elaine Allen
I am in awe of that tiny rose, it is so cute! I have trouble with the normal size one.
I love reading your blog.. you rock girl!!! Miss ya.. I need to head south but it sounds like you still have snow too! Eeek.. whats with this spring stuff? hehe.
Hugs from the Michigan Gal!
Dawn "inn" Michigan!
What did Susan use on the mini rose to make it look glossy? It almost looks like glazed pottery.
Will you sign a note for my teacher that I did not get my essay done because I had to watch the new Ranger Videos?
I can understand totally about the kits it is all about the ink and you do tell us where we can find our bits and pieces I appreciate that!
I'm glad you are not doing kits. It makes taking your class that much more special. See you in St.Lousi.
well now..where do I learn how to do TEENY roses? so cute...and the sweatshirt..VERY cute! looks to be my size...where can I find her I wonder..saw the new videos...cant get enuf..and u just keep pondering the kits my dear...we want them LOL...not everyone gets to take a class or they are too far (Im trying to help here lol) ..until your next post...
wendy...you are one amazing lady!!!
Wendy that was the COOOlest thing to have you post my comment. I so wish I would have taken a picture of me dressed up as you. Thank you for the inspiration.
I am playing with your new stamps now and I am having a ball!
Hugs from the beach!
Dawn in SC
Thanks for the video links...I'll check them out later tonight. I got my notice that my book shipped. I'm guessing another day or 2 at the most. Do you think that they would let me sleep at the post office while I wait?
Amazing rose!! I hope spring gets here soon.
loved the q&a today. just thinking about the kit thing... what if you offerred basic kits and then have add ons for stamps, inks etc.? that way the crafter can decide if she just wants/needs the basic kit or if she needs more pieces and parts? just a thought.
this may be the only way for some of us to take a "class" from you.....
I'll be checking out the videos when I've got a bit more time and I'm going to have to try the craft sheet attached to a cutting mat thing... flip & go... flip & go... very cool.
so if you decide to do kits... i work for stamps.
Susan does to amazing work!
I think that's so cool that you take the time to answer questions for your blog followers. Most people in a position like yours don't have the time and don't do it. By "a position like yours" I mean, a busy artist who has her own line of stamps and books out, an "ART DIVA" basically. Thank you for taking the time to answer questions. Tim does it too, any time I've ever e-mailed him a question, I am so suprised to get an answer pretty much immediately from him. You'd think he wouldn't have the time either. It's nice and it makes us little people feel important.
You sound like you would be such a hoot to hang with!! I too have a Big Shot, but I will HAVE to have Tim's new machine .. cause it is so cute !! I wish I wasn't at work so I could go home and create, but I have to work in order to pay for my habit .. LOL .. such a vicious circle !! Have a great day Wendy .. stay warm
I love it when you answer questions! I always learn something new or something that I hadn't thought of before. Love the mini rose, too, but I like making the bigger roses myself. I got book 2 in the mail yesterday and didn't put it down all evening...brought it to look at during lunch today. lol Hope to get inky this weekend!
Wendy, that is one mini rose and there is no way in hell I could make that because as you know, I have man hands!! LOL!
Congrats Susan on having your minigrunge-roses on Wendy's blog. What a treat! I personally cannot imagine making them that small!!!!!! Holy moly.
Aloha, Kate
I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that I received my book in the mail and it wonderful. . . okay now I am headed back to the book. Thank you so much for sharing your talent
Wendy I received both of your books the other days and wanted to get some of your must have products. I can't seem to find any on line access to the American Tag Co tags or paper. Could you direct me? I am really enjoying the books and hope I can Make Art real soon!!!
Sandi F.
Decatur, IL
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