here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

back in business...

for now...FINALLY!

I exaggerated...
it only took 1 hour & 53 minutes to get back to email...not the usual 2 hours...

In the interim, we did check into wifi...
we're not sure if that will work for us or not, with the limit per month...
that will be plan B.

Switching would also necessitate a new email...
YIKES...scarry to notify LOTS of people.

Hughesnet does not allow you to keep your email or to buy it like some providers do...I checked...

So for now, we'll stick with what we have...
and keep my fingers crossed...

While I was "ON HOLD" one of the 4 times...

I found that grungepaper is FINALLY back in stock.
It was sold out
I imagine because it's so fun...

I think I've replied to everyone who was trying to find it...but if's here for sure...

SHOPPING...while I was on hold, kept me sane...
the mojito was for medicinal purposes only...I needed it really bad...

I was also happy to find the Core Impressions embossed cardstock that coordinates perfectly with my fav Jenni Bowlin papers...gotta have it...yep...I ordered...

HUGE THANKS for all the sweet comments about Rick's BUD art...that was fun! he got a kick out it too.

no stamp art to show, so I searched for photos to make this post interesting...

This is the daily routine here...

we go into the bedroom to make the bed...
Ranger pops out...
bites my toes, laughs...I SWEAR he does...

then scoots back under the bed...

With the house redo...
I vowed to simplify...
less stuff...

DUST is a really bad 4 letter word here...
right up there with IRON...
the worst!

Anyway, my attempt @ simple lasted all of about 1.25 hours.
With no stuff...the place was boring...
It had NO personality...

So...we're back to a pile of stuff ...
in the bedroom...

which sits on top of a cabinet that Rick's grandfather made.

It's NOT fine wood...or perfect...
but it has memories and we adore it...
we were thrilled to rescue it...

and speaking of decor...
I'm late...I'm late for a very important date...
LUNCH & antiquing with my guy...
we're...(OK...I'm) searching for a mantle to use as a headboard...
he doesn't know that yet...
I like to surprise him sometimes...
I'd like to surprise him & tell him I want all the hardwood floors ripped out & replaced...
but that just might put him over the edge...let's keep that a secret between us...PLEASE!
we've had a picket fence, an old door, a gate, a garden trellis and a million frames as a headboard...
I think a mantle would be cool...
the hunt is on...
for a mantle to...
make (bedroom) art!
ps...I'll report on our finds.


Lillian Child said...

Wendy - your writings just make me chuckle out loud. And your "small print" comments have me on the floor holding my side I'm laughing so hard! And with three cats of my own, I am in total agreement that they do indeed know how to laugh at their humans! Good luck in your shopping search for that PERFECT mantle!

Cim Allen said...

You'll have to post a pic of your headboard once you find the mantle, how cool of an idea is that ??!!! Ranger is such a cutie. Enjoy your day with your guy .. happy hunting :)

Elaine A said...

Wendy -

Betcha Rick cringes ever so slightly when you say "Let's shop"? LOL!

Elaine Allen

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see what you find. My husband always says do we have to go junk shopping.

Kim said...

Bedroom art? Don't make my mind go there, Wendy! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

I've also had a ton of different headboards, everything from a piece of a fence to a quilt I hand painted on the wall. Am currently happy with a padded one I made myself, covered in very soft and yummy faux mink, of all things.
Good luck on your search. I'm sure it will be fabulous.
Eileen in NYC

SusanK said...

One of our cats prefers to unmake the bed as I'm making it. They are so darned funny; and yes, they do laugh! The mantle sounds like a really cool idea! How would you handle the layout for a bed larger than the mantle?

Anonymous said...

Oh,Wendy! I love your blog, and you always make me laugh. Hope you are successful on your search. Can't wait to see what you find. Til next time, technology not withstanding....

Lori said...

Good luck with the mantle search, will be fun to see what you find! Hadn't thought of the limit on Mifi, we rarely use even 1 gig per month, but we don't play games or download a lot of music or videos, so we're always well within the limit. Ranger is one funny cat! One of ours likes to crawl in between the bedspread and the cover sheet. I swear one of these times no one is going to realize she's under there and sit on her.

patricia smith said...

Welcome back, we missed you! Have fun shopping, but maybe Rick needs to stay home & do his Bud thingie, and let you have fun! lol He is probably afraid to let you out of sight!
Hugs, Pat Smith

Heidi said...

A mantle head board...that is for sure thinking outside the box... Can't wait to see what you find, and how you put it all together! Good luck.

Chirpin Is Fun said...

You just crack me up!

Anonymous said...

tooooo funny lady! rick sounds like my guy lol...

Liz in MO said...

Love Ranger!!!!

Linda R said...

LOL I also struggle between clean and easy, simple and the warm nesting appeal of "stuff". Still haven't resolved it ;-) Cute kitty (love the quilt too). Best part of today, finding my goodie box from Wendy in my mailbox YUMMY Maya Road & Tim YUMMY - thank you again. Gotta go pack for Greenwood - I am toooo excited to make Wendy art !!

2amscrapper said...

can't wait to see this latest find decorated Wendy style!

slbt17 said...

you are too cute!
Hope you had success!

Terena said...

Wendy, you can also get Jenni's Coredination cardstock on her website We welcome any and all orders!


Melody (lacyquilter) said...

How wonderful to have a hubby to antique with.

jan metcalf said...

Your posts make my day!! Your "I'm just saying...." expression has found it's way into my vocabulary! :)

And duh, I just realized your cat is named RANGER!

Tona said...

Happy hunting! I can't wait to see what you find.

Whimsey said...

Can't wait to hear of your adventures; hope you went easy on 'the guy'!! :D

Sandi M said...

Your cabinet is to die for! It reminds me of all the things my grandfather & father made. Grungepaper - I have it...if only I could find where i stashed it...been looking for 3 weeks now! Am I the only one who does this????