here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Thursday, May 27, 2010

today, it's all about the....ING...

ink...ING with my new favorite color combo...
stormy sky & brushed corduroy...

stamp...ING with these NEW studio 490 stamps...
I'm in LOVE!

make...ING life easier...
this side UP! attention!!!

and I've been think...ING...

we're headed to Iowa on Sunday to my neice's for a housewarmING...

what we should brING...(in addition to a check!)
cook is a 4 letter word...

watch...ING mollie & her new baby...
could it be millie??
or is it mac??

the baby is soooo sweet...

and speaking of Mac...

seriously think...ING of switch...ING to a Mac...
we do NEED a new computer...honest MR IRS...we really do...

my first REAL Mac exposure was @ tim's last summer.
he made it look so simple...
I was totally impressed...
hmmm...maybe we should change...

but then wait...
he's a technical genius...
so maybe it's not as easy as it looked...
I put that thought on hold...

then I roomed with keychain...
she has a Macbook too...
and loves it...

then I met the iPad...'s LOVE...

wait...ING for it to be shipped...
June 3rd...yippee!!

then Mrs Stampers Anonymous brought her Macbook to show me...
here's where it gets SERIOUS...

her enthusiasm was contagious...
she said SIMPLE a hundred times...
now Michelle is a girl...just like me...
not a technical wizz like you know who...

so ...
I've been investigate...ING...

read...ING lots...

I think I'm ready...

I've been yack...ING to Rick about change ....ING...

he's probably sick of listen...ING...

too bad...he's trapped with me...

now I'm ask...ING...YOU...

for those who have changed from a PC to Mac...
what are your thoughts???

Are you like...ING it?


and I'm work...ING on book #3 projects...

design...ING new flowers...

make...ING new custom embellishments, using the memo pins...
LOVE them! just you wait & see... sooo FUN!!! you'll want LOTS of these guys...

create...ING some art for Maya Road for CHA...

brew...ING the season's first sun tea out on the deck...

now I'm done blog...ING and it's time to...

make art!


Sherry Cheever said...

wait...ING for it to be shipped...
June 3rd...yippee!!

Now I guess when I'm around you guys its going to be even worse! oh heavy, heavy sigh!!!!!!!!!!

Sharon said...

Well, I don't know about easier...I have an older Mac...but the reason I bought one was because of the true color of their monitor. I'm very sensitive to color. Color being off disturbs me. And I'm a writer. Go figure. Anyway, my husband and I were walking around different stores looking at monitors after monitors until I saw one in the distance. Drawn like a moth to the flame I headed for it. It was a Mac monitor. Couldn't have it without the Mac. And I looked at my husband and said that's it, I don't care, I want the color. Goodbye PC. For traveling I have a much smaller HP mini notebook. It's mauve(I am seriously addicted to color). The screen is small, the color is ok, and it's only for traveling. But from what I know from other sources...artists use the Mac. Besides, you've got to love the apple. So there is a learning don't think that there will be one with a new PC? Plus, you have lots of people to ask for help. Go look at their monitors. Though I haven't looked at the notebooks, so I don't know if they're as good. But at the end of the day...go with your heart. Good luck. Waiting to see the stamps(gee, you guys are such teases). Have a great holiday weekend.

Colleen said...

Nooooooo, don't go with a Mac. I use one at work(school) and can't stand it. So many times I get frustrated because it won't let me do what I know I could do on a PC. Plus there are so many programs that are not compatible with the Mac.

Lori said...

Sorry, can't help you with the Mac thing, I'm a PC user. The only thing I can help with is the internet connection, which I've already put my two cents in for, lol. Have a great time this weekend, I'm hoping to make a little art, provided there's time!

SusanK said...

Love lookING at your blog for more inspiration. Now it's tease time again. Ugh! Macs aren't compatible with some software. The schools often use them because of special deals but you can't work on a Mac at school then finish your work at home on a PC. Just sayING...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are headed for an excit-ING weekend! I actually started my computer experience on an Apple IIGS, probablly 25 yrs. ago. The graphics and sound were unmatched at the time and 1000 times simpler to use than earlier PCs. I went on to work on both PCs and Macs at work. Learning the commands for each was the hard part. I always preferred the Apple products. Went on to get PCs for home because they were a lot less expensive and with a laser printer and color HP all-in-one for PC its hard to change back. BUT I REALLY WANT to go back to Mac. It's known for great support, ease of use and the best for ARTSY FOLK! It'll take a little patience as you learn the commands but I think you'd love a MAC! Marijane

Cher said...

no mac yet here, will be daughter made the leap in college...she gets so frustrated on my pc's...color...fabulous! easy...very easy to use...there is some frustration as programs are not often compatible, but they have easier ones! and they all convert as far as I know...keep INGing post! safe travels...I want to see the new goodies girly lol

Tara said...

I switched from a PC to a MacBook Pro on Easter weekend and have not looked back! I LOVE the Mac! There IS (for me, anyhow) a learning curve, since I was just so used to doing things the PC way; however, I must say that many many things are just so intuitive on the Mac! I am so very happy with my decision to change and embracing the learning curve wholeheartedly!!

Anonymous said...

I've always been a PC user, so can't help you there. However, I have a friend who is even more helpless with computers than I am, and she switched over without problems.
I am, though, really really tempted by the ipad. I don't know if I can resist it much longer. Thing is, I just got a kindle. Do I really need both? Decisions, decisions.
Well, one decision is easy.....go get some distress inks and make art!
Eileen in NYC

michelle said...

Can I just say we use both at this house and I love the MAC and not so much the PC. . . Learning curve put them aside as you would have to learn on a new PC too. I have only know of one person that has ever had the big melt down with the MAC and apple replaced their machine I can not tell you how many have had it with a PC. .. ROFLOL I sound like such a nerd. You ordered and Ipad get the Mac you will not regret it!

Kate Burroughs said...

I have had Macs for at least 25 years, since the beginning of their existence. Why would anyone want a PC? Besides that they cost a few dollars less? The machines are good, they do not get crap coming (viruses/bots/etc) on your email and Internet visits, they do NOT ever crash and burn on you..... They are easy to use WITHOUT reading a manual. I have never looked back and thought gee I wish I had a PC like all my friends who have NOTHING but TROUBLES with their PC'S. Do not hesitate, go buy a MAC! You will not be sorry, I promise you. There is a reason that Apple is rapidly becoming as big a company in the U.S. as Microsoft. They are currently #2. And a lot of their success is because of the iPod, then the iPhone and now the iPad. People get those and realize that here is a smart, intuitive machine that works well, why don't I buy a computer from them also??? JUST BUY A MAC!
Aloha, Kate

Helena said...

I switched to Mac last November and have not had any second thoughts. I am not computer savvy, but Mac is easy and it has a lot of "help" windows. No viruses EVER, I mean, it's just a MUST. Especially if you have to get a new computer, no doubts, go for a Mac!

Kate Burroughs said...

P.S. Forget to add that IF there is any specific software that you need a PC to run, get the software Parallels that will make your Intel Mac a PC and run the program faster than it would run on a PC. Believe me I ran a business for 27 years on Macs with 20+ machines running. We never had any problems with the Macs, only the very few stand alone PC's that we eventually got rid of. Oh and here's another statistic that anyone who does IT can tell you: the number of IT technicians needed per PC is 1 for every 5 machines, the number for Macs is 1 per every 30 machines. Hmm, what does that mean???? Oh and if you need to look up the short cuts that you know how to use on your PC, get David Pogue's excellent book that will retrain you to do it on a Mac. Seriously, why are you hesitating!

Robin Swederske said...

I'm thank...ING you for the fun blog today. I'm anxious to see the new stamps, the new book, the new projects - well, I'm anxious to see everything!

Unknown said...

Don't have one, but my daughter does. She loves it. I think she will never go back.

Debby said...

I love using the Mac for the internet. You can get Microsoft Office and install it on your Mac. The beauty of a Mac is that there are not the viruses that you deal with with a PC. We have one of each and I like the Mac better. But our PC is older and quite slow. I wish we had an iPad. We bought a small netbook for travel. It is ok. I am not a computer whiz either. My kids have Mac books and I doubt they will ever go back. Go with what you feel comfortable with since you have to use it. I'm just saying.

Anita said...

I love MAC. Mac is simpler. One of the benifits it not to have to worry about viruses. It is so much easier to use. I love read ING your fun post.

Anonymous said...

We're all Mac people in our family. Two of our sons started out with a PC in college in 2004 and 2005, and within one year had major issues with viruses using the college's network. We then bought son #1 a Mac and he never had another problem while in college! I got my Macbook in 2008, and with the firewall being built into the OS, I've NEVER had an issue with viruses, spyware, malware, popups. It's FABULOUS. So son #2 made it through college, but couldn't even use his PC for most of his senior year, so we bought him a Macbook for his graduation gift last week, and he's loving it! Son #1 now needs a new computer for law school in August, so he's going to get the Macbook Pro, and have Windows 7 installed, so he'll be compatible with everything! So, sons #3 and 4 started college in 2007 with their Macbooks, and 3 years later, they have minor issues to have taken care of, but have never encountered the problems associated with PCs and hackers!

WENDY - you will never regret getting a Mac. I love my Macbook, but if you do a lot with graphics, take a look at the iMac. They're pretty impressive.

***Something important to remember. If you have anyone in your family in education, whether a teacher or a student, and if they don't need a new computer in 2010, you might be able to get an education discount. It was $100 off for our son's new computer!


Anonymous said...

We're all Mac people in our family. Two of our sons started out with a PC in college in 2004 and 2005, and within one year had major issues with viruses using the college's network. We then bought son #1 a Mac and he never had another problem while in college! I got my Macbook in 2008, and with the firewall being built into the OS, I've NEVER had an issue with viruses, spyware, malware, popups. It's FABULOUS. So son #2 made it through college, but couldn't even use his PC for most of his senior year, so we bought him a Macbook for his graduation gift last week, and he's loving it! Son #1 now needs a new computer for law school in August, so he's going to get the Macbook Pro, and have Windows 7 installed, so he'll be compatible with everything! So, sons #3 and 4 started college in 2007 with their Macbooks, and 3 years later, they have minor issues to have taken care of, but have never encountered the problems associated with PCs and hackers!

WENDY - you will never regret getting a Mac. I love my Macbook, but if you do a lot with graphics, take a look at the iMac. They're pretty impressive.

***Something important to remember. If you have anyone in your family in education, whether a teacher or a student, and if they don't need a new computer in 2010, you might be able to get an education discount. It was $100 off for our son's new computer!


Anonymous said...

By preference I'm a Mac user, but I'm not evangelical like some users! I've always owned Mac and worked on PCs, so I'm very experienced on both.

I think Macs are more intuitive. Plus they crash less and programmes that are available for both types are usually less buggy than the PC versions. (This includes Microsoft Office!)

You will have a learning curve when making the switch, and some things will feel a bit strange, but I really think you'll find the switch easy. When my mum retired 10 years ago she bought her first computer and went with a Mac at my suggestion. She hasn't regretted it.

However, make sure that any programmes you use are available in Mac versions. It would be hideous to buy a new computer and then not be able to use it fully!

Hope this helps.

Linda R said...

I'm thinkING you're going for it. The people that have Mac's love 'em but it's hard to change and I hate learning curves. Loved the post today, especially the new baby and momma, how cute. I'm dyING to see the new stamps!!!! I hate waitING, I didn't wait in the "patience" line before comING to earth ;-) Enjoy your Holiday weekend, we'll all be makING art.

Susan said...

So stink-ING funny! Wait-ING to get a glimpse of those new stamps that you are hid-ING!

Karla Anderson said...

I am wishING your stamp set came out sooner. I am not good at waitING :-)

Miss Iowa said...

Whew! You've been busy :) Can't wait to see the new sets.

nonnie said...

there are other options - keep your pc and get rid of microsoft/windows which is the reason people get viruses, etc - it is the most popular software so that is what the hackers target. you can keep your pc and run a different system like Ubuntu. or you could just go make at....

slbt17 said...

I have worked with a microsoft system for several ..... yes, several, years, since Windows 3.1 - I am used to knowing where my files are ... we needed a new family computer and the kids wanted a Mac - so we got a Mac - now I am not always sure where my files are, and that is bothersome at times - I am liking the Mac - but it does take getting used to. I am enjoying the no viruses, and no virus protection programs that slow down the computer and the ease of adding new devices - just need to figure out this file system here!
Good luck with your decision!

kybarb said...

I switched to an iMac last year and love it! No annoying tower--it's all built in to the monitor--which is so huge--I can look at 2 different windows at a time side by side and don't have to squint to read them. LOVE that. I don't think it took me too long to figure most things out. My nephew(who is in college for digital design) came over and spent an hour with me answering questions on things I hadn't figured out and also loaded Photoshop CS4 for me from his external hard drive--love that too!

I'm thinking of buying the ipad too but really can't justify the expense quite yet. I will never buy a PC again.

julie m said...

have used both Macs and PCs at work. i like the Mac better. for the artsy/graphics stuff i definitely prefer the Mac. i have always had Macs at home. so much easier to use. i am getting my 87 yr old mother an iPad later this summer. hope she lets me borrow it.
as for the pictures, i'm think...ING you're teas...ING us again.

Dorothy said...

love-ING all you do!!

Suzie Q said...

I have a PC. I have a Mac. The PC is lonely - it rarely gets used. I love how easy it is to use the Mac. It does everything I need - great for graphics. Yes, there is a transition time, but it's worth it! If you get a desktop, get the large screen monitor - terrific for having multiple windows open.

ellen vargo said...

I switched from PC to mac last summer and have not regretted it for one single second! I LOVE MY MACBOOK! A few recommendations: get the Time Capsule - it's a combination wireless router (for internet) and wireless backup system. No more scheduling backups - system does it automatically - love it! If you're addicted to MS Office (Word, Excel, etc) get the Office for the Mac package - I'm not in love with the mac versions, mostly because I use Office at work all day every day and my way of getting things done quickly just do not translate on the mac (atleast for me). Everything on the mac is SO FAST! No more waiting forever for iTunes to load, or waiting for new email to load - everything opens instantly. Can't recommend it enough - and I took a LONG time making the decision. DO IT - YOU WON'T REGRET IT. PROMISE.

Cindi (aka iring) said...

Jeesh! Now I want a Mac! And I want to see your new stamps!

Colleen in Candia NH said...

Yes a Mac! It works, it's just that simple...take it out of box, plug it in it works. 3 years, one Macbook, IPhone,& now an IPad ordered yesterday!
Can't wait to see what you have for us next!

Hels Sheridan said...

I am completely stoopid when it comes to anything computery and have to rely on Grim to sort out that kind of thing for me.. however, I do like the look of Mac's..they look the Bee's Knee's don't they? Anyways.. ThankING you for all your InspirING art - keeps me creatING and makING art. Now, what about those new stamps?? When are they ready and can I have a sneak peeps pleasINGS :O)) Hugs x

lesleyworth said...

i recently switched to my iMac from a PC...and I was terrified...but came out of the box...plugged in...and that's it! ready to go immediately! then i was really nervous about would it be easy to upload pics...edit pics...etc...and i have been pleasantly surprised how EASY it is to use! i did purchase microsoft office for mac...that way i can bring a bit of work home with me and everything "speak" the same language. I will never go back to PC again!

Anonymous said...

GET A MAC. Don't think twice. I leaped over 2 years ago and never liked computers before. I love getting on my MacBook Pro. DEElightful!