here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

there's never a dull moment...

@ Green Acres...

Living in the country is good MOST days...
but some days ...NOT SO MUCH!

you know Rick has horses...
and we have Ringo & Ranger...the ruling cats...

we HAD a skunk...
HOPEFULLY "HAD" is the key word...YUCK...

now we have bees!!
Oh wait...
this is no ordinary little BEE story...

When Rick picked me up @ the airport Sunday evening he told me that while he was planting flowers earlier in the day...
out of the corner of his eye he saw this massive "black thing" flying...

it was far away...

when the "black thing" landed...
he thought it was an owl sitting on a fence post @ the far edge of our property...


upon further Rick...certainly NOT me ...NEVER!...
he found this MASSIVE swarm of...

To put it in perspective for you...
this hive thingy is 2 FEET LONG...

I'm NOT kidding...
it has not a MILLION...

but a real BILLION...BEES!!

So...Rick called the soil & water conservation guys...
they said their hive probably got wet & they were looking for a new home...
oh joy! why Green Acres?

we LOVE critters...
but NOT BEES or skunks...
please leave us alone...

they suggested we wait 2 days to see if they went home. If not, they would come & corral them & give them to a beekeeper guy...

he assured Rick that they would not attack or fly around...
they'd all stay together...
OK...we trusted them...& I stayed FAR AWAY!

the HAPPY end to the story...
they have moved on...
What a unique experience...
country living @ it's best...or NOT...

then last night we watched a deer laying outside the family room window...

we think she was in labor...

she might be the same gal who was here last year & had twins...

she's walking around this morning...
and we have the binoculars out trying to spot her baby or babies...

Like I said...never a dull moment here...

I was looking thru my photos for something & found this next photo.
I don't think I've shared it before...

This is a little piece I made for tim's idea-ology booth @ CHA...
but alas...
it was STOLEN by some BAD person...
(I hope their butt fries) just sayin...

So...I was glad I did have this photo...
I used tim's papers, memo pin, and of course...
my stamps on grunge...

and speaking of STAMPS!!
there's never a dull moment...

look what the PO person brought...

yep...brand 490 stamps...
for CHA release in July.

I just might be a little prejudice...
but they are so cool...
I'm HAPPY...

just you wait...
there's a whole new style flower...
Got a few done...

a few new giant backgrounds...we NEEDED these...

some other sizes of "currents" by popular demand for more options...think ATC's etc...
we aim to please!

and one TOTALLY different set...
it's SHOCKING...
there are NO FLOWERS...
and this set has NO giant BACKGROUND...

it will be the bargain of the century...
it has 27 stamps...
which makes the price per stamp less than $1.00.
Sound interesting?
and's NOT an alphabet set! HA!

Ah...I better say no more for now...

now it's time to get them inky &...

make art!


Scrapthat said...

Peeeyewww on the skunk, AH! on the bees. Shame...on the stolen art. Cool on the new stamps! Looking forward to seeing that new flower.

Julie said...

Great stories from down on the Veechi farm. I have a soft spot for nature even the honey bees. My grandfather was a bee keeper so I know how important bees are for plant pollination. I have great curiosity and anticipation of your new stamps which aren't flowers. A new direction you are taking?? Are they sayings? Or cute embellishing type images??

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Sorry to hear your bee story, but nice to be about the mom and baby! I am more interested in what was in the envelope, please! So now I will be waiting for new art! Like I don't check your blog a dozen times a day...not wanting to to miss anything! Can't wait! Make art for us, Wendy!

Primitive Seasons said...

What a tease you are Miss Wendy! Glad your bees moved on. We had that happen to us once too and the next day after they arrived they left. Ah the country life!


Unknown said...

Let's hope the swarm of bees lands angrily on the frying butt of the thief ... What goes around comes around!!!
Lots of exciting stories at Green Acres today ... now show us the stamps ... you know I will keep on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and
on ....
Just saying :0)

Lori said...

That Linda E, she's a hoot! I agree with her take on where the swarm should land. New stamps again? I'm just paying off the first

mamakat said...

Our local bee people would have been fightin' over those guys! We had a hive at work a couple of years ago which was removed and we still have these guys knocking on our door 3 years later. The bees were very cool but they did draw a bad crowd (naughty kids.) Having had both a dog and cat "skunked" I can say I'm really not a fan, even if they have cute Disney names like "Flower." So give me the bees, please!

Helen said...

Glad your bees left!! Please show us your new stamps, please!!!

Etta said...

Yep, always interesting for you at Green Acres! My life seems to pale in comparison. My bro would love to have those bees...he lives in Atlanta and has lots and lots or crates behind his country home! Not for me either, Wendy. Can't wait to see the NEW are ALWAYS such a bad girl, you! Miss you lots and love you more!!!

Cim Allen said...

Un-BEE-livable ...I would never make it out where you are .. I am NOT a country girl .. I shreek if a moth gets in the house .. lol. I can't wait to see the new stamps .. a set without flowers .. WOW !!!! Have a great day getting inky .. wish I was there getting inky with you :)

Kathy Eddy said...

Such a tease you are; I was sure it was an alphabet. Am practically broke from the last ones and I still nedd another one that keeps being sold out.We always had a yard full of critters when we lived in the country. We had a pet fawn one summer whose mama was killed and we bottlefed him. He would knock on our door by kicking it if I didn't get out there with his 3 bottles of milk replacement when he wanted it. I had a newborn at the time, so worked out OK with the late night and early morning feedings. He woukd come running from the field when we called him and hung out that fall and a few times the next year after he had antlers but then we didn't see him anymore. I miss that of "country life" but not the contsant driving to get to work and back every day and anywhere else. We were 20 miles from anywhere!

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T WAIT to see the next stamps after your "tease-description" - especially the set with 27 little ones! So glad you found an old pic of the stolen art. I always wondered what it looked like for someone to want it so bad that they would steal it. I must say it is BEEutiful! Karma will get the thief - you can bet on it. Marijane

Lillian Child said...

How does one attempt to "corral" a bee?

Miss Iowa said...

I can't wait to see the new stamps--especially the ones that you think would work well for ATCs. (tap-tap-tap...That is my foot tapping in anticipation.)

Nancy said...

Oh, yuck on the bee swarm! We had a VERY mini swarm on one of our hummingbird feeders last year - like you, I kept my distance. Always! I, too, like Linda E's thought ... oh, yeah!

27 stamps in one? Can't wait to see what all you've designed!

Unknown said...

Bees and new stamps. Can't wait for the stamps. The bees on the other hand... They can stay there lol.

Thanks for the inspiration Wendy

Debby L. said...

Can't wait to see the new stamp sets! The set w/ 27 stamps sounds intriguing! You deal w/ bees and skunks and us desert rats in CA deal with snakes, black widows and vinegarroons (sort like a scorpion)! Yuck! Glad your bees went away!

Tona said...

I can relate to your country living issues. We have a black bear that has made a few visits recently.
I can't wait to see your new stamps!

patricia smith said...

Hi Wendy. What fun at the farm! lol I live in the country, too, & there are at least 2 cattle drives down our road a year. Bees are much in demand in CA. When the thief is done sitting on the swarm, head um on out! lol

Hurry, hurry, we must see the new stamps!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the Bronx; I don't relate well to bees and/or deer. I do, however, relate VERY WELL to new stamps. More please! How about a teaser pic? A blurry pic? Something????
Eileen in NYC

joy said...

Way too much country for me!!! Can't wait to see the new stamps - 27 stamps in one set?? Very interesting. . .

Anonymous said...

Remind me not to get on Linda's bad side (but great comment) Amazing picture of the bees. I am so glad you had a picture of your stolen art- It is wonderful. I am excited to hear more about your new stamps. More hints please!! Have fun getting inky!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Oooo, want to see new stamps! No bees, though.

jan metcalf said...

You are a such a tease lady from Green Acres!!

2amscrapper said...

if you need someone to guard your stuff at the next show, I'm available!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

New stamps! I love it when you talk stamps.
Sue said...

i'm not a wimp, except for bees... all I have to hear is the buzzing and i get instant goosebumps from head to toe - they just freak me out! i can't imagine how i would've reacted with a SWARM of them.. probably would've just ran, arms flailing... rick is brave! can't wait to see the new stamps!

Donna said...

Bees, as buzzy and stingy as they can be are also wondeful inspiration. The six sided comb shape and the cuteness of bumble bees cannot be denied (run from, but not denied!)

Skunks, won't even go there, I'm with you!

nonnie said...

you know CHA isn't for two months so this is real torture...started a little early this time don't you think? aw well...iĺl go stamp something with the current sets for a good diversion!

julie m said...

what a cool glob of bees. i wouldn't get near them either... allergic. but the complexity of nature always amazes me. we live in town and have skunks and deer that visit to make smells and eat my garden.

royal acme corp... reminds me of the boxes of stuff that wylie coyote uses to try to "off" the roadrunner. must be why your stamps are always dy-no-mite. (yeah, that was bad but it's late at night and i'm sleepy.)

so how long before we get a peek? cha isn't until the end of july. that is a long time to come up with clever hints and sneaky pics. can you stand the strain?

Linda R said...

I thought I would love living on my little acre in the middle of not much but didn't know about having dead or dying trees cut down at $500 a pop, or sump pumps, everything from red fox to bugs (about died when I saw your bees!). But there is nothing like the peace I enjoy being on vacation when you pull in the driveway - ah yes. Hope the deer brings her baby by for you to see! Cannot wait for the new stamps, times like this I'm glad time flies ;-)

Kate Burroughs said...

Gotta love the bees moving on! For Greener Acres perhaps??!! Love all your teases about the new stamp sets. We won't have to wait until July to see them, will we??!! They all sound wonderful. I love more stamps for ATC's!
Aloha, Kate

slbt17 said...

that is so interesting - I never knew that about bees - glad they moved on.
Can not wait to see the new line ... how exciting!

sylviagarcia said...

Hi Wendy,

I want to send you a picture of the shoe horn, (I think that's the right name for it, if not sorry) you can go to
and see what I did with it.
Love you and can't wait for you to come back to Crop Paper Scissors in Waco, hope you like it. I have all your new stamps, I cant wait for the next ones to come out.
Have a great day.
Love ya sylvia

michelle said...

Really not nice to tease us so . . . 27 in one oh I am thinking good for inchie art? Okay I could be so wrong but I might be right.

Bees, skunk, stolen art (bad people good taste) and new life what a time you are having over there!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Bees - we do need the little blighters though :) Apart from the swarm and the skunk it sounds a great place to live ;)
Anne x