here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Please keep your fingers crossed...

for my sweet hubby. We found out yesterday that he has a detached retina. So 2 eye doctor appointments yesterday & this morning we're off to Peoria for retinal surgery. Keep your fingers crossed that the reattachment is successful. Without a retina, you have no vision in that eye.

Here's the link the the Maya Road newsletter that I told you about the other day. Check it out...lots of inspiration...



Diana said...

my fingers are crossed and a prayer, too. Hope the surgery goes well.

Rachel Greig said...

ohh Wendy, that's not good news. I hope the surgery goes well, tell Rick we're thinking of him! xx

Penny in Missouri said...

Saying a little prayer for your husband's safe surgery/recovery and for peace for you. Take care!

Michelle Tech said...

Goodness! I'll be thinking of you and your husband today. Hope all goes well.

Kay said...

good luck to your husband, Wendy! I hope the surgery is a success. I have talked to someone that had to have his done a few times as they became detached twice.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Hugs to you and your husband! What a day...
Prayers being sent!

borcherding said...

((HUG)) and prayers for you and Rick today!!!

Candi Tardio said...

hope the surgery goes well! i will keep you two in my thoughts!

D's Paper Studio said...

Prayers and saftey for both of you. I've signed up for Maya Road's newsletter. BTW: someone real sweet just sent me a Maya Road chipbaord "family." I can't wait to play with it.

Escape said...

Wendy, I hope Rick is doing okay and that the surgery went well--I've been thinking about you all day. Please keep us posted--we're all saying a little prayer for him!

Margie Higuchi said...

Oh, Wendy!
Just wanted to post that I'm thinking of you and your hubby...strong prayers coming from Schaumburg!
Hugs, MargieH