here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I LOVED my Genius!

So...I get to the Apple store on Friday...
and meet MY Genius...

he asks what I want/NEED to do with my computer...

He asks me to pull up my blog...see previous post...yikes..embarrassing...


YEP...that's what he saw...
He about fainted laughing...

Oh was pretty funny...

he was young, so he survived...ME!

I LOVED him...
he was VERY helpful...
NOT pushy in the least...

I have "it" picked out...
now we need to take our CPU there so the info/favorites/photos can be transferred to the new one...

but...LEAVE IT THERE FOR 48 hours!!!!
and the APPLE store is 80 miles away...


how would we survive with no computer for 2 days?????????

So here's my plan...

the iPad should be arriving this week...

we'll get that here...
get it going...

then take the old beast & get the new one set-up...

Some components have arrived...

APPLE teases lots more than I do...
what can I do with these & NOTHING ELSE???


I've been working away on CHA stuff...
but as usual...I have nothing to share except this tiny peek...

I got to use the awesome Pink Paislee paper...
it's a 6 x 6 pad called Queen Bee...

the base is the "to die for cute" Maya Road mix it up Album...
perfect as a album...

or I like to use just 2 pages for a card...

or in this case...
I glued 2 together to make a hanging tag...

LOTS on the agenda for today...
so I'm off to the studio...
make art!


Unknown said...

Wow, I can't believe I'm the first to post today. Love the colors on your peek. Blue and yellow such a great combo.

Anonymous said...

2 fuunny

SusanK said...

Thanks for brightening my morning!

michelle said...

Well that was a very fun post and a small but cute sneak!

Heidi said...

Yeah for you on picking your mac! with CHA coming...48 hours will go by quick...just get "inky" while you're waiting. And the peek looks great!!

Debby L. said...

The peek looks tantalizing! Can't wait for the full reveal. Good luck with your new computer.

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Oh, too funny! And I wanna see more!

Hels Sheridan said...

ROFL hun, that is so funny, wish I could have seen his face LOL Now, I am truly greeeen that you have an iPad, I need one of these and have decided that if I gave up buying stash then I would be able to afford one......

Only joking!! I need both ROFL

Have a good day and how I wish I was going to CHA... loving the sneaky peeks :O))

Debby said...

Oh I want an iPad. Will have to get a real job once the summer is over and the kids are situated back in college. Love the sneak peeks!

Cim Allen said...

I"m jealous, I want an Ipad too !! How cool. How's it feel to be on the other side of a tease .. not so good huh .. LOL :) Have a great day Wendy !!

julie m said...

welcome to the Apple world. you will have so much fun. now for the little bitty teaser... would it have been so bad if you showed just an inch or so more?

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your "date" went well. A good sense of humor is important!! LOL Thanks for a sneak peek Wendy! Keep 'em comin'.
Love your color choices.

Tona said...

Glad you loved your genious! Lol, That's funny that he looked at you blog post. He probably got a kick out of it though.

eclectic_Paperie said...

Ahhh those boxes look so pretty. Telling you it's just as good as those pretty blue Tiffany boxes...pretty close to good. I think you have a great plan. So excited about your new stuff. Can't wait to see your teasers for that. Cheers!

Lori said...

Sheesh, you're becoming quite the techie! lol Love the sneak peek, can't wait to see the whole thing!

Miss Iowa said...

OMG--that is toooo funny! But in a way somewhat flattering--you called him a genius after all. :)

jan metcalf said...

You are the genius!

Anonymous said...

Yep, those Apple geniuses are top notch. On Saturday I was at the 90th birthday party of my friend Cheryl's father. She bought him an iPad, I got him a case for it, and everyone else gave Apple gift cards. Her son pre-loaded it with family photos, and yesterday Cheryl took him for HIS date with a genius.
90 years old, and he's talking about gigabytes and such. Makes me feel ashamed, LOL!
Have fun with yours, Wendy.
Eileen in NYC

Art By Wanda said...

LOL too funny about the genius reading your blog!!! Nice peek... but how we yearn to see more. We are moving into the addition... oh, the orginizing to do... yikes!!!!

Kate Burroughs said...

Congrats on your Mac purchases. So glad that I was able to push you towards "The Light" (as opposed to the "dark side"). Yeah us Mac evangelists have to hang out together, KWIM? Enjoy!
Aloha, Kate

heidi said...

CRACK ME UP!!! My ipad will arrive the Friday we are at Ranger U. The irony! You are such a Tease!! LOVE IT!
