here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

after 47 tries...

this is the best I can do...

BECAUSE... photos skills suck
#2...there is NO SUN again today in cloudy UGLY dark & DREARY Illinois
#3...I think computer monitors don't show true colors...

So...keep that in mind...
Here's my combo of the NEW tumbled glass distress ink & pumice stone...

It IS much prettier in me!
It REALLY looks great with vintage silver...

Yes...that tim's new SIZZIX ALTERATIONS flower die...

The other dies are serious drool material too...another TRUST ME! I NEEEEEEED ---MUST HAVE them ALL!

Hey...I haven't lead you astray so far...have I?

Continuing with color...

I got emails asking to do a color comparison chart to show the difference in distress colors...

Please refer to #1, 2 & 3 above...

Here's one...that's fairly decent...

the others got trashed...

I'm NOT good at describing colors...
but trust me...
they are even better in person than they look on a screen...

The most frequent question yesterday was about rusty hinge...
NO...It's NOT marmalade...

it's more of a beautiful RUSTY color...
bet that's why tim chose that name...

it's AWESOME...
I used it yesterday...& LOVED IT!

I might use that as the sneak peek for tomorrow...or again...maybe not!

Guess we'll just wait & see what photo is acceptable...

And for those of you who think I'm showing you everything tomorrow ...


A peek means a peek...not the whole shebang...
we still got a month 'til CHA!

And speaking of teasing...
my brother called yesterday...
the conversation went like this...
his name is Paul...

Paul...hey Wen...what are you doing @ 4pm on Wednesday?
Me...working in the studio, making samples for CHA.

Paul...well you'll just have to take a break...Brian (his son) & I got you a combined BD & Christmas gift & you get to see it tomorrow @ 4pm...

Paul...just get in the car @ 3:55 & Rick will drive you to the location...
Me...your house?
Paul...NOPE & NO HINTS...
the end...

So I texted him a few hours later asking if he or they made me something...
he's an AWESOME carpenter...
His hints...
I used to like him a lot...

So think of me @ 4pm...
I have no clue what's going on...
rick does & has for 6 weeks...
he's really ROTTEN...
I used to like him too...
I'll deal with him later...

More tomorrow, as promised...

I'm off to...
make art!
and (starting to)wrap gifts might be a good idea too...


Debby said...

OOOh sounds like a cool gift. Not too many hours to wait and I bet it will be worth it too. You will have to tell us what you got. Love the new colors of ink and after seeing those flowers will probably break down and get the new tools. Good thing my birthday is in February!!

Nancy said...

4pm today, huh??? Can't wait to hear what your surprise is! I'm sure it'll be wonderful!

Can't wait to play with Tim's new colors, your new stamps, his die cuts ... maybe I should really start playing the lottery? ;o)

slbt17 said...

well - have fun!
love the rose.

...Tara... said...

Oh my i'm soooo excited about all his new stuff and especially the sizzix stuff :)

Anita said...

Wow! I now can't wait to get my hands on the flower dies. I like how you showed the 2 colors. Thanks! Have fun with your gift.

SusanK said...

I can see the wait to CHA is going to be extremely long this time! Argh - I can't wait to play with all the new toys you and Tim are teasing us with on your respective blogs. Can't wait to hear what your brother has for you!

Unknown said...

It's 3.50pm here ... ring him and tell him you have moved to the UK so you need your gift earlier :0)
Those dies are to die for ... Birthday in March ... list is full already :0)
Have a wonderful Christmas Wendy X

carpediem said...

What fun! Can't wait to hear what your brother has for you!!!!

Kathy said...

The seek peeks are great! I think you are right, I will need to have all of it.

Linda said...

I guess sneakiness runs in your family! But what fun!

I wonder if it is too late to add a new keyboard to my santa list, my old one seems to be having problems from all the drool getting all over it with the sneak peeks! lol

Have fun this afternoon.


Cariena said...

Hello Wendy......i think your photos are fine - and i am so thankful that you are sharing the true colours!! LOVE the stuff and can't wait to see the preview!!

Scrapthat said...

Ah thank you for the comparison Wendy! Very cool! Now I must see IRL.

Courtney said...

sounds like a great brother. can't wait to hear about it.

Anonymous said...

First, enjoy your surprise, and don't hurt Rick!
Second...that rose you did with the new die, covered with music paper...oh, I wanted to reach into the monitor and snatch it! How gorgeous....can't wait til that die and those ink pads are available.
Eileen in NYC

ScrappyPam said...

Could it be payback for all of your teasing ? Maybe... ;) Wishing you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

Rockin Robin Caldwell said... is written in stone that Rockin Robin "NEEDS" all the new distress colors as well as ALL of the new dies!!! I was worried that some of the new distress colors were too similar, but I see that they are "gradients" ( minus 2 points for spelling???) of the original colors. How cool is that? Can't wait to see more. Hisses, Rockin Robin Caldwell

dblanken said...

Waiting is torture but I bet it will be well worth the wait. That not applies to you but to all of us that are patiently waiting for all the new goodies coming out after January.

Tona said...

Loved your project today. These new inks are great!
Can't wait to hear about the 4:00 surprise.

Anonymous said...

Love your sneak peek. Just what I've seen so far - Tim's new line looks amazing!! Thanks for the comparisons. Enjoy your surprise, not too much longer now!

Jill W. said...

I have a quick question....
will the rusty hinge work for my never ending problem of trying to come up with "Burnt Orange" for the University of Texas??? I've almost got it figured out by combining the marmalade and the vintage photo, but it's just not this going to get me closer??
Thanks for letting me pick your brain.
Happy Holidays,

Dianal said...

Love your sneak peak ... can't wait for the inks or the dies from Tim!!! Can't wait to hear about your surprise!!

Renee said...

Can't wait to hear what the surprise frustrating and cool at the same time!
Have a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

How very exciting! This surprise thing is very cool! And I hope your brother realizes it's not just you he's torturing - but all of us too wairing TO FIND OUT!!!

As always - your flowers are just beautiful and it's nivce Tim's new toys give you even more toplay with. New book sounds fantastic - holding my breath.

Happy belated B'days and happiest of holidays!
Pamicat :)

Heidi said...

Well that's 7 pm my time, so I'll be thinking of you! And hoping that you'll not keep us in suspense to to long! Enjoy whatever it is!!

Whimsey said...

Oh love the flower; gorgeous; just gorgeous. Thanks for showing the colors; love them!!

Can't wait to hear what your gift is at 4 p.m.!! :D

KAT said...

Starting to wrap gifts - girlfriend - you are way behind! Love the new flowers and can't wait to get my hands on those new dies of Tim's - you guys must have had your heads spinning when you seen them at the Hideaway!

I love surprises so (a) I'll be checking back tomorrow to see your sneak peak and I can't wait to find out what your surprise is!!!

Maureen F. said...

How fun is your surprise !! I can't wait to hear or see what it is. Thanks for showing the comparisons of color. I am so excited about Tim's new stuff and can't wait to get my grubby hands on it.

Judy Hayes said...

Can't wait to hear the rest of the story about your brother & his gift!!!
Love the sneak peeks of all the new things...I have to have the new Distress colors!
Merry Christmas!

Judy Hayes said...

Can't wait to hear the rest of the story about your brother & his gift!!!
Love the sneak peeks of all the new things...I have to have the new Distress colors!
Merry Christmas!

Sharon said...

Way too funny...had to read your routine about Paul to my husband! And yeah, you're going to "deal" with Paul and Rick? Get real! You must be part know how they try to act so nonchalant when they really are quite pleased? Enjoy your adventure! And there had better be pictures!!!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

You are such a tease. Oh, wait... that was your brother! Ha! Lovin' the new inks and OH MY WORD.. Tim's new dies are to die for *snort*.

Art By Wanda said...

LOL I'm laughing at you and your brother... so it runs in the family, lol. I'll be looking forward to hearing what the surprise was and seeing more "peeks" as I know that even begging isn't going to get us more than that... how about chocolate?? Happy Christmas Eve Day... and, yes, it is time to get that wrapping done.

Miss Iowa said...

I am loving the new distress colors, especially the rust. It is a definite must have!

Unknown said...

I love the pumice stone! It compliments the Broken China beautifully!--Stephanie