here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hello from sunny warm Arizona...

well...WARM, if you consider 30 warm.
There is actually ON THE GROUND STICKING snow...

I got here just weather delays...YIPPEE!

I met up with my friends from St. Louis (from For Keeps Sake) on Wednesday & Debby Schuh for a little marathon shopping in the Phoenix area...just a little...


We spent yesterday...

in the adorable town of Prescott. What a FUN place.

Was I a cheap date??
KIND could have been worse...
but wait...
we still have more time to SHOP before this event is over.

I found a few Christmas gifts...YIPPEE!

I helped Nancy & Sue find the PERFECT gifts for their hubbies...PERFECT finds!

The kind where you just get the feeling...
You know that it's the PERFECT gifts...
You can't look for them...they just have to be FOUND...

what else???
With flowers?? YOU BET!
That's me...predictable!

Then we came back to the hotel for the official 5pm start of Holiday Hideaway. seems like I waited a year...
Oh wait...WE DID!!!

Mario & Michele had a yummy spread for us...
gotta eat to have energy to create.

We had time to visit & reconnect which was REALLY FUN!!!!!!!!

Then we had a challenge...our table lost...boohoo...but it was so fun.
Our table of 6 consists of my St. Louis friends, Timi, Nancy N, Nancy W & Sue & Michelle Cutts...
PERFECT for lots of fun & laughs...

Next we did a mini project (memory frame/capsule pin)...
got some of Michele's YUMMY treats as a bedtime snack...
Tim thinks of EVERY detail...I kid you NOT!

visited more with friends & then hit the sack...

I CAN NOT WAIT to get started today....

I snuck down to the lobby to post (in my nightie)...
scarry for sure...
so I better head up & hit the shower...

Have a great weekend and remember...
make ART!...I WILL!
ps...back when I can...with updates, but no photos...
THANKS so much for checking in!


Unknown said...

Tell my St. Louis friends hi. I can't wait for them to come home and show us what they are creating.

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Wow, sounds like a fun time for sure! Shop til you drop! We'll make art!

Hels Sheridan said...

Hunny, sounds like you are having the perfect holiday hideaway...hope your table wins next time :O)) Have FUN! x

dblanken said...

How fun - lots of shopping and being creative too

Unknown said...

The other tables MUST have cheated ... demand an enquiry :0)
Sounds like you are having a ball X

Darla said...

Morning Wendy!
30 does sound warm at this moment...approx. 4 degrees at my home. I'm adapted..feels like the holidays are near! I so enjoy following your blog & I giggle when you share that you snuck out in your nightie! Have fun creating your B'day present to myself is now in the mail...I will have on hand all of your stamps available. Couldn't think of a better way to spoil myself!! Thanks for all you & your hubby do for us!
Darla from WI

Anonymous said...

Well, it's 20 here, with a wind chill of 10, so 30 does sound pretty good to me too.
Love the update, but can't wait to see pictures.
Make art? I've been up to my ears in Tim Tags for going on two weeks! What fun.
You continue to enjoy, and get home safely!
Eileen in (frigid) NYC

SusanK said...

Sounds like you're having a lot of fun recharging your creative batteries! Can't wait to hear all about your R & R trip!

Anonymous said...

Don't catch a chill in your nightie!!

Princess of glitter said...

Sounds like you are having a blast! Enjoy your creative time!

Linda said...

Sounds like you are off to a good start (except for the table not winning, but wait. . . you are all in Prescott with Tim, so you ARE at least lucky!!!)


Elaine A said...

So glad to hear you are having fun Wendy. Unfortunately, you won't get much sympathy from me on the cold and snow - LOL! I'm up in NY and we have plenty of the white stuff on the ground and it is freezing today! Ok, well I do feel a little sorry for you, I mean you were probably expecting nice warm weather! And be careful about blogging in the lobby in your nightie, someone may just post your photo on a blog - LOL!!!!!
Have fun!

Elaine Allen

barbara said...

What a great time you are all having! And time to shop too. Amazing. Enjoy.

Anita said...

How fun your weekend sounds.

Debby said...

So glad the weather did not stop you. It has been super cold in Illinois so I would take 30 degrees for sure. Sounds like you are having fun! Want to make art this weekend.

kngwd89 said...

Glad you're having fun. Maybe on your next shopping spree you will find the perfect robe which can then be "Wendy-ized" with some felted flowers, etc. as only you can imagine. Then if your nightie-postings accidently wind up splayed across problem! You'll be stylish and promoting product to boot! Ha! Stay journey home...LeAnn

Anonymous said...

Wendy - I am GREEN with envy- but I hope you have a great time!! Enjoy!

Sarah Anderson said...

Sounds like you're having such a great time - time to be with friends, to shop, and to hideaway MAKING ART - just fab!!

Denise G said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! Wish that i could find the perfect gift for my husband! any suggestions?

Renee said...

Have a great time!!!

Tona said...

It sounds like you're having a wonderful time!

Miss Iowa said...

I've been wondering about you! I'm glad your trip wasn't delayed because of the snow storm. The high temp here today was 8, so I'd take 30. I might even run around in my nightie, too. LOL! Have a great time.

Lynne Forsythe said...

Girl...I am so happy for you...Can't wait to see your amazing creations!!! Continue to have a fabulous time!!!