here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Thursday, December 31, 2009

a post, a prize and a peek...'s the last post of this decade...

Whoever thought @ the beginning of THIS decade we'd all have so much technology available to us?

Certainly not me....

A blog? what's that?
A blue tooth?? HUH???

Blackberry? as in FRUIT?

more groups...
I had no clue...

All this techno stuff sure makes it easy & FUN to connect with others who LOVE this ART form...

So to whoever "invented" the internet...

Now to set the record straight...

In my last post I said I was BUSY...


everyone is BUSY...

I was NOT complaining, I was just tring to let you know why there probably won't be daily posts until after CHA...

I absolutely LOVE the work (? play?? hmmm ?whatever) I'm doing...




especially MY STAMPS...ha! and wait 'til you see the new ones.........yippee!



I LOVE traveling to's very inspiring and makes me happy...

I LOVE that I'm too busy to go for groceries extra PERK!

I'm having FUN...and that's why I do what I do...

and when I'm not having fun...

then I'll quit.

Simple...lecture over!

Let's move on...

Now about that Christmas Eve peek...

the hand is a current stamp from the mail art set, not a new one...

Some of the stamps in the peek are obvious...

some...NOT SO...I planned it that way!

I guess you'll just have to trust me on this one...

there are 8...I know that for a fact!

I got several comments & emails too, when I mentioned "the move" in the previous post...

NO...we're NOT moving...


I meant the cabinet move...

I mentioned we need to hire a painter before bring the cabinet home, but the other thing is that we need to find a new computer desk...

The one we are using is a vintage HUGE oak desk...

like 4 feet deep by probably at least 6 feet long...

we LOVE it, but a smaller one would look way better with the new cabinet here in the office...

and then it's probably time for a new computer...yuck...

One thing always leads to another doesn't it?

Moving on...

a few asked if I would be demoing @ the Grapevine Texas convention in January...nope...I'm trapped here in snowy UGLY Illinois 'til CHA...

But Ted will be there demoing...he's a TRIP!

PLEASE stop @ the Stampers Anonymous booth and visit with him...

his demoes are pure fun...I guarantee it!
Ask him to demo a flower...

It drives him NUTS...

I like that! It's a wonder I didn't get just coal from Santa...

I had a comment and an email asking if I make resolutions?
no...Not really...

but I do think about goals for the new year...

things I'd like to see accomplished...


BOOK UPDATE...I don't have a "for sure" ship date yet...

My guess is sometime in February...but I don't have the official word from Ted yet...I'll let know know later...'s coming along just fine...I'm pleased...and YES...I did use new distress ink colors...

I'm in LOVE...

you will be too!

and we have decided to NOT reprint book #1...

when it's's gone forever...

Book #2 ...according to more advanced...

that's what he called it...I guess he means the projects?...

just thought you should know that little tidbit of info...

My dilema now is how to include the tips & hints from #1 into #2...

if someone doesn't have #1...they'll miss lots of basic helpful info...

if they DO have's a repeat...sort of...

but #2 will be updated with some new tips & hints...

I'm stumped trying to figure it out...

Hello...TIM? I think it's time for some EXPERT advice...

Drumroll... about a prize for a RANDOM commenter?
Did you leave this comment???

if you did...

please send me your address & I'll send you a little goodie package!(

Well...u just crack me up! You type like I think! LMAO! Still love your blog and your work..cannot wait for new releases...luv the colors of the ink for sure...and your stamping! Jealous about that cupboard but dying to see it! You are so busy but so sweet to take time to type to us...luv that! I have to go read about random posts and packages...missed a few days over the holiday..hope yours was totally awesome! Cher

And since you ALL were SO VERY KIND to leave such nice comments...

Here's a little peek for (4) you! get it?

So the moral of the story?
Comments are GOOD...
Comments win prizes & more PEEKS...
I'm just sayin...
THANK YOU ALL for making 2009 so much fun...
THANKS to everyone who took classes...
THANKS to my blog friends...
Here's to 2010...
a whole new decade...
My wish for you?
Plenty of time to...
ps...take safe...stay warm
and for those of you who are actually WARM already...
I'm jealous!


Unknown said...

It has been an amazing decade. Imagine what the next will bring. Thanks for the peeks.
It's cold here in Maine also....
I love your blog and look forward to your posts in the new year. Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year to you and your husband.

Lori said...

Well, that Believe looks really cool, as do the other you're killin' us. Happy New Year to you, Rick and oh, the cats-Ranger and I can't remember the other one. Can't wait to see what it brings!

Nancy said...

I missed your post on Tuesday, somehow ... but, you're glad the Bears won? Hmph! The Vikings SHOULD have! *lol*

I'm ready for 2010 - 2009 has been a wild ride! Fun times - getting married, meeting you, the cruise, great times "making art" - but I do hope 2010 & the new decade have a few less surprises in store for me & mine.

I hope you & Rick have a wonderfully Happy New Year! Thank you for all you share with us!

LieselPaula said...

Happy 2010! And thanks for sharing so much with us...and making us want more.

Unknown said...

Happy 2010 Wendy and Rick XXX
Thank you for making 2009 such a crafting joy ... cannot wait until the new stamps ... birthday in March ... so perfectly timed :0
And finally ... my New Years Resolution ... GET WENDY VECCHI TO THE UK :0)

dblanken said...

I really liked what I saw in your peek today - it looks like some great stamps coming our way.

Andrea said...

I can just see Ted doing roses! HAHAHA!! Cheers to you for 2010-it'll be a FABO year!!! Thanks for all you do.

Sarah Anderson said...

At the beginning of this decade my kids were aged 5, 3 and 2 ... yikes!! This coming decade they'll all be driving, have girlfriends/boyfriends, may even leave home!!
Too scary, so back to art! Wishing you a happy new year, and all the best for 2010. Looking forward to all the new stuff from cha :)

Scrapthat said...

Wishing for you a ton of Creativity and inspiration to make even MORE Art Wendy!! Love your inspires me! Win/win!!
May 2010 be a Terrific year for you!

Anita said...

Have fun with your new goodies! Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

It is a lucky person who loves what she does! Happy New Year! I log in with anticipation for all of the new offerings from you and t!m and others. I have a feeling that 2010 will be the most creative yet!

Elaine A said...

Wendi -

Thank you for a truly entertaining blog, and for a unique line of rubber stamps! Love the sneak peeks, can't wait to see everything finally revealed. We are so lucky that you love what you do because we are the recepients of what you create!
Have a wonderful New Year and may 2010 bring even more wonderful things your way.

Elaine Allen

Kathy said...

I love the sneak peeks please keep them coming. Looking forward to seeing your cabinet when it arrives. Have a very Happy New Year.

joanne (spagirl) said...

happy new year wendy! your peeks are amazing.... looking forward to the real thing at sharon's store in buffalo! have fun at cha too!

ScrappyPam said...

Happy New Year to you and Rick! Hope 2010 brings you both joyful tidings!

...Tara... said...

I cant believe its going to be 2010!?! I cant wait to see all the new & fun stuff from CHA> its so exciting!

Joyce said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR and here's a toast to a wonderfully creative New Year! We anxiously await your new stuff and I say yes include all your tips in book #2 if possible. When new artists begin on this journey, they may have missed out on your first book since it will no longer be published. So they especially would appreciate the tips from #1 in #2. Just my two cents worth. I absolutely LOVE the Believe stamp from your peak above. Yak at you in 2010.

mamakat said... green foliage, new scalloped stitched border, new "beleive" and new edge dbl lined border above the believe? And I can't wait for book 2! Maybe you could package the critical technique tips in the back index area as an addendum or what ever you call a reference chapter.
Happy New Year and Decade!

carpediem said...

happy new year Wendy! enjoying all of the sneak peeks and looking forward to another year of inspiration!

Holly said...

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve! You have the most amazing job, as I'm sure you know! Thanks for the peeks, I can't wait to see more!

Unknown said...

Most of the things you do are on my list of favorite things. I feel blessed just having them as my favs, so I know you really feel blessed! Happy New Year! I enjoy your blog--and the things you create.

Art By Wanda said...

for (4).. you used 4 new stamps in the pic? yes!?! I know I love the Believe... and is that a border image under it... Time zooms by and at the same time seems forever when you are waiting to see new stuff!!!!! Happy New Year / New Decade to you!!!! Trying to stay warm here in cold southern Iowa!!!

Renee said...

Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy 2010!!!

Looking forward to seeing your demos and your new stamps at CHA!

SusanK said...

Another great year...lots more friends (although they live inside a silver box!), more techniques and toys than I could ever imagine and inspiration from around the globe. Wishing you & yours a super 2010! Now to sit back & wait for CHA...not patiently, I assure you.

Debby said...

Happy New Year to you and Rick. Love the peeks. Believe looks so cool! I am so happy for all we have and for the net to learn more and for groups to share art. Looking forward to classes in the new year. And more peeks of course!

nonnie said...

Happy New Year Wendy and Rick!!! Thanks for the them all!! I have 4 days here to just make kids, no work, just art.lovin' it!! OK I have a husband who will be watching football for 4 days, but that doesn't really interfere with my new Wendy and Tim stamps arrived from EP yesterday so I'm off to play...what a grand way to ring in 2010...and to think I didn't even know what a stamp was in 2000...or 2007 for that matter....forget technology, it's all about the rubber....happy new year all, nonnie in snowy, COLD minnesota

2amscrapper said...

Happy New Year Wendy! Hope to be at more of your workshops in 2010!

Miss Iowa said...

Didn't Al Gore invent the internet? LOL! I still don't know the half of most of the new technologies, but I'm glad I have this computer and access to your blog and the blogs of other amazing artists. Happy New Year, and stay warm!

Helen said...

Happy New Year! I love your blog, it cracks me up. Can't wait for the new releases, and I'm with Linda - must get Wendy to the UK!

Gerrie Johnnic said...

Just pack up ALL your stuff and come stay with's warm here! lol, we could have so much fun fun fun....can't wait for all the new goodies.....warm hurz

Lyneen said...

Love reading your blog... don't stop... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Dianal said...

All the best to you and Rick in 2010 ... looking forward to more sneak peaks before CHA and the ART you create. Thanks for being such a great inspiration to us all

sam21ski said...

You are such a tease xxxx

Happy 2010

kokomogoldie said...

Happy New Year to you & yours! It's beenan intereting decade for sure. Personally I'm looking forward to a new year, etc. It's so exciting all the new things you have coming out...can't wawit to see them. Hopefully I'll be able to take a few more classes from you tis year as well! Thanks for encouragingus to make art!

jan metcalf said...

Happy New Year to you!

Unknown said...

Here is to a creative and successful New Year. Happy New Year!

Unknown said...

Oh Wendy don't be jealous of the warmth pleeeaaassseee. It is so hot here in Australia I feel like my skin is on fire lol. Give me cold any day. How about we swap hey ROTFLMAO. Love the sneak peaks and cannot wait for CHA and all the new releases.
Happy New Year to you and Rick Wendy.

Kristy Hansenwi said...

I live in cold Illinois too....First a hot flash then cold feet-nothing is just right temp wise..I'm new to all of this and I love it. I am trying to do cards and mini albums. I check your blog daily-just in case you have posted.....I wish CHA would get here so we can see all the NEW stuff...from you and all the companies that have new stuff.Good luck getting ready and have a ton of fun for all of us.....Happy 2010--kh

Diana said...

Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to turning the page to a New Year...a new beginning, a fresh start. Best Wishes to you and your family.

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Happy new year. Wisconsin is cold too, but I'm inside, so I'm OK. I am loving the peeks.

Etta said...

I BELIEVE I may have seen a new stamp and I BELIEVE I already LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it and of course, the new background stamps! And, just remember, being warm means I don't get to see you very I'm very sad. Enjoy the new year, making art!

Cindi (aka iring) said...

Such a pretty peak! Have fun with your CHA prep, wish I could go! Happy New Year!

Kathy said...

A new decade?...where have I been-didn't even realize. The almost past decade has had highs and lows. Something to think about. But right now I will focus on a high-Thank you for sharing your thoughts and ART. Happy New Year!
kathy m

Penci said...

Thanks so much for all that you shared with us in are AWESOME! Am loving all the sneak peaks. So happy that I saw a houndstooth print ~ Yippee! Gotta have the Believe and the cute border underneath.
Heres wishing for you and Rick a Blessed and Prosperous New Year!

Sherry Goodloe said...

Happy New Year Wendy! And yes, I'm one of the "warm ones". However, it DID rain off and on here in Southern California out in the O.C. today. Does that make you feel a little better?

Love that little sneak peek you gave us *smiles*

Rockin Robin Caldwell said...

Wendy, Wendy...Wendy!!! There is a reason that snow is a 4 letter word!!! It's not much better just north of the border here in WI. A low of 4 degrees is forecast for tonight. New year's eve??? Hah!! I am going nowhere in this cold...the polar plunge in the AM can kiss my chilly little (or is it big???) you know what. I am longing for summer, your new book...and seeing the new stamps for real...up close and personal. I am intrigued by the believe stamp in the lower part of today's "teaser". Can't wait to see the cabinet. Hisses, Rockin Robin Caldwell (stampinsavage at yahoo dot com)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Wendy and Rick! Thank you for sharing what you do and bringing inspiration and smiles to us.
Thank you for many amazing moments on the cruise.
I'd love to take classes with you again some day.
Yes, you are lucky to do what you love, and we are lucky to have you sharing it with us.

Tona said...

Happy New Year Wendy!
I can hardly wait for book 2 to come out!! Will you sell it through your blog again like book 1?

Lynne Forsythe said...

A Happy and Creative New Year Wendy!!!
and as you say....MAKE ART!!! cause it's just tooo much fun!!! it's great to have a job we love!!

Helena said...

Happy New Year Wendy and Rick
and may you achieve and receive everything you want for this year!!!!

Hugs from Rome!

Helena said...


could you allow other people than those with google account or blogger account to leave comments?
I do have a google account but I'm a Typepad girl and would like to leave comments as such or with my name and with my blog.

It's not a big deal, just wondering...

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Happy New Year! Thanks for an awesome 2009! Can't wait for an amazing 2010! I have been hooked on your style since I took your class in when are you coming back to teach there??? I keep asking my girls there...they want you too! Anyway, it's okay with me if you stay in your house creating art for me to see...I like the peeks (and love the new colors, too!)

Dawn said...

Wendy, I wish you and Rick a very Happy New Year! Stay warm and keep making art! Hugs from the beach!
Dawn in SC

Vicki in MD said...

Happy New Year Wendy! I've love reading your blog - and catching some sneak peeks too. I'll have to remember to ask Ted to do a flower when he's out here in MD. I'd send you some warm weather but there is none here. We had our first white Christmas in years (22" of snow certainly helped) Can't wait to see more colors, read more of your creativity and spend some time being creative.

email: said...

Happy New Year Wendy! Your blog is sheer joy to read. It brims with your personality and spunk. LOVE IT! Thank you for our cheer and genius! Cheers to a great twenty ten!

Unknown said...

Have a happy new near, Wendy. Thanks for the inspiration. Hoe to see you in St. Louis sometime soon again!


lorena b. said...

Hi Wendy! Wishing you the best for 2010! Love your blog & sneaks-Lorena in COLD California

Courtney said...

I love all of those mentioned above too!!!. I would love to be at CHA again this year. I was lucky I got to go. I also made the ranger website on the Claudine Hellmuth video. woo hoo!

Unknown said...

Oh sure, just keep teasing us! Can't wait for the new stamps, and the new book! Happy New Year Wendy & Rick!--Stephanie

Erin Glee said...

Happy New Year! Wishing you and Rick a healthy and happy 2010! You are so blessed to be able to make a living doing what you love~ and you are so GREAT at it!
Unemployed but WARM in California, Erin Glee (HA!)

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Wendy - Thanks for the update,and that you take the time out to post to your blog. The only warmth in Upstate New York is sharing space with my dog. Chance of snow today 90%. Thanks for (4) the hint about your new stamps. I believe they will be fantastic!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Wendy!!!

Here's to more great inspiration in 2010!!!

slbt17 said...

it is so good to see someone so happy!
Enjoy! and keep making that beautiful art.

julie m said...

Happy New Year to you and Rick. Hope all the CHA prep is progessing on schedule... or even ahead of schedule. As a fellow midwesterner, I too am tired of the extreme winter weather we have been having. It is -11F here already and it's not even 9pm yet. Good weather to stay inside and make art.

Cher said...

Hi! Saw my comment and I'm thrilled! Sent an email...luv your teases...but dying to see it ALLLLLLLLLLLLL...Wish you would come to MI sometime...It's cold n snowy, but I would bring you a latte or hot chocolate..I PROMISE! Just say the word! but mostly..just keep sharing with us...luvvvvvvvv it! Hugs!Cher

doreen said...

happy new year wendy.
i love your blog and your creative works.

greetz doreen

heather Smith said...

Happy New Year Wendy and Rick!! Looking forward to seeing what is to come!

Cim Allen said...

Happy Late New Years Everyone !! H2010 is going to be a super creative year for me .. I can feel it .. especially with all the new Tim and Wendy stuff :) Thanks for helping me "Make Art" in 2009 .. here's to a happy healthy inspiring 2010 !!!

Alyce said...

Happy New Year!!! It's really cold here in Milwaukee so I get warm and fuzzy by looking at blogs written by talented people like yourself.

Unknown said...

we love you too wendy!

Patty Williams said...

Wishing you a GREAT 2010 !