here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Friday, December 4, 2009

I'll be here soon.....

I've been trying since 5:30am to post...
For some reason, text is going OK...but the satellite won't load the photos...
I keep getting the &*@# satellite error message...

Just as soon as this is fixed...I'll be here...
SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jennie said...

its just so cold out that the computer doesn't want to work. lol cant wait to see what you have next.

kngwd89 said...

Hey, Wendy...I feel your pain! It took me nearly an hour just to download T!m's post 14 minutes after he posted it. Maybe Jennie's comment regarding the cold has something to do with it. Is there such a thing as a cyber-blanket? Maybe you should felt/embellish one up! Tee-hee! Anyway, whenever you do get it to work I'm sure it will be delightful! All of us appreciate your generous sharing of tips, techniques, and wonderfully amazing art...especially during a super busy time of the year! Have a great day! LeAnn

Unknown said...

Wendy I undersand your problem. We live in an area where the only signal we can get is Verizon broadban. MY computer works, but not my cell phone.

Dawn (dmh) said...

I was hoping Mr Blogger was going to be nicer to you today, maybe tomorrow. We can always hope.
I'll check back a little later. :)
I love your projects and enjoy the pictures.
Thank you,

Chirpin Is Fun said...

It's okay, we will check back later....

susan said...

Sorry to hear you're having such trouble with the blog. I can't wait to see what you're posting today.

Donna said...

Bummer, computer seem to mess up only when you need them. I'll be back for some more great ideas!!

Carol said...

Hang in there BFF! I'll let you borrow my baseball bat! That'll do the trick everytime! :)

KAT said...

I can feel your pain!

barbara said...

Computers are soooo frustrating but so necessary. love/hate relationship. We'll wait.

Jeanne said...

Did you get hit with snow too? We did, and it's actually still here!

Erin Glee said...

Will be here when your 'puter problems are remedied... making Art while we are waiting !

Nancy said...

We're wwwaaaaiiiitttttiiiiinnnggggg .... lol

Anonymous said...

I hate when that happens Wendy - just don't hurl your computer out the window in frustration (even if you are tempted) Technology is a double edged sword huh- it can be really great or really really stink. Sorry it's a bad day for you.

Scrapthat said...

Oh I am sorry...I hate it when technology messes with me!
Glad to see you got it figured out though.
If it makes you feel any better my day started out to find Both my black and my Brown Staz On Dried out!
:( and you know how important they are!

nonnie said...

Sorry there are computer challenges...will keep checking back throughout the day....I know it will make me smile whenever it shows up! Nonnie

texasbarb said...

love what you've done with the boxes!!! sooooo clever!!!!!

Susan said...

I thought those were pretty boxes until I saw your finished ones! S much more elegant! Thanks for sharing during this very busy season.
Susan T