here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

where do I begin...

to tell you all about Holiday Hideaway?

I remember leaving there last year & telling Tim that he couldn't possibly out do himself the next time...
let me say...

I was TOTALLY wrong.

It was really an absolutely ink-redible weekend.

I felt very @ HOME...
I LOVED seeing my friends...
I LOVED the gifts...a MILLION of them...
I LOVED Mario's food...
I LOVED our projects...really LOVED them...

It's like an art family...just a really special group.

The only room for improvement would be to control the weather...30 degrees????? SNOW??? GEEZ!
I like 80 better...maybe we could do HH in July???

And speaking of ink...
here's what the new distress pads look like...

They're so new the labels aren't even ready yet...
We got them HOT OFF THE PRESS...

As for actual colors, I can't say until Ranger gives us the OK...

But I will say, I LOVED them all...
they are the perfect compliment for the 24 we have...
and these are colors we have NEEDED for a VERY long time...

I think I discovered a new favorite or 3...
I kept reaching for the same 2 colors over & over...

They're all ready, except the labels...
they'll ship right after CHA...
so the wait won't be horrible...

THANKS AGAIN to Alain for the extra effort he made to get them to tim for us to play with...

We got a TON of stuff...
I can't even begin to list them all...

Our final gift was the Big Shot express...
each person got one...

Thank YOU Ellison/SIZZIX!!!!!!!!!!
And best of all...
they gave each of us a new TIM DIE...
from his new line, called Alterations...

Can you imagine???
That baby got shipped along with 50 pounds of other gifts...
The boxes are scheduled to arrive on Friday.

It will be like Christmas all over again...
when I dig in...

One other HUGE surprise was this Ott light...
I didn't realized that I NEEDED one...
but now that I tried it...
I DID!!!

We got more products from Ranger,
the I-top brad maker (COOL) from imaginesce...
cool stuff from...
Jenni Bowlin
Cosmo cricket
Hero Arts
Basic Grey
a cool trimmer from Fiskars
Melissa Frances
a GIANT tote bag FULL of every glue Arts product...
it is HUGE!
NEW RUBBER........makes me so happy!

There's a ton more...but my little brain can't think of them...
more when the boxes arrive.

Another highlight...

when we went to tim's, we got to see his new idea-ology stuff...OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL his dies for his NEW die cutting machine...


his new book...OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't sleep that night.....dreaming of the possibilities...

I'll share my projects later...

some I shipped...

some need more finishing touches.

And in other breaking news...



I made my first project (for the new book) yesterday.

I'm pleased!

I also came home to a box of new MAYA ROAD CHA products...

Let me just say...WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's FATE that one of my stamp sets is perfectly coordinated with one of their new releases.

They didn't say what they had planned & I didn't share my stamp set with them...

it's amazing that they will work together so very well!

now there are 2 million things to get done here before CHA...

I spoke with Bonnie from Ranger yesterday...
I got a BRAND NEW RANGER product in the mail...

now I get to make some samples...
I think you'll LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christmas party tonight...

SHOPPING all day tomorrow...

Happy Holidays...

make art!



dblanken said...

I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall - sounds like so much fun. I think I am going to have to take a 2nd, 3rd and 4th job - ha - for all the new products coming out in January.

Anonymous said...

Wow, my budget is going to be strained, sounds like I will have to have lots of new stuff! Can't wait to see your stuff you made.

SusanK said...

Your excitement is running out into cyberspace! Dh wanted to know what all the fuss was about as I was ooh-ing and aah-ing over each line of your blog. Can't wait for the sharing (& buying & winning) to begin!!!!

Jenna K. said...

How exciting, so many people would KILL to be a part of H.Hideaway! Can't wait to see the new colors!

Anonymous said...

Wendy - it sounds like you had an amazing time making art and playing with new toys. Santa already delivered my HDlamp. It is fantastic! I hope you will share some of your projects, when you can. Looking forward to seeing what you made. It is always inspiring! Thanks for the update.

mamakat said...

OMG Wendy! I can't believe you didn't have an OTT! They are the most incredible things ever. I am also a needlepointer and that was my first application. I currently have 2; one is a portable re-chargible. The portable has saved my bacon a couple times while traveling. Once I was taking a class and the power went out the night before our final exam. It was so funny to hear people walking by my window wondering why my light was on when the power was out all over town! I hope Santa is bringing me another for my new crafting space.
Also, would you consider some sort of bundle with your new rubber and the Maya Road products you mentioned?

Lori said...

So glad you had a wonderfully creative time! What else would it be? LOL. As for dies, the first thing I thought of when I saw YOUR stamps, was, geez, these would make great dies! Tim's will be great too, but come on, I want to see some Wendy dies! To go with the stamps!!!

LieselPaula said...

And a partridge in a pear tree? Wow, what a load of stuff and what fun is coming. Merry and Happy.

Anonymous said...

Good thing I'm expecting a nice tax refund, because I'm gonna need it! Oh, I hope at least one of the new colors is a grey. Huh? How's about a little hint maybe?
My work table faces north, and I like to work at night too, so I have THREE Otts....two small table top ones and one large floor model. Couldn't tell faded jeans from broken china without them!
Can't wait to see what you made, and your new stamps, and the new idea-ology, and....and just everything!
Eileen in (warmer than AZ!)NYC

kjjc said...

oh do stop teasing. either tell us or don't but stop whetting our appetite

Gillian McMurray said...

Madam, you are tormenting us mercilessly ;o) It sounds like you had lots of fun. Can't wait to see what's coming in the future.

Elaine A said...

Welcome home Wendy! Sounds like somebody is a very happy girl - LOL! You really have me stoked for all CHA things. Can't wait to see what you and Tim have in store for us. And OTT lights are super wonderful! I have 2 of them - they really make a difference.

Elaine Allen

Artyjen said...

OMG! It all sounds amazing!
Can't wait to see.

Debby said...

Well I will hope that Santa will give me some cash as that sounds like what I will be needing for all of this new stuff. Sounds like you had a great time. Can't wait to see all of what is new. New stamps!! Whoo hoo.

Linda said...

I can't wait. Hope Santa brings a HUGE gift card so I can get all the new stuff. IF he doesn't, I might have a husband for sale, he does dishes! (Hey, I have find a way to pay for all the new stuff if Santa doesn't cooperate! lol)

Glad you had a great time Wendy, looking forward to seeing everything!


Michele said...

Dying to see and touch the latest & greatest from Tim & Ranger!

Dawn (dmh) said...

Wendy you're a bit of a tease today.
Actually a real big tease! :)
My dreams are gonna to turn into nightmares. LOL
I am happy for you. That is very exciting.
I look forward to seeing your new stamps and the samples that you make.
Happy holidays to you and yours.

Helen said...

I can't wait to see all these new goodies - but I don't know how I'm going to pay for them!!!

Heidi said...

It sounds like the Holiday came early for you!! Now to start saving for all the goodies that will be coming?

Tona said...

Omgosh! What a fantastic time you had. I can't wait to see all of this new stuff...I can just feel my bank account shink as I type lol.

Chirpin Is Fun said...

I get off work at 2:15 on friday, I could be there by 3:15 to help you unpack your boxes...really! Sounds like you have alot of new toys to play with in the next few weeks! Can't wait to see what all this "stuff" becomes! Glad you are home safe and sound (and a little wired to inspire!) I'll be watching the side bar for new classes! Thanks for reminding me to Make Art!

debb said...

OMgosh WOW! Sounds like you had a wonderful time and an early Christmas. I must say you are teasing just a wee bit- must we wait???? Ok must cut this short- I find I must go find a job cause I do believe I will be spending some $ soon...

Tami Bayer said...

You are such a tease! I'm nearly salivating at your descriptions. I'm thinking there needs to be an amazing pink in amongst the new colors. I'm excited to see the new dies and your new stamps, too. I hope santa leaves a bit of cash in my stocking for all these new goodies.

Anita said...

Wow! What wonderful goodies! Have fun with all your new toys.

Pam Austin said...

Having had a taste of all the gifting on the cruise I can only imagine! I am really glad you got to be on the other side this time! And I guess per Debbie Schuh the bonuses went along with the music. SO MUCH FUN! Now regarding that OTT lite - OMG I could not even imagine crafting without my TWO! You can't even describe the difference. I have one big floor lamp next to me and the foldable table model on the other side so no shadows distort in either direction. They are my savior! Joann's sells them for 50% off fairly often. OK, last item: how very very cool that Tim's Day 12 tag featured your gorgeous roses!! He saved the best for last. I was so stoked and what a lovely compliment to your fantastic art!
can't wait to see your new prodcuts!

Happy Holidays to you Rick and Ranger the cat!
Pam Austin (pamicat)

carpediem said...

Sounds like Santa came early to the Vecchi's!!!! I could feel my heart rate increase as I read through the list of all of the products you received!!! What an awesome time you must have had...and well deserved too!

Renee said...

sounds like an incredible experience. looking forward to seeing all the new goodies in january.

Carol said...

What a big tease!!! LOL! Please show us a little something soon or I will cry!!!

Susan said...

Oh my gosh - I can just feel your excitement! Great post full of wonderful goodies! Can't wait to see everything. Please share as soon as possible.

KAREN said...

It sounds WONDERFUL!!!! I can't wait to see ALL THE NEW STUFF!!!!!
Glad you're back and can't wait to see what you have in store for us!
Happy shopping!!

Scrapthat said...

Oh Wow! You make it all sound too exciting!
LOL Wish I had a 50 lb box being shipped to me full of Ranger stuff. :)
Enjoy playing and making art!

minerva said...

OMG and that's before Santa... what's left for him to bring?!?! I'm waiting for smeone to bring your stamps to Eire.... happy hols

Dawn said...

I can almost see the excitment on your face as you typed Wendy! I am so jealous. It sounds like you had an incredible time. I cant wait to see what you made.
Hugs from the beach

Nancy said...

You so love teasing us, don't you? (lol) Can't wait to see YOUR new stamps, the Maya Rd pieces AND all of your new "Tim" creations!!
Welcome home - and, Merry Christmas!

Kristi B. said...

Can I hideaway in your suitcase next time? You think you couldn;t sleep after the am I supposed to sleep now with all these teasers!? I can't wait to see & get my hands on all the new goodies you've mentioned.

Dianal said...

Well you must have been really "nice" for Santa to bring you all those wonderful gifts so you can make "more art". Can't wait to see the new products ... especially Tim's new dies ... anticipation!!!!!!

funkycrafter said...

Hideaway, party, shopping... I think I want to be your shadow. The highlight of my day was going to the recycling center. Of course, I did dig through the discarded magazines and books. Not much interesting today, but every once-in-a-while somebody dumps some very old stuff.

Maureen F. said...

OH MY GOODNESS - can you hide me in your suitcase next time you go. I can't imagine what a weekend that was with all those new goodies.

Nancy B said...

You are one lucky lady! Sounds like Christmas to me, can't wait to see all the new stuff!

Alyce said...

Sounds incredible!!!!

michelle said...

Oh wishing I could see them all now. .. what a lucky lady you are!

slbt17 said...

all I can say is luck you!

Denise G said...

oh how i wish that i could have been there! it all sounds so wonderful!

Melody (lacyquilter) said...

Oh, how fun to play with colorless... I mean nameless inks! I can't wait to see what dies Tim has. I love my die cut machines - yes, I have 2 - cuttlebug and big shot. And I can't believe you didn't have an Ott light. They are awesome.

Far North said...

Oh my how you tease us with your wired inspiration! How can we possibly wait for another month?

Kathy Eddy said...

I so envy you etting to go to this event with Tim! What a load of goodies and all the new stuff! WOW! And then get home to find moew! What a Christmas! Kathy E

Donna said...

Oh wow that does sound like so much fun!! I can't wait to see all the new items, and maybe there will be goodies coming my way soon also!!!

nonnie said...

Wendy - glad you had such a good time! while you were away i received my goodies from your 490 blog celebration....oodles of Stickles, multi medium, maya road chipboard and fabulous red trim!!! I'm with Tami B in the comment above...must be a good pink...maybe a turquoise? I know you're not going to tell...but we can certainly speculate on the new colors!! what would everyone else's choices be????

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous. So, so, so jealous. I am green all over! I used to think you were such a nice person, talented, fun. Now I hate you - just a little!

In my next life I think I want to be you!

Lynne Forsythe said...

OMW are truly BLESSED along with all the other FABULOUS people who got to attend....I AM TRYING REALLY HARD NOT TO BE JEALOUS....not sure it's working toooooo well!!! Can't wait to see ALLLLL the new better get creatin' girl!!!

Whimsey said...

WOW; what an amazing trip; you scored big time. Can't wait to see all the new stuff!!

Art By Wanda said...

Wow!!!!! Wow!!!!! Wow!!!!! I'm excited and I wasn't even there... I just love your blog posts!!!!! Can't wait "see" all the new stuff and "buy" all the new stuff... or at least some of it :-))) I know... if you need help using some now... I'm your girl -VBG-.

Anonymous said...

I am SO jealous!!!