Tuesday, May 31, 2011
let's celebrate summer, blog friends &...

Monday, May 23, 2011
TOTALLY...blown away!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Ranger's new ARCHIVAL INKS...
Friday, May 20, 2011
cake stand art...***EDIT***

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I AM an artist...

Thursday, May 12, 2011
my favorite 4 letter word is...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Daisy Sparks
Broni Holcombe
Latrice Murphy
Linda Duke
Linda Ledbetter
Micki Harper
Sherry Cheever
Starla Nelson
I'm sure that DAISY will be having/or giving something *SPECIAL* just for this event...
I haven't heard what it is...
but I bet it's something arty & GOOD!
be sure to leave comments on each blog to be entered...
remember...gotta comment to win...
happy hopping!!
I'm @ The Great Lakes Mega Meet in Novi Michigan...
getting very inky and...
mak(ing) art!
Monday, May 2, 2011
WOW! THANKS from the bottom of my heart for the AWESOME comments!
I hope you know how much I appreciate ALL OF YOU!!!
YOU all make this blog thing FUN!
Let's try for another 700!
Rick said it was too much STRESS for him to choose the winners...
so we did the Random . ORG thing...
there were 273 comments @ the 7AM deadline...
a package of ART "stuff" from me is headed to...
True Random Number Generator 173
BETTY said...
congrats,keep on doing the good work,it's queen's day in Holland you are my inspiration queen.
hugs betty
Sandi said...
Wendy I just love reading your blog! Congrats on your 700th post!
I would love to win a vagabond or even 2nd prize would thrill me. I am coming to your class in Moline and am so excited to meet you. I'll see you there!
Sandi Figura
April 29, 2011 10:11 AM
BETTY & SANDI...please email (wbv1213@me.com) your shipping info...
Betty...your package will go out next week, when I return from Michigan...
SANDI...I'll pass your info on just as soon as I hear from you & THE VAGABOND will be shipped to you right from Heidi...
AGAIN...THANKS so much to everyone who took the time to comment!
If you happen to be in the Detroit area, we'll be @
The Great Lakes MEGA MEET Thursday, Friday & Saturday...
it's in Novi Michigan...
info is HERE...
please stop by & say HI...
I'll be the one with the inky fingers...
if you follow me on TWITTER,(@wendyvecchi)
be watching for some random TWEETS, giving away some random prizes...
I did the first one & Eileen was the winner...
if you're attending the convention...
you might want to be watching TWITTER...
just saying...
last convention we gave a prize to the first person who came & said the magic word, which I TWEETED...
the Saturday after the convention, May 14th, I'll be teaching a 6 hour Ranger Inks, studio 490 style, inky marathon @ the Scrapbooking Studio in Moline Illinois...
last I heard, there were 4 seats left...
it makes me happy as this is about 1 1/2 hours from my home...
Ok...that's it from me...
I'll be seeing you again tomorrow.
I hope you all have a great week...
and as always...
make art!
ps...sorry for the UGLY color...Blogger won't let me fix it!