to everyone who has ordered my new book #5!
it makes me happy to see the names of those who ordered/ liked the first 4 & are excited to get book #5...
Rick has made several trips to the PO & our PO workers are happy & thanked him for the envelopes...
there is talk of closing our little post office & the extra packages mean job security for them...
so...THANKS from the Oglesby, Illinois postal workers too!

on to book #2...
Mr. Fed-Ex delivered this beauty yesterday...
It's May Flaum's new book & I'm honored to be included, as a contributing artist...
I like this book, because it's a technique based book...
you know I LOVE techniques & new ways to use products...
and I like that May adds LOTS of tips to each technique...
my technique features tim's tissue tape and Ranger's inks...
to create a fun plaid...
it's fun because it works great on lots of surfaces...
Ranger's manila card stock & MORE...
and it can be done with tim's distress inks, Adirondack Color washes, Adirondack PIGMENT inks & now with the distress stains too...
and you can even add Perfect Pearls Mists to the combo...
here's the cover of the book...
I see it here @ Amazon...
and the post title is books, books & books...
here's book #3 for today...
my studio was featured in Cloth Paper Scissors Studios a few years ago...
I was over the moon excited to see my studio on the cover...
you can see it on the right sidebar of my blog...
that's where I...MAKE ART...
now my friend Cate Prato has written this book...
and I'm included again...
when the photographer was here, he took lots of photos, but I haven't seen which ones were used for this book...
so I'm anxious & I guess I'll be surprised when it arrives...
Cate is a HUGE tease...
so I didn't even bother to ask her for a peek...
it's useless...
don't tell anyone...
(what happens on the blog, STAYS on the blog) BUT...
I see my friend in also in this book...
here's a HINT...
the involved party's initials are TH...
doesn't this cover shot make you want to grab it & devour every page?
we have a bit to wait...
but not too long...
it's due out THIS November...
here's the info @ Amazon...
can't wait to see it...
that's it for me for today...
I'm up to my ear lobes in kits...
and packing supplies to ship to The Stamping Place in Columbia, SC for next weekends workshops...
I hope your weekend is great & that you can take some time for yourself to...
make art!
So excited for these books and can't wait to get them! I so love everything you do! Have a great weekend Wendy!
Love, Love and More Love!!! I'm glad to know a little more about May's book - I've seen it being talked about but I didn't know it was all technique-based... of course I will now have to get it! And the other two look delish! Happy packing and teaching... I'm waiting for OCTOBER... it's time to see The Queen!
Ellen xx
CONGRATS again on book FIVE!!! Bless, five already!!! And... thanks for the peek at May's book, I am copying Ellen and will most deffo be putting that on my wishlist (which is ever expanding... something to do with all the heavenly stash you keep showin us!) Have a fab weekend... lotsa love x
It's fun to see you featured in lots of places! Congratulations on your new book!
congrats on everything!!!
Hope my check gets there soon so I can read your Book #5! Congrats on being included in the other books. You deserve all of the success for all of your hard work!
just got a note from paypal that my book has shipped. Yea Rick! Now I see there are two more books I need to get. Well, who can fault a person for having art books/art supplies addictions?
I'm hoping my book 5 comes today!!! Thanks to Rick for being right on top of things in the shipping department!! Congrats on the other publications!!! I'll be putting in my orders for those!!!
I must have missed your post about your new book being available. How do I get a personalized copy?
Well that is ton of good news . . . and who does not love books!
Inside the Creative Studio - that one will be on my wish list for sure!!! Can't wait! If only I had a nicely organized craft room....sigh. Of course, that makes me somewhat spoiled, doesn't it, because a lot of crafters aren't lucky enough to even have a craft room! I have such good intentions of getting organized but I find it overwhelming so I continue my procrastination - I'm good at that! One of these days I'm going to pick up your book, too, Wendy - I have a lot of art parts and could use your amazing inspiration....
Congratulations on all your literary success Wendy. It seems you are a never-ending source of talent, creativity and inspiration. Karen :)
The chap is completely right, and there's no skepticism.
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