a few weeks ago I announced that I had licensed my art to BLOSSOM BUCKET.
they will magically transform the art into items for the gift industry, which will be released in July @ the Atlanta gift show...
all 21 pieces of art have been made & sent...
now we wait...to see the real deal...
it's a very exciting step for me...
here's THE NEW NEWS I've been so excited about...
Blossom Bucket & I have teamed up
and I will have my own signature line of
studio 490 style EMBELLISHMENTS
with them!
here's the part you'll like...
they have their booth space reserved @ CHA!
that means the embellishments will be released in January!
so that's NOT a long wait at all...
I've designed LOTS of embellishments with my stamps & art parts in mind...
giving us LOTS of fun creative options...
these EMBELLISHMENTS will be cool for card makers, altered art makers & scrapbookers too......
there may just be a surprise product or 2 coming...
I'm over the moon about this...
because I thought we had to wait 'til July...
but it will be JANUARY too...
Cindy is the owner of Blossom Bucket & I immediately liked her when we met...
she is well respected in the gift industry...
believe me...I CHECKED...
she's been in business over 20 years...
the quality of their products is awesome...
I checked that too...
all the ideas for the embellishments have been sent...
so, this explains my lack of blogging for the last few weeks...
let me just say this once more...
ok...moving on...phew.........
thanks so much for your excitement for KITS FOR ART...
I'm glad you're happy!
I've been answering emails from store owners about how to order...
(right from Stampers Anonymous)
and many have said they are ordering today...
since the KITS are completed & ready to ship,
I expect to see the kits in stores & in on-line stores VERY soon...
I'll keep you posted...
again... I thank you for being excited too!
next stop on this art adventure is back to
Sharon has chosen 3 fun classes,
including MY all time favorite...
Ranger Inks II, studio 490 style...
this is MY MOST FAVORITE class to teach...
I taught a 4 hour version of this class there before,
but it's now expanded to 6 hours of inky fun...
plus there is a pizza lunch included...
we gotta have energy to MAKE ART!
I LOVE this class, because by the end,
I can really see that each person develops their own individual style...
each person has access to the same products,
but no 2 tags look the same...EVER!
I LOVE IT & that's what it's all about...
developing YOUR style...
this is another fun class...
this one is for The Queen's Ink....in October...

and the kits come in this fabric bag, which we also alter...
time to get in full speed ahead...
kit making mode here...
I think I'll see if I can *recruit* Rick for some assistance...
HUGE thanks to Cindy @ Blossom Bucket for inviting me to join her company!
do you see why I couldn't sleep?
in my spare time, I've already sent some NEW stamp images
to Zach @ Stampers Anonymous...
have a great day & as always...
I hope you can...
make art!
ps...The Bears suck...boo
Thats fantastic Wendy. Can't wait!!!
totally awesome news!!! I know you are more than over the roof with excitement and happiness!
Ooooooh!! Wendy embellishments, be still my beating heart!!
Will you really make us wait until January? Not even an out of focus photo?
The kits were fabby news.....and the embellishments was "out of this world" exciting news....and then tucked in at the bottom....you've already designed new stamps!!!! I can't handle all this!!!
ROLL on January!!!
WOW! You are living the dream girl.
Looking forward to the kits and embellishments. Very exciting!
Someday I am going to treat myself to a road trip and one of your classes, someday ... at the moment parenting comes first.
Congratulations on all your exciting news!
Sandra ltb
It is a great company, my friend has her products with that company too.......... Cannot wait to see your embellishments...... You cracked me up with the bears sucks too........ My condolences to you.....
I am so happy for you and your continued success! New kits, new embellishments, decor items, new stamps! I would not be able to sleep either. Looking forward to playing with the kits!
Exciting news!! Keep on keeping on Wendy!
Bravo to you and all your new projects! And kudos to Rick for helping you stay sane through all this inky madness!
This is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to see your embellishments I am sure they are AWESOME.. love all of your other products too.. I am hopeing to go to the January CHA.. if not I will be at the July one 4 sure.. good luck & Congrats~
YAHHHHOOOOOOOOOOO and THRICE Wendy.... firstly, KITS for Art Parts... be still my thumping-about-bonkers-styley heart... and then you say there's going to be 490 embellies... WHOOOOTHOOOOT and THRICE... now I am really doing one of those jiggy-jigs... I seriously cannot wait to SEE those... and... you got a class in Maryland? I WISH I could be there... OH... I remember... I AM going to be there... yahhhooooooo and thrice, again!! Congrats to you Wendy, for all your hard work and for all the inspiration you have given us all over the years... tis all coming together and I for one and OVER THE MOON for you!!! See ya.. in ... 24 days!!! x
How exciting! I can't wait to see the sneak peaks of the embellies.... cos you will show us sneak peaks, won't you?!!
How cool! Can't wait to see them.
Wendy -
Congratulations! I can't wait to see your embellishments. I know they will be spectacular!
Elaine Allen
Looking forward to your Buffalo Class!!
Congratulations Wendy!! You must be over the moon excited!! Heck I am for you!! Can't wait to play with the kits & embellishments!! WTG!!
Very exciting news indeed! Can't wait to see the products when they are released.
So exciting! I can't wait to see it all. I wish I could take a class from you, head west, my dear! LOL
Congratulations, Wendy!! You've worked hard, and you've certainly earned it!
Congratulations . .. your mind must of been going a mile a minute latley. I hope you find some time to enjoy life!
The most exciting news ever, what more could one ask for ... Art Part Kits & now Studio 490 embellishments .... oh my giddy aunt:) You rock Wendy. Huhe huge congrats to you and thanks for being the inspiration that you are! x
Congratulations! All your hard work is paying off BIG TIME! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see all the new products!
How exciting! And I'm happy to announce that my second Inspiration Station is completed! WOO!
I am just over the top excited for you!!!!!!!!! And I'm very, very glad we don't have to wait until July for the bellies!!!!!!!! Oh, bellies, how I love bellies!!!! So when are you coming back to Iowa?????????????? huh????? :-))
Congratulations!!! I will be saving my art money to buy your new product. Can't wait to see what you have come up with.
You are really on a roll. How exciting! You're right, january isn't too far away. Yay for you!!!
P.P., I love the bags that those kits come in.
congratulations! that is exciting news. i wouldn't be able to sleep either! i'm really happy for you!
Wowzers....you have been a busy bee! Well done....!! exciting times!!
Love your Inspiration Station art!! Want one of those for my crafting room!! Congrats on your news! Can't wait to see your embellishments!!
Can't wait to see all of the embellishment Wendy style, woohoo!
I am so very happy for you Wendy!!!! Congratulations!!!
Looking forward to their release!!!
That's exciting news and I love the fabric bags!
Very cool Wendy! I'm so happy for you;D
Good things happen to good people, Wendy! I am so happy for you. You are a talent and I'm so glad that you are being recognized. Wonderful news!!! <3 Candy
so so happy for you! and if u ever want me to KIT for you just hollar! happy to help xo cher
Congrats Wendy! My LSS also has gifts. They love Blossom Bucket products. I'll be watching for your line! See you at CHA?
Congratulations, Wendy. What a wonderful surprise. I can't wait to get my hands on one of those kits.
Wendy, you go girl!!!! There's no stopping you reaching for the stars!!! So happy for you!!!! Keep up the good creating!! You are loved.................
Wendy, I am so excited about all of your announcements!! Congratulations!! Keely
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