here's how I got started...

here's how I got started...
a 20 minute podcast by Crazy BeYOUtiful

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Arizona or BUST!!!!!!!!

We're off in a bit...

I'm supposedly hooked up for mobile blogging via the Blackberry...
we'll see...
I will try to post something...
TRY is the key word here...

If you don't see any updates...
you'll know for 100% sure that I'm techno illiterate!

One quick thing...
Several of you have been looking for tim's film strip ribbon.
Daisy said they just got some in today...
get it before it's gone again.

So... headed west...
weather permitting.

I'm typing with my fingers crossed.

Take care...
back on Tuesday with a Holiday Hideaway report...
While I'm gone...

make art! (I WILL for sure!)


pooky said...

Have a safe Trip:)))))))) Most of all have fun!!

Linda said...

Have safe travels! Can't wait to see what you make.


KAT said...

You are one lucky lady!!! Going to Tim's holiday hideaway... I am droolin on my keyboard just thinking about it! Can't wait to see what you have to share when you get back! Just jealous in Ohio!!!

Renee said...

Have a great trip!

dblanken said...

Be careful and be safe and have a lot of fun.

Chirpin Is Fun said...

Have a great trip....we will miss you while you are gone (that is if you can't blog for us! lol) I'll be making art while you are away!

Elaine A said...

Wendy -

Enjoy yourselves, be safe and keep your valuables close!

Elaine Allen

Anonymous said...

Have fun!! and be careful! and call when you get there! and don't pick up stangers! and be sure to wear clean underwear in case something unforeseen happens!

Oh, forgot who I was talking to!

Just have some fun!

Heidi said...

have a great time!!

Debby said...

Have fun and have a safe trip. Hope the snow holds off so you can make it out of the Chicago area!

Unknown said...

Safe trip hunny - ENJOY X

carpediem said...

hope you have an awesome trip!!!

mamakat said...

Have a great time. Will be thinking of you while I'm making grunge flower art in my new "space." Not exactly a whole beautiful room like yours but at least a dedicated space that I won't have to clean up in order to either make or serve dinner!

Dawn said...

Have fun and be careful!
Dawn in SC

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Be safe and enjoy.

Tona said...

Have a safe trip & good luck with the tech stuff.

Denise G said...

have a wonderful time on your trip! can't wait to hear from you!

Dianal said...

Have s safe and enjoyable trip!!!

Robin Swederske said...

Have a great trip!

KAREN said...

Have a great trip!! Tell Tim and Mario we all say "HI". Can't wait to see what you have to show us next!

slbt17 said...


Jeannie said...

Safe travels! Holiday Hideaway always sounds like fun! Can't wait to hear your report!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you lucky woman, have a wonderful time, say hi to tim and mario, make great art, and most importantly, get there and back safely!
Eileen In (Snowy) NYC

Teri Terrific said...

I found you through whatsnextnancy (which I found through allthingstim). What a Find!! I scrolled down your blog and really enjoyed your artwork. I especially like the box with the holly. I will be checking back - regularly for inspiration. Thank you and Godspeed on your trip!
Teri "Terrific", Kalispell (-18 degrees), MT

Anonymous said...

Wendy - just ask Mario for techno tips, he is the Beast at Blog Pirating and now Twitter :) Wishing you Safe Travels!

Art By Wanda said...

Have a great time!!! I'll be looking forward to hearing all about it!!

barbara said...

I know you'll have a wonderful time. And isn't it nice that the AZ sun has returned. It just can't stay away long. Learn lots and enjoy.

Kathy said...

Time to thaw and shop, shop, shop. Have Fun!!

Miss Iowa said...

I hope you got out of town before the snowstorm hit! Enjoy your trip.

Donna said...

Have fun!!

SusanK said...

Hope you escaped just before the arctic air and snow hit! Next time PLEASE let me be your baggage handler!!!! Found soe super-sized snaps I think you *need*!

Donna said...

Have a super time. I know you will. You will have to share the menu and the ARt!