the things we do for LOVE...
sounds like a song...
This furry guy, Ranger the cover cat
(see right sidebar), LOVES fresh pineapple.
Somehow...when Rick cuts it up for our breakfast, he knows & he insists on sharing mine...
Like I said...
the things we do for love...
I put some on a fork for him & he licks it until it's bone dry...
he gets every last drop of juice...
and smiles the whole time he's licking...

and continuing with cats...
I got this question the other day...
#1...I know you have 2 cats. I want another. Do you have 2 litter boxes?
NOPE...we have NONE.
These guys have us trained to serve them.
They both go outside to do their duty...
never ever had one single problem.
Yes, they both have claws, but have never done one speck of damage inside.
They totally trained us.
Ranger will come & make a certain noise to get your attention, then lead you to the door he wants to go out.
Sometimes it's the front door...
sometimes a patio door...
sometimes he will only go out the kitchen door & he will wait for us to open the garage door... NUTS as it is...
we're trained to do it!
Now the other critter, Ringo, will rub your leg only when he wants out.
He too leads you to his choice of doors.
and when they want to come in...
they have a different voice for that...
We still wonder how this happened...
I guess we paid attention & like I said...
they trained us. It's PERFECT!
#2 question...when did you know for sure that you were an artist?
This is kind of funny...
many days I still wonder...
like right after I've just tossed something ugly in the trash...
some days are just NOT good days for making art!
I don't make things I'm 100% satisfied with every single day...
so don't think I do...
it's either THERE or it's NOT...
there's no forcing art...
Ok... before I had my first stamp release we decided to change accountants...
So we made an appointment to explain what was going on & she said...
so you're a nurse, right?
I blurted out...nope, an artist...
then I quickly looked @ Rick...
and thought...
I was thinking it came out of HIS mouth!
So I guess once it was listed as my occupation on the tax forms...that made it official.
#3...Is it bad that I'm in MI, and contemplating visiting relatives in IL to see you in Nov?
Not in my opinion!! HA!
Better hurry & decide...
we'd love you to join the fun...
the classroom @ Scrapbook Friend'z holds 28 & a few days ago I heard we were already @ 25...
#4...LOTS of book #3 inquiries...
I could write a book on here! Speaking of "book" where is my Part III book that I'm not so patiently awaiting? LOL I'm getting all Wendyized and am dreaming of art parts and stamps and they thought sewing paper was weird....ha!
They are just swamped @ Stampers Anonymous with CHA orders for stamps, art parts & books...
keep in mind they make Tim's stamps, mine, Art Gone Wild, Inky Antics, Darcie's & Claudine's clears too..
So...that's a whole LOT of work...
Just as soon as they are here...
I'll post it...
#5...Pleeeese can you get some of those amazing Art Parts airlifted to the UK urgently. We need them!!!. Seriously, its really hard waiting, they look fantastic. you have pull to send art parts across the pond like today?
Here's the scoop...
orders placed @ CHA ship first...
they are shipped in the order they are received.
So...depending on when they were ordered, that determines when they ship.
First day CHA orders ship first, second day second...etc...
and NO...I have NO PULL!
Ted is the boss...
I really think Michelle is...
but we won't let Ted know that!
It's our little secret...shhhhh...
Here's a reminder that inspiration is everywhere...
I was there the other day & spotted these fake lashes...
I kind of chuckled to myself...
if I were to wear them...
I could see mine falling off in my ice tea...
or worse yet...
my mojito!
But...something clicked &
I went back down the aisle to get some...

and made add to my Ranger apron for classes.
there's those memo pins again...
they are so fun & simple.
Glossy Accents is the MAGIC ingredient.
and see tim's new charm clip?
I'll be getting 1000 of those cuties!
they are perfect for hanging things...
and can also be used just like the memo pins to make custom epoxy embellishments...

but it does add to the overall effect!
Plus it makes me laugh!
Maybe the gals @ JoAnn's were right...
(see yesterday's post)
Maybe I HAVE gone off the edge!

here's a little enabling...
I LOVE these Jenni Bowlin buttons...
LOVE the colors...
that just might be my new fav...

LOVE the mini papers too...
I'll be making art with them early next month...
stay tuned...
Ok...we're off early tomorrow morning, headed to O'Hare for a flight to Columbia South Carolina to spend the weekend @ The Stamping Place.
I was there last year for the grand opening of their AWESOME brand new classroom...
I'm looking forword to visiting, teaching, stamping, inking, grunging, sweet tea & southern hospitality!
I hope you're looking forward to the weekend so you can...
make art!
PS...I told you comments are GOOD...
just ask...

I can't wait for Art Parts to show up. I signed up yesterday for your Friday night class at For Keeps Sake in St. Louis .. I can't wait !!! I finally get to take a class with you, I'll have to get a pic and put you up on the wall of fame with Tim & Teresa :) LOL