I can hear those calculators going...I'll save you the time...I was only 10 when we wed! ha! Believe it?
So...to my sweet hubby...
THANKS for a GREAT 36. Let's keep going for another 36!
You're THE BEST!
More photos..............
When I was in Texas, I had THE CUTEST gal in my class. I talked about her before, but I thought you'd like to meet Natalie.

Natalie look my Ranger technique class & let me tell you...
She's a pro! Here's one of her stamped tags...

She sent me these photos yesterday, so I thought I'd share them here. Not only is she A REAL cute arty gal, but she's got GREAT taste too. She chose a Stampers Anonymous stamp.
THANKS for sending the photos Natalie!
I hope you're doing well!
And a reminder...leave a comment on yesterday's post & be entered to win a *signed* copy of Mixed Media self portraits, by Cate Prato.
Got a question for Cate?? Enter it in the comment section & I'll have her answer...
I'll be posting the winner tomorrow.
That's it until tomorrow.
Make ART!
Hey, Wendy!!
Happy, happy anniversary to you & Rick! You look so pretty :0)
It's nice to "meet" Natalie!! What a talent...very cool stamper!
Happy Anniversary; what a cute photo. So 70's.
Congrats to you and Rick!!!!!!!!!
Happy Anniversary!!!
You guys look toooo cute!!!
And may you have many many more!!
Congrats Wendy and Rick!!!
Now, here is my question for Cate.
How does one go about doing a self-portrait and/or altered page about some very painful issues?? Are there any techniques you use to try and 'work through' the process so you know what kind of page you want to create?? When you've got so much to get out...how do you get it all out and onto paper???
Thanks for taking the time to answer. :-)
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!! Here's to another 36 years!!
Happy Anniversary Wendy and Rick. 36 years is special. I've been married to the same man for 31 years...and yes I was only 10 at the time I got married. LOL
Natlie, if you are reading, you do look like a pro and you picked one of my favorite Tim Holtz stamps! Great job.
Happy Anniversary Wendy and Rick! I hope you had a wonderful day. I hope you have many more happy years together.
I too was impressed with Natalie. I was watching her create her tags and was amazed. She does have an incredible talent.
Happy Anniversary to you & Rick!
My husband & I celebrated 37 on Sept 25. His hair looked almost exactly like Rick's in our photos. Twas the style!
I wish you many more!
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