We all love to collect STUFF for this art we make. The more the better is the motto here...but I have to have it contained & organized. I can not create in a mess.
So... let's share our best organizing tips.
YOU share & I'll share too.
Post a comment...leave a tip...and be entered to win a copy of studios.

One comment per day = more chances to win. I'll send some art supplies and a copy of this special issue to the lucky winner.
I'll be back next Tuesday, so you have until then to share...
That works well for new buttons...but I like to rummage sometimes too. This guy was a flea market find...perfect mustard color...Obviously made with love by someone...
PERFECT for my vintage buttons.
It's out for easy access...but the contents are hiden & neat.
This is a new studio addition. Recently I decided I like rhinestones...not big ones...the smaller the better. This little cutie holds a boatload in a very small space.
I found it @ Archiver's...it's made by Plano Moulding, which happens to be 45 minutes from me. Hmmmmmm...I wonder if they have an outlet store. I think I better check that out!
I'm all packed & ready for the art chicks in Waxahachie Texas.
3 boxes have arrived @ the store.
I've been waiting for this weekend for a LONGGGGG time.
It's finally here. I'm headed there tomorrow.
And today's words of wisdom.........
...using my favorites...House & felt flower by Maya Road, Ranger's Crackle paint & distress inks, tim's hitch fastener & grungeboard and some Stampers Anonymous/studio490 stamps.
It's kind of early...but have a GREAT weekend.
I plan to.
ps...don't forget those organizing tips. Like I said...
I was immediately drawn to this and will keep checking back in to see what everyone suggests! I'm always looking for ways to keep better organized.
Here's a few suggestions:
1. I keep a container handy to drop in products I've pulled out for layouts after I've finished with it. That way I just keep scrapping while the juices are flowing. Later I'll put all those odds and ends back where they belong.
2. I've gone over to storing paper and most embellishments by color. I find that works best for me when pulling things to use on layouts.
3. My favorite scrap storage are those rolling plastic drawer units. I can see what's in each drawer - and I still label each one, too.
4. Oh, that reminds me - labelmakers are your friend when organizing! You have to know what's in all those containers.
Your house is too flippin cute, love the hitch fastener for the doorknob. Friday night you will see my favorite organizing tip. It is Scraponizers and $5 file crates from Wallyworld. IT IS NOT PRETTY, but it is uberpractical, easy to transport for cropping and the most organized I have EVER been scrapping. I just filled a happy little number with all my 7 gypsies gaffer tape. I have one with vintage findings, one just devoted to T!M (metal, fragments and my texture hammer), now that is a happy little number! Buttons, flowers, chipboard, chalk ink, misters, perfect pearls and re-inkers. The list goes on. These babies are the best, you could make them pretty, but I decided utilitarian worked most effectively for me.
I use a lot of the 12 x 12 clear Iris containers to store my paper scraps, cardboard, millinery, and other various items. I tend to stack them one on top of the other to save space on the floor since I have so many.
I loe organization for sure. My new favorite item is the Lettuces that come in the plastic containers, not bags, but actual containers with lids. They are see through, the label is easily removed and they stack nicely. And the best part, they are almost free. Well, you do have to buy the lettuce. I organize class supplies, I have several to hold flowers, I have some for seasonal products, hardware, and ink supplies. The list keeps growing.
Although my favorite item is a vintage thread display and sales cabinet. It has several shallow drawers all filled with dividers - so perfect for all the embellishments that tend to get "collected"...
I love organization for sure. My new favorite item is the Lettuce that comes in the plastic containers, not bags, but actual containers with lids. They are see through, the label is easily removed and they stack nicely. And the best part, they are almost free. Well, you do have to buy the lettuce. I organize class supplies, I have several to hold flowers, I have some for seasonal products, hardware, and ink supplies. The list keeps growing.
Although my favorite item is a vintage thread display and sales cabinet. It has several shallow drawers all filled with dividers - so perfect for all the embellishments that tend to get "collected"...
I use baseball card sheets in a 3 ring binder for my small clear stamps. I also keep a basket on my desk when I working so I can put stuff in it as I go and put it away later.
I have several favorite organizing techniques:
*Buckets: I group pens, pencils, and deco scissors in buckets. My Love, Elsie products have their own square bucket (like a bread pan) and my journaling stuff has another square bucket. I have one bucket for projects in progress (throw the embellies and ribbon, etc in there...paper is not in there). I also have a bucket on the table for scraps that don't get saved.
*Files: I have three file folders for scraps in a little box I made of scrap cardboard. The folders are for usable scraps that are SOLID, PATTERNED, or JOURNAL?ACCENT PATTERNED (meaning it is good for writing journaling or it has text all over it). Another file box holds projects in progress in hanging files. I also keep my cardstock in a file basket.
*Binder Rings: All of my 7 Gypsies, Love, Elsie, or other carstock stickers with a hanger hole/spot on them are bound by manufacturer on binder rings. They sit on the shelf ready for me to pull out and flip through whenever I need them. It's tidy, and really easy to keep track of.
What a fun post! :)
This is a great blog! My favorite homemade organization tip is the Starbucks Frappucino bottles. I have one for each color, reds, pinks, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, purples, black/grey, tan/brown, white/clear. I keep buttons and brads in them. They look very pretty lined up in the windowsill. I have had many comments on how pretty it looks, but I like it because it makes using them so easy!
Ok, one thing I am not is organized! So I am keeping my fingers, toes, legs, .... crossed for that Studios magazine!!!! I will be taking notes on everyone's comments for sure!
Some things I do for visual stimulation and some order:
I keep all my silk flowers, leaves, stems in the biggest crystal vases I own so I can enjoy them, remember what I have and use my vases year round!
I keep all my punches on IKEA kitchen rods and the hooks (intended for kitchen utensils) hold anything will holes. This way I can just look up and see exactly what I need.
I won't go into the rest! Ha!!!! -Melinda
I'm constantly on the lookout for something unique to store all my stuff (yea, I usually have to alter it, lol). Kitchen stores, discount stores, garage sales - if you ignore the intended purpose to things, you can find that you can customize almost anything perfectly! Latest case in point, you know those cute little house shadow boxes you find in the unfinished wood section at Michael's? Well. The short "rooms" are the perfect size for Stickles. And the taller rooms work for things like my mist sprays or Glossy Accents-size bottles! Mine's in the middle of being altered, but for around $6, I have the perfect solution for those little bottles that keeps them all visible to pick a color, etc., for $6 plus the cost to alter it!
I have so many tiny organziational things. My rule of thumb is "I need to see it." I can't always do that, but I try.
Today's Tip
Flowers. I have SOOOOO many flowers. I have two decroative clear glass vases that I put in my little primas and the other is for the bit larger primas. It works because I can see them and its pretty with all those colors.
I also have a kitchen veggie hanging basket with three tiers that I put mostly my Fiskars related flowers and my vintage Primas. Smallest flowers on the top to the larger flowers ont he bottom. It hangs from the ceiling near the glass vases and it looks cool and colorful.
Okay the last place I keep flowers is on my wastebasket. I have a wicker basket and I sewed on the large Heidi Swapp and Lil' Davis flowers with button centers to it. When I want a flower I snip it off and of course I can see them all. LOL Even though its funn I have so many flowers I love that I can see them all. The colors are inspriational.
you are so full of goodies! I love your houses. My house is so full of crafts, but seeing them made me think, "I could fit a few more things somewhere."
Okay, here is my first tip. I think everyone needs to figure out what kind of 'crafter' and organizer they are. How do they function best? For instance, when looking for an item do you like things packed away and labeled nicely or do you prefer things out in the open and you like to flip through to find what you need? For me, I am more of a 'visual' person so I like my things out in the open so I can see them and flip through to find what I need. Makes sense?? :-)
Hello, I wanted to buy Studio when I saw it at Joanns but spent my $ on a new tree punch. I live in an old house that had a person that did home canning and I found them in a big heap out in the woods. I brought in the best ones and washed them all and decided to use some for storing embellishments and such in them lined up on a shelf. I love that look. I have so many glass ball canning jars that I decided to sell them for others to use too. Then I can use the money to buy more stamps, tools, etc. I also saw a library card cabinet for sale so I need to save for that. Love your style and kitty.
I am so organization challenged!! I'll be checking in for tips because right now, I have none! I just have my stuff everywhere...lousy system, trust me.
It is so fun to see what everyone does to organize!
I like to take my craft stuff on the road, (to crops), and I don't have a studio, so most of my stuff is put in storage containers that transports well. I had my ribbon sorted by color in old Mason canning jars~very pretty~ but is was not great for traveling. I read about using the plastic twist-holders that come on bread, and punching holes in the top to put on a big ring (they sell them at stationery stores and in the embroidery area at craft stores). That works pretty good, but I don't like all the ugly colors of the plastic. Soda & beer can pull tabs were my discovery! I bend the sharp metal away from the hole with pliers, and then pound it down flat with a hammer. Fold your ribbon in half, stick the loop into the larger hole, the pull the ends through that loop, but don't pull too tight. I have not been to a Crop with my new system, but I think if I put the ring of ribbons down flat along a dishtowel and rolled it up then coiled into a zip-loc bag, they would not get tangled. I hope that is usefull info. to someone!
My key to an organized world is slat board. Craigs list is a great resource for free stuff and that is where I found my slat board, pegs and shelving! Just as long as I hauled it away it was mine. I now have a wall that looks like a store, I can see everything along with being able to place items at any height. It works well, and I was "green" in reusing something that was just going to be thrown out!
1. When it comes to scrap paper, I keep a plastic "basket" tucked under my desk. Whenever I'm working and I end up with a scrap that is large enough to use, I tuck it into the basket. I try to go back once a week or so, depending on how much work I've done, and sort those scraps into hanging files meant for each color.
2. I have found that if I make things fit into the SMALLEST container that they can, it uses less shelf or drawer space AND it kind of signals me when I need to purchase more of a particular color or item. For instance, I have one size of jar for my colored buttons. If my jar of yellow buttons is full, then I don't need any more right now, but as soon as the jar gets about 1/4 of the way full, then I allow myself to purchase more. When I filled my jars, if I had more of a particular color than the jar would hold, I took the opportunity to share with friends. It really helps me be "reasonable" with my stash size.
I have a couple.
I love vintage buttons, so I display them by color in vintage pint canning jars. They look pretty on a shelf.
I also love old baskets, so I keep my alpha stickers, thickers, and rub ons on their sides lenthwise in baskets and when I need something, i just flip thru them and take out what I need. I leave the ones in front leaning forward, so the removed pkg can be put back in it's proper space when I'm done with it.
I also use small vintage enamelware containers to store small groups of things.
I just this past weekend went to the Christmas Tree Shops, I think they are mostly located in the North East, but they had baskets that I imagine are meant for flowers, that are flat on one side to hang on the wall. I bought two of them, one I planned to hang in my bathroom, but the other was sitting in my craft room waiting for a home and I realized that my rubons that I had a pile of on my table fit PERFECTLY into this basket! And it's wonderful because there is a handle on it to hang it on the wall. So I am going to get a few more of these and hang them on hooks on the wall in my craft room, so I can take them down when I need them, then just hang them back up when I'm done!
Also, this is totally not my idea, I heard about it on two peas, but to use over the door shoe organizers for punches!! I just did this last week and what a joy it is to look for punches now! I actually have a picture on my blog here: http://carpecakem.typepad.com/.a/6a00e54f7117e48833010535282123970b-pi
Anyway, I love this topics! :)
I don't know that I have any helpful tips. I seem to keep re-organizing often, although that is probably related to the fact that I keep buying more ;). I have large gallon jars that seem to have stayed for the longest. These are filled with anything & everything-game pieces, flowers, doo-dads and buttons. They are not divided down to details like color, size or anything, they are just full. I kind of like digging through them and they are pretty on my shelves. The little doo-dads, like pins, keys, beads are in divided plastic containers so they don't get too lost in the jars.
Other containers that I really like are my vintage metal locker baskets. Cute on the shelf for things that aren't pretty displayed, and fit the clear stamp bags perfectly, so they can stand in an order, easy to flip through.
I also have found that putting anything with a hole in it for hanging such as stickers, embellishments, packaged charms, etc. do great on binder rings. I have hooks right now that hold those, although I am planning to do a curtain rod for them soon.
Between the Studios magazine & this blog, I'm hoping to find lots of tips! With the new room getting set up, I'm trying to think what I need to organize. Since it can be seen from the entryway, it will have to be organized & go with the rest of the house. Can't wait to see what everyone has to say!
I love to organize and I love old vintage stuff, so I put the two together. A few things I have done is bought up several of the wooden silverware drawer organizers and hang them on the wall for small shelving. I also found an old spice rack with glass jars and use those for my buttons. I also have an old metal bread box that I put ugly tools in. I found an old mail divided shelf that I bought the old corning ware square bowls in different colors that fit into the slots perfectly. I use alot of metal ware to store things in. Use of stools, and shelves on my counter and desk to put things in height. Also use old drawers with neat knobs here and there to hold small things. I love my room and all the vintage things around to organize and decorate. It just makes me feel good...
I hope some of these things helped...Have a great day.
I am a visual person, so the walls of my studio are basically covered with products. I use the black plastic pegboard from Pik a Nut (hardware) and hang as much as I can on that right above my work area. Looks better than the regular pressed pegboard. For my dies, I came up with the idea of using aluminum drip edge turned upside down, with a small strip of wood underneath for support, to create mini shelves so they are all displayed flat on the wall. Let's see...I'll leave more for tomorrow! Great ideas from everyone!
Let's see...tip #2 from me is regarding my patterned paper. I tend to organize my paper according to the main color, UNLESS I have a group of paper from a manufacturer that I know the 'style'. For instance, I have all of my KI paper together, Basic Grey, etc.. I know their 'style' of paper and tend to keep all of that together. Again, just how my crazy mind works. ;-)
I need everything out where I can see it, so I use shelves, storage cubbies, baskets, etc. to keep things visible. I just rigged a clothesline along my wall which I clipped all of my ribbons on so I can grab the ones I need as I scrap. So far, I really like it.
I soooo need organization! I have to have things where I can see them or they don't get used! I put alot into the Making Memories jars so I can still view what's inside.. :)
Some other organizational pieces that have been pretty helpful include;
--a child's toy holder that I found. It is one of those that has 9 cubbie type things, but instead of plastic cubbies, they are cloth and can be removed from the rack & put back. It is great for separating larger items and fits great into my closet.
--a sweater bag or shoe bag that hangs from my closet rod.
--a shoe or lingerie bag that has several small pockets. perfect to hold punches and things like wood stamps for easy viewing.
Ok, on to paper. I used to use one of those wire cubes with zip ties to store paper horizontally, but I switched to vertical storage using cropper hoppers, and I like it much better because you can see all the colors, they are not just stacked on top of one another, plus those wire cubes took up too much space. I like the idea from savvy scrapbooker about using clothesline to hang ribbon from. More tomorrow...
I use an large, old jar that belonged to my grandad to hold my ribbon scraps. It sits on my desk at the ready for my current projects.
BUT my favorite thing in my studio is my grandad's own invention: a dreamer's art kit. It is a fold-up easel/chair/paint and paintbrush stand. I have his original...complete with old paints and brushes. I use it to hold my own little punches and gadgets too. The chair part serves as my "coffee table" and the easel holds my latest layout. An organizational tool and a treasure too!
Tip for organizing my space would be the wood box I saw at a yard sale. It was in the free pile. It is very old. I am not sure what the original purpose was but it is the perfect display for my stamp pads. It has narrow slots perfect for sitting the stamp pad on and it holds 40 regular size and I had to make the pieces to set in the narrow space for putting my colorbox cats eye pad on. I put a hanger on the back and hung it on the wall. Now my stamp pads are in view and easy to organize and use.
Hey Wendy this is the best blog ever! My craft room is out of control. Mary, I just bought one of those wood boxes at an auction last Saturday. My slots are wide enough for my large punches. So when I get the shelf up on the wall, it will hold all of my punches and then some. I've also purchased glass containers to hold embellishments. Anybody have suggestions on how to manage your product by brand name for when you need a list of what you've used for a contest entry?
It's another day so another idea.
AC Moores two weeks ago was having this 20% off anything, even sales items. One of the employees told me that their organizational cubes was ringing up 60% off and they were not on sale. Add your 20% off and I purchased two cubes with a total of 4 drawers for 20.00. It was incrediable. There are 3 slots for paper and four draws. I was able to move my inks out of the "tubs" and into the drawers and label them by brand and type. It is now at my right hand and I don't have to get up and fumble for the ink!!
Clear shoe organizors hang right in front of my work space and holds all my wonderful punches.
That's a few.
I need to become organized...I get excited when I see beautiful studios and think " aaaa how nice it would be to work in that space" then I go back to my piles on the dining room table and kitchen island and create ....this book would be good for me !
Boy do I need help to get organized. I can never find what I need for a certain projects, drives me so crazy! Thanks for the ideas and the giveaway.
I use pull tabs from soup & canned chicken cans to hang my ribbon on. I read someone else's comment about doing the same. I hammer the rough edges, too. I have a row of stick pins in my bulletin board right next to my work table where my ribbons hang. They often overflow so I sewed a net bag that hangs below them to hold all the ends & those pieces too short to stay hung up.
I have a printers drawer hanging next to the bulletin board where all my Distress Reinkers & a few others are displayed.....easy to find & nice to look at. Bits & pieces of art & trinkets fill the other holes.
I'm very visual & like my tools handy so I keep lots of jars & flower pots of utensils on my table. If I see it, I'll use it.
I'm enjoying all the tips!
My oganizational tip for today is using notebook organizers that zip closed and have a long detatchable shoulder strap for storing my unmounted rubber stamps. I used to have my unmounted stamps on magnetic photo pages in regular 8-1/2 x 11 binders, but they were harder to transport to a Crop, so I upgraded to these traveling binders when they were 75 % off at Target early this month!
I know the best tip...just complain enough and keep begging until you can get Wendy Vecchi to come to your house and help you organize your studio...
Does that mean I don't win? :)
I was just going to post about the same comment as Judy...I found a printers drawer at a garage sale and a lot of the cubbies will hold my reinker bottles, and yes, it looks cool. I also found some wooden shadow boxes that have different sized areas to hold more reinkers. That way, everything is on the wall right in front of me!
For organizing to go to crops I use Art bins usually-I try to do project planning and have things that can just be loaded up. The problem usually comes with taking all my tools & inks etc. I have been using the Tim Holtz tins for the Ranger inks, paints, powders, etc...the problem is that then I have multiple containers of various sizes. I am hoping to figure out a better way, but at least for now they are organized! (more than I can say for some other things in my collection)
guess i am always looking for new ways to organize...definatly love rustic country/antique looking items. So always on the search for some & always have my creative mind open when i see something new...hmmm how can i use this??? Would love a copy of studios for some new awesome ideas from one of my favorite artist!!
Here's my organization idea for today. Yesterday I went to an auction and bought a record cabinet, small--just 3 sides, no doors on the front. But it does have a shelf on top and 4 slats to hold 33 rpm records. I'm going to store all of my 12 x 12 paper in it. Right now the paper is in hard plastic sleeves on a bookcase. When I transfer those over to the record cabinet, I'll have more room on the bookcase to reorganize other stuff. I got the cabinet for $7 which is a lot less than what I paid for the plastic sleeves! Wendy, thanks for posing the question. I've enjoyed reading everyone's tips and getting motivated to reorganize.
Another New Day....
I created my own apron hanger/what ever hangs up by using a piece of wood my hubby has in the shed. He rounded the corners for me. I stenciled with paint Dabbers and added tiny door knobs from Lowes for the hangers. I like it.
An inexpensive way to store you ribbon in plain site is put up a three simple curtain hangers. I fill up my rod dowl with ribbon and hang it up where I can see it. Cost....less than $5.00 (I still have my cropper hopper for the ribbon that does not have the hole in the middle.) I love seeing my ribbon, looks colorful in my studio and I can reach up and cut off just what I need. TaDa
WOW! You guys are GOOD!
I have maybe 3:
When I first started to make the college kid's room into a studio, I had a corner that was tight, but could be useful. I took 3 black plastic drawer organizers and screwed them into the wall on top of one another, on their sides. It makes great shelves and cubbies for re-inkers, paint jars,small punches,glitter, you name it. All total 24 cubbies, and the top for reinkers. Only 3" deep.
I took retangular, deep, wooden cigar boxes(all wood) that have latch covers,and stand them on end. The top then opens like a door. You can stack a whole set of 12 stamp pads inside it and only take up a 6x6x8 space on your worktable! I love the wood.
One of my favorite units in my studio is a wooden workman's toolbox. It looks antique, but it's new from Lowe's. It has brushed siver pulls on 9 drawers and a lid that opens. And it's a beautifully grained wood thats stained very nicely. (Picture on my blog on Mar 22nd in the background.)LOTS of storage, and only about $80.
Great ideas here!
I love to collect clear tiny jelly jars for brads, eyelets, tiny buttons and very small embellishments. These are the kind of tiny jars that many of the fancier hotel restaurants have available for breakfast. So after I use the jellies the jars make their way home with me. NO, I don't steal the jellies :-)...I use the jelly on my toast and then the empty jar makes its way into my bag. Sometimes I do eat alot of jelly. lol. . :-) Mount a shelf in your scrap room and glue or nail the jelly jar lid to the underneath of the shelf. The jars hang from the lid making it easy to see whats in the jars and easy accessible to your need. I am always observing and thinking of how I can use something for scrapbooking and my paper crafting hobby...keep your eyes open..you never know when you just might find the right item. :-) This will also work well with larger jars for bigger items and pieces of ribbon etc.
I thought I would mention (for my daily post today) that I found some wonderful 13 x 13 inch baskets that I keep under my table for scraps. I bought them thinking that they would be great because they would hold 12 x 12 paper, but too bulky for me to do that, so they have become my scrap baskets-hidden and at some later date sorted back out or trimmed down to card sized scraps.
I loved meeting you and thought you were as wonderful in person as I thought you would be from your blog. :)
Wendy said she'd be back Tuesday so that means one more day to post. (I really want that magazine and need to increase my chances of winning.) I've loved reading all of the great ideas. It's helped me to "think outside the box" (Yes, pun intended). I plan to buy those wood silverware boxes hobbemom mentioned and to look for the wood cigar boxes Linda Cain uses on her work table for ink. Debbie's jelly jars reminds me of the box full of baby food jars I got as a "bonus" when I bid on something at an auction. The jars are full of sequins and beads. My idea for today: I use one of those spice carousels for my misc. bottles of paint, misters, glue, other spray cans.
I am going to start doing file folders for some of my ephemera papers. This is my plan anyway. I hope it works out. Enjoyed reading everyone's comments. :)
Another day of sharing.
I've put my smaller stamps in CD cases and have them in a CD tower right under where I work.
I use the old fashion latch jars to put my antique buttons and little snips of ribbon in.
This is not a home made idea but I use the Clip It Up and I use Becky and Lisa organizors for my wood stamps, stickes and Dabbers.
I have been storing my stamps in 2 plastic fishing tackle boxes that have a storage compartment in the top and then it has 4 draws with dividers. I need to be inspired by visual so I would like all my wooden stamps on shelves so I can be inspired by seeing them.
I found a cute lavender make-up case with lavender and purple rose fabric adhered to the middle part at the Thrift Store ... I use it for all my Bling! Small zip-lock type jewelry plastic bags are good for storing loose gemstones, sequins, shiney studs & glitter. I also keep glitter glue and the beloved Stickles in the case, and it opens like a fishing tackle box, only PRETTY!
your blog is wonderful, as are the Studio490 stamps :) thanks for hopping by and your kind comment at my blog.
I made a cute shelf for my small wood mount stamps out of 4 wood yardsticks. Take one and cut it into however wide the yardstick is, mine is 3 inches wide. It is wider than a normal yardstick and the numbers are bigger on it too. Then glue the cut pieces between the other 2 yardsticks. starting on the ends. Then glue the last yardstick on the backside. Then when dry, tack on 3 picture hangers one on each end and 1 in the center. stain with an antique stain. I used one made of crushed walnut shells. Would look great in your room! I will post a picture and tutorial (maybe a video) on my blog later. I would love to know how many end up making one.
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