Thursday, January 31, 2008
Happy Birthday to MY MASTER, a little art & some REALLY exciting news...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
A "scraplifted " photo...

Saturday, January 26, 2008
I had good intentions..AND...some shopping enabling...

I had very good intentions...I thought I would make these Christmas cards for ALL my arty friends. WRONG!!! Only got 2 done... I WILL be better next year!
And, here's the inside.

Now on to the SHOPPING!! Check out Tim's blog for 3 new U-Tube demos. They are very cool. 3 products you'll NEED. Guaranteed!'s Tim's fault...NOT mine...blame him!
Happy Saturday to you!
Friday, January 25, 2008
NEWS flashes...Read all about it!

Congrats to Linda Cain on having her book chosen to be displayed in the Maya Road booth @ CHA!!! YIPPEE!! Lucky Linda gets $75 worth of FREE Maya Road goodies as her prize. FREE a GOOD 4 letter word!! And...Linda will get a goodie or 2 from me too!
There were 14 other entries chosen. Any other blog friends get a call from (my master)...Lisa Pace?? Let me know! I'll be happy to send you a goodie too! I call her my master because she is a Memory Makers Master 08! Talent to the max in that gal...amazing. You'll see her work in lots of scrapbook publications.
In another news flash, yesterday the Design Team got a preview of the new Maya Road catalog cover. WAY cool eye candy and lots of inspiration. 4 of the photos on the cover are mine! I'm super happy! I can't wait to share this photo, but mum's still the word. The minute we get the OK...I'll post it. You can count on it...
I got several emails about the cool new metal flowers in the sneak peek...all wondering what I'll make with them. Guess what? I'm still wondering too! I haven't used them yet. I have to find just the right project. Yikes...I better hurry..I leave 2 weeks from today.
This is fun...check it
And other things you probably don't need to know...
I actually used PINK! And I used it twice yesterday on some CHA stuff. Never ever before have I used pink, but this idea NEEDED pink. Well...ok...I tried before, didn't like the results & trashed it. However, these dabber paints are perfect for chipboard & just the right color of pink. Shell pink & cloudy blue...way different for me, but fun stuff. I'll show you when I can.
And...this is hard to believe...I did one whole BIG project with no vintage photo. HORRORS. Only colors...matter of fact, that's the title...COLORS. That's one of the photos that was chosen for the cover...I even used MARMALADE! Imagine that!!
Ok...enough blabbering for today. Time to open some vintage photo! I was almost in withdrawal...........phew......
I hope your weekend is THE BEST EVER!!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
SHHHHHHHH...I stole this photo!!

Monday, January 21, 2008
900 visits...27 comments and ONE WINNER!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
CHA -S 07 journal and a CONTEST!!
You may have seen this before, but it's the best I can do for photos, until we can show some peeks. Anyway, there's a contest involved here..something to get the comments going again. In one week the blog had 1400 hits & not many comments. I like LOTS of comments!! When I'm happy, I give prizes...see how that works??
When I was invited to CHA I knew I wanted a place to keep things organized, because I would be out of control with excitement. This started out as a file folder and was put together with the Bind-It-All. The little envelope on the left held a pen and the small pocket on the top right held cards for autographs of famous folks. HINT!
Inside the middle black envelope were driving directions to the stores we wanted to visit. Keep reading........contest info is coming........
The pocket/page on the right was total fun. I had a CHA floor plan in that.
And, the back cover. I have this journal displayed in my studio & on brain dead days, when arting isn't easy, I turn it to the back cover to give me a push.
Now...contest details...I got autographs from 2 famous folks. Guess who they are & the winner will receive a FREE MAYA ROAD chipboard album. I'll check the comments on Monday morning. All my blog friends who have the correct combo will be tossed into a drawing & I'll announce the winner on Monday. Linda & Cecile can't play. They were there & were witnesses!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 weeks & counting...

Mr. Fed-Ex, the new man in my life, delivered a HUGE box of Maya Road goodies last night. I am NOT prejudice when I say...OMG!! I thought CHA-S microchips were to die for and they couldn't possible create anything better. WRONG!! Caroline & Deb have REALLY done some things that are even cooler than cool. One ITEM in particular about made me faint!!!!! I think THEY were made just for me!!
Can't have a post without a photo. This bit of inspiration was taken @ Ranger U. I love the display & the message...
I hope you're working on your Maya Road submissions. Not much time left!! I'd love to send a blogging friend a package!! Let me know if you win!
Happy Thursday!!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
And the business cards continue...
Monday, January 14, 2008
The history of the business card tired of those guys & made a bunch of these...

Then I got invited to CHA-S 07 & REALLY needed some new cards. I wanted something a little different, that wouldn't be easily tossed in the trash, so I made these with the chipboard blossoms 2 from Maya Road & broken china distress ink.

I bet you're getting the picture here! So, with CHA -W 08 right around the corner, I needed new cards since all my others have been given away. We have another terribly cloudy day, so this isn't the best photo, but you can get the idea.
These are made with Maya Road's motifs chipboard coasters, so they are pretty big. I used faded jeans this time...imagine that!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
FREE Maya Road goodies???

2. Do you want YOUR Art displayed in the Maya Road booth @ CHA W 2008 next month?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
How many favorites can a girl have??
Move over Faded Jeans...Here's my new favorite combo...Juniper paired with vintage photo.
I had a few of the paint dabbers before going to Ranger U, but didn't really use them a lot, since I was more INTO the distress inks. Now that I KNOW how to use them...I'm in LOVE! Here's a few tips we learned...
1. Always store them UPSIDE DOWN and shake before using, WITH THE LID ON...don't ask!! tim told some really funny stories...
2. To activate the dabber, press down (kind of hard) onto your craft sheet & squeeze @ the same time. This opens the valve & allows the paint to prime the dabber top. Once the flow starts, you're good to go. This sometimes takes 30 seconds or so. Be patient...some colors take longer than others. If it's a little hard to start, put just one squirt of water from the mini mister on your sheet. The water will help. Do not repeatedly slam it down on the craft sheet. This isn't enough time for the valve to open properly.
3. Dabbers are a no cleanup product. No brushes to wash out. Saves time ...for more arting. But, if needed, shake then remove the cap and it's ready to be used with a brush.
4. I wondered how scrapbookers got the cool looking dry brush paint look on their layouts. DUH...these guys are the perfect solution. Just swipe along the edges.
VITAL info for the photo above. I'm learning...give as many details as possible!
1. Cute chipboard scallop frame is from Maya Road.
2. Juniper paint dabber and vintage photo distress ink are from Ranger.
3. I LOVE this paper from K & Co.
Time to head to the studio.
Have a GREAT day!! Happy dabbing!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Then there's Ali Edwards...chose one word for the year... word is "share". Saturday I shared my Ranger info @ a Distress Ink technique class.
Today, I'm sharing my new toy with Rick.
LOVE the the guy. But what I REALLY love is them working together!!
I wonder how long this will fly.........
Enjoy your Tuesday! I'll be arting!
ps...maybe soon I'll be allowed to share some new Maya Road creations...made especially for CHA.
EDITED with breaking news!!...check it out...FIRST MAYA ROAD SNEAK peek here...
Monday, January 7, 2008
Fun...with a capital....F and also a HUGE thank you...
we distress crackle painted,
we labeled...(thanks CHERYL!),
we ironed...(but it was FUN),
we mini misted,
we blended,
we stamped,
we lightly inked over embossed paper,
we embossed...2 kinds...WOW!!,
we wrinkled,
we watercolored...kind of,
we said MARMALADE, laughed & thought of Rachel (thanks accent)
we ate chocolate & most of all...
WE HAD FUN!!! What a GREAT group of gals for my first Ranger Distress Ink Technique class on Saturday @ Scrapbook Friend'z in Bloomington, Illinois. You guys are THE BEST!!!
I think the favorite technique of the day was...SPRITZ & FLICK... Imagine this...a room full of art chicks spritzing & flicking..sounded like applause to me, so that's when I took a bow! These gals were smart...they figured me out. Save the best for last!
Now on to the THANK YOU part...
THANK YOU to ALL who attended both classes!!!
This class would not have happened if I had not been accepted into Ranger U. So, from the bottom of my heart, I thank these friends...
Tim... Mr. Inspiration
Robin goddess
Ted Cutts...Mr. Stampers Anonymous, who got the ball rolling
And last but certainly not least...the RANGER company for an INK-redible experience. I learned TONS & got to pass it on!
And that was just the first class...
For the second class we made this... Maya Road Birdie Box
Each person chose their own papers, but we all used the bird, branches, scrolls, scallop ric rak and flowers from Maya Road. We crackled up a storm. Every box looked great and each was unique. GREAT JOB gals!!!
This was a very fun class too.
To answer some emails that I got...the Ranger apron was a gift to us @ Ranger U. I LOVE it...signed by Tim & Robin!!
Sorry...I didn't take any photos in class...just too busy. I will try to remember that for the next classes. It would be fun to post the end results of the class.
Yes...the chocolate was DOVE!! I really do think it's low cal...
Ok, back to work. CHA is coming VERY soon & there's a TON of work (PLAY) to be done!!
Thanks for reading this LONGGGGGGGGG post!
Enjoy your day!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
All packed up & ready to roll!!!!!
Ranger apron...check
Ranger Distress Embossing powders...check
Distress inks...check
Distress crackle paint...check
Mini Misters...check
Dove CHOCOLATE...check...WHAT??? Hey...girls have to have energy to create!!
Have a GREAT Saturday...I plan to & I'll do my best to make sure that the gals in both classes learn lots & have fun.
ps...second class is really fun too. It combines Ranger & Maya Road...MY FAVORITES!! links today...gotta run!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
More tag art...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
The word of the day...