He said you probably want to know what he bought yesterday... REALLY?
*Black suede chaps...for his horse show adventures...
* 2 pairs of boots...yes 2! This explains why he would never say anything about my mulitple (flowery) shoe purchases...I'm certain of that!
One brown pair & he HAD to get a black pair...to match the chaps. Makes sense...
*2 halters...for his 2 horses...makes sense
* jeans...never enough jeans. I get that too...
There were a few more little things that I forgot.
He was one happy cowboy and he's still smiling today. Made me very happy too...He's really looking foreward to the horse shows, since he couldn't participate last summer. No riding...no jaring...no lifting after the detached retina deal. Now he's 100% cured and counting the days...
We had a nice lunch...hey...you NEED energy to shop...
Next on the agenda was a stop to hunt for treasures...
Here's what I got...vintage lace...big pieces...perfect for some classes...
I loved the colors of the turquoise & green WOOL felt (got this stuff @ a quickie stop @ Ben Franklin's)...then I had to pick up some coodinating cheapo felt. I just might run this thru the Cuttlebug & make some...flowers.
We had a fun day and according to Rick...it's good to get out & blow the stink off...hmmm...interesting...I wonder if he was referring to me???????
LOTS on the to-do list...
* 3 loads of laundry...DONE!
*Order a BOATLOAD of product from Maya Road for upcoming classes...DONE!
*Order a bunch of cool stuff from Ranger for classes...DONE! I ordered 100...YES...100 packages of grungePAPER. That's 300 sheets...I REALLY like it and do not want to run out! I HOPE that's enough........
* class kits...nope...not today...
* Write up instructions for new classes...YUCKY JOB! Not in the mood for that today...
* TAXES...REAL BIG YUCK...nope...not today...
Now the fun stuff...
* Decide on my project for Scrap St. Louis. This event sounds like a totally fun weekend. I met some gals @ CHA who will be attending and they got me so excited about it.
One gal is in a group coming from Texas...I know there's another large group of friends coming from the Chicago area.
I've heard wonderful reviews from last years event & I'm thrilled to be doing workshops for those attending. I heard that LOTS of fun stuff is being planned...but, my lips are sealed!
Hmmm...I wonder what we'll make..I better decide soon. I hope to see you there...
* My turn is coming up next week for the Maya Road design team blog...I have an idea... I just need to get it made...and photos taken...
* Got a few things to write up for Ranger...stay tuned...
* and about 99 more "things"...
Other random stuff...
I had a few emails asking if I would still use grungeBOARD now that we have grungePAPER.
YES!! FOR SURE!! I really like combining them to have a thick layer & several thinner layers....which are perfect for...
You know...
FLOWERS...especially if you want to attach them to sandals...
Summer will be here some day or so I'm told..........
So yes...I ordered more plain grungeBOARD sheets from Ranger to use with the grungePAPER.
Well..I better choose something from the FUN list & get started.
Remember...take some time to...
Make art!
Wow - a 100 packages for Grungepaper - I hope they are making enough for everyone else... You Grunge horder!!! Sounds like your day at the tack shop was fun and glad you don't "stink" anymore - husbands can be so romantic!
Now make us something pretty to see!
I just thought my list was overwhelming. I glad it is not as hard as your list. LOL
I haven't played with the grunge paper yet, but you certanly have given me an idea for a crop I'm doing. I may need to go ahead and get mine order from online.
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