if you are a seamstress...
this just might make you cringe...
I know nothing about sewing, so I used my paper tricks to make this work...
I had to try this...IT WAS BUGGING ME...
OCD? who me?
I've been wanting a little pouch type thing that I could toss in my purse, when traveling...
a safe place for my jewelry...
a place I could put them @ night & leave it on the nightstand in the hotel...
So...I had this wool...
already washed & dried...and ready...
calling me...
I thought it should have a black felt lining...
simple so far...
just 3 straight lines of machine sewing...
but...the problem?
it was too flimsy...what to do to make it stronger?
Lucky for me I hadn't sewed the sides yet...
so I cut some grungeboard & slid it in the slots, then zipped up the sides...
It looked like this...
Hmmm...how to keep it closed?
2 Basic Grey really strong magnets...
one hidden under the flower...
and the other here...
Now I have a cute (sans flower) pouch, that's very sturdy, thanks to the grungeboard...
I looked in my stash & found the perfect ugly rusty button for the finishing touch...
I'm sure a real seamstress would be appalled that I used that fabric edge that's probably supposed to be chopped off...
but hey...
it looked like trim to me...
Other things on my mind???
HOLIDAY HIDEAWAY is coming soon...
I'm counting the days...
And I just found this... on AMAZON...!!!
My sweet friend Lisa Pace's book...
2 years in the works...
it's worse than waiting 9 months for a baby!
It's not available 'til the end of January...
but you can see the cover here...
it might not be the final cover...
If you're coming to CHA-W ...she is teaching a class & also has a book signing scheduled...
Lisa is a Making Memories Master from 2008...
she's "THE QUEEN" of glitter...done with vintage flair...
her projects are always awesome! trust me!
Plus...she is THE SWEETEST friend ever...
CONGRATS, my friend...I want my copy autographed!
Want to..."make art"...like Lisa?
She does wonderful on-line classes...
here's the scoop ...
She has a "very vintage workshop" starting soon...
check it out!
Now about those 24 pieces of art?
7 done! 17 to go.........
You know where I'll be...
mak(ing) art!
ps...giveaway details tomorrow! See you then!
Wow, your pouch is really cool, and it looks great, too!
I like your pouch soooooo much ... I am going to come around and pinch it :0)
Your little pouch is perfect :O))
a beautiful pouch and I know someone who made one with grungepaper and a BIA x
It looks amazing and what a great idea too
hugs June xxx
I love this!!!! I'm fairly new to felting myself... had a friend show me a bit earlier this year and did some atcs. I have them posted on my blog here http://artbywanda.blogspot.com/2009/01/felted-atcs.html Thanks for the information on your friends book... I can see that it is a "must have" for me!!!
the pouch is so cute!! - I will have to get the book when it comes out.
I am inspired by you and your work.
I do sew...and I love the pouch! Using the edge of the fabric like that is very cool. Good job!
At least you have a machine and can sew a straight line. I like what you did. The flower makes it perfect. Hopefully there will be time today to make some art.
I love your little pouch! Nice job!!
"At least you have a machine and can sew a straight line.."
To that I'll add...at least you have a machine and can figure out how to thread it.
I am so very sewing challenged. I love your pouch. I've made pouches before. I'll admit it...I use fabric glue. Not very elegant.
You're really tempting me with this felting business.
Eileen in NYC
Wendy -
Really love the pouch, very clever of you. And as far as I'm concerned - that's trim!!
Elaine Allen
Good job! It looks totally "Wendy"!
Wendy - That pouch is Perfect!! I actually have those magnets, now I know what I can use them for. Thank you so much for all the great ideas. Can't wait to get started.......
Pouch is perfect and I thought it was going to be a quick stop but now I have to explore Lisa blog I am going to blame you when nothing is done around here today!
I don't think any seamstress would cringe at great ideas Wendy. Another wonderful project!!!
what a terrific project .. I love your blog, there's no end to the wonderful ideas you come up with ...
Love the pouch! You done good! ;o)
I LOVE Lisa Pace! I took her class last Christmas & had such a great time & made beautiful pieces for Christmas. If anyone's thinking about signing up this year at all - DO! Uh oh ... did I just talk myself into this year's, too?
HA! A woman after my own heart....I don't sew either. There's no sewing machine in my craft room. That says "housework" to me, not "crafting."
Great little pouch:)
Yo creo que incluso siendo costurera, admiraría este trabajo, no solo es practico, sino precioso y muy creativo. Felicidades.
Love the pouch. And who cares how you got it together. That's making art.
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