I appreciate each & EVERY ONE of YOU!!
You guys are....THE BEST!
OK...I have lots to include in this post, so let's get started with today's guest artist...
I met Susan when I was teaching in Springfield, Illinois @ Prairie Art Stamps...she was in both of my workshops...
She sent me some photos of her art and I HAD to share!
Here's her Thanksgiving centerpiece...
and here's what she said...
Here's the floral arrangement I made for our Thanksgiving table using Wendy Vecchi's stamps. There are 11 (assorted colors and prints) roses, 3 pumpkins, 1 filmstrip flower, 5 antique buttons and 1 piece of wood. I had some brightly colored fall leaves tucked away that were the same colors as some of the flowers but I aged them with Walnut Distress Ink. Perfecto! The jar is the size of a small mayo jar. Inside the jar is black abaca paper so you don't see all the green stems. The ribbon border is also one of Wendy's stamps, ditto for the flowers (center is an old snap) and leaves on it. The arrangement is 3-D so all sides are a bit different. My fingers are super inky...maybe they'll be too disgusting to look at and I can get out of food prep on Thanksgiving?!?!!?!? LOL Enjoy! SusanK
Get ready to be amazed.....

And since I LOVED that project...
she sent another...
This is thinking outside the box...
Susan made a wreathe with my leaves stamp...
Click for a larger view...

THANKS very much for sharing your art & ideas with us Susan!
You're very lucky you live far away...
I'm tempted to drive over & swipe that centerpiece!
Ok...now we'll back up to Friday...
it was a nice sunny day & Rick suggested we "get out of here for a bit"...
which means "let's head to the antique mall".
Here's our find of the day...
Not only did we LOVE the colors & the awesome font...
keep in mind that Rick was born on Christmas day...
We both flipped when we saw it...
This was meant for us & now has a new home in our hall...
Next subject...
I've said many times here that I am NOT patient...
but here's a very cute photo of the ultimate in patience...
I stole this from my friend's blog...
the AMAZING...Katie Watson...
Her girls dressed up their pet... this is NOT MY cat!
I think this is an award winning photo...
and a reminder for me to be more patient...
the look on her face says it all...
Does this skirt make my butt look big?

one quick public service announcment...
For you guys who ordered tags...
The tags are shipping this morning!!
You should all have them before the weekend.
HAVE FUN...get inky.
OK...as promised...a quickie holiday gift!
Supplies you'll need... to play along...
*Jet Black Archival ink
*Coffee Archival ink
*Heat-it craft tool
*unglazed tiles...4 x 4...found @ Home Depot (a set of 4 makes a great gift)
*this tree stamp
*Claudine's Multi Medium...I used the matte finish
*foam brush
*Fabri-Tac adhesive
*cork or felt to finish the bottom
And here's what we'll make...a set of coasters...
Here's the quick & simple steps...
*wipe off the tiles to remove any dust & dry
*using coffee archival, ink the edge of the tile directly with the pad...wipe off the excess & heat to dry
* using jet black archival, stamp the tree and the border
* heat & dry...the tiles get warm...be careful!
The archival ink is waterproof...
but I was worried about some ironstone mugs possibly scratching the surface, so...
*I applied 2 coats of multi medium as an added protection.
I used a foam brush and brushed one coat horizontally ...dried that then applied a second coat vertically.
You'll see the foam brush leaves tiny lines & give it a linen like matte surface.
It seemed to add a bit of texture, which looks good and added depth to the stamped image.
There's also a gloss multi medium, if you prefer a gloss finish.
So...on the left...the original...
the finished on the right...
* I found these green felt coasters (in the $1 section of Michael's)
and glued them on with the Fabri-Tac...
* I'll finished some with cork...
So...I now have one gift done...
and the best part...
15 minutes tops...
I'll tie them together with a cool ribbon...
toss them in a gift bag...
DONE...simple & FUN to make!
Other ideas...
Remember...you can choose any color tile to coordinate with a specific decor...
A larger tile done the same way makes a great trivet for hot dishes...
I'm going to do 4 x 4's again...
I'll stamp the entire tile with one of my background stamps (using coffee archival)
and then use tim's alphabet stamp to add the recipient's initial...
to the center of the tile...
Then I want to make another set...
I'll use tim's alphabets again & make one for each member of the family...
with their initial...
Check the Home Stores...
lots of times these guys are discontinued & REALLY a steal!
Today's prize is from RANGER...
in the package I see...inks, Rock Candy Crackle Paint, Rock candy stickles, LOTS of the new distress stickles colors and MORE...
I gotta keep some secrets...
I want the winner to be surprised!
So...leave a comment to be entered...
I'll draw the winner @ 7am tomorrow...
the winner has until 7am on Wednesday to contact me...
If the winner doesn't...
we'll add the Ranger goodies to the next drawing...
I hope you're inspired to ...
make (Christmas gift) art!
ps...you guys are hilarious...
I accidentally hit publish (not enough coffee) before the text was added & there are already 17 comments...
and you only saw the photos...
you must really want those RANGER goodies!