welcome to day 8!
7 more reveal days to go...
I hope you're having as much fun as I am...
I've heard from quite a few people that Blogger is being a pain when you try to leave comments...
sorry about that...
not sure what's going on there...
sadly, it's out of my control...
I've also been asked about shipping dates...
here's THE SCOOP...
my stamps are made & will ship immediately after CHA...
art parts have been in production for over a month...
so those will ship after CHA too...
all the "embellish your art" products will be available early April...
they'll be worth the wait & that spreads out the shopping $$!
book #6 is PRINTED & will ship after CHA!
it looks really GOOD!
Kits for Art...
YES...you asked...we listened...
more kits for art...
Kit #1 is shipping now...
Kits for art #2 will ship in February...
Kits for Art #3 will ship in April...
and is a whole new adventure...
in addition to the art parts needed to complete the project...
kit #3 will include all the Blossom Bucket pieces you need to complete the art!
guess what...that little clear bottle...YES!!
this is so exciting!
I'll show you the kits next week...
today's new stamp set is called
art school...

this is a very FUN useful set...
I love it so much, that the cover project for book #6 uses this set...
(and another coordinating one)...
coming soon to a blog near you...
I thought an art school project
seemed to be appropriate for the book cover...
6 images in this set have coordinating art parts...
making this great for mini books...
and stand alone art...
let's start with the...
the paint tube...
you may remember the peek from about 10 days ago...
some people thought it was a vase or bottle...
it's the paint tube & it's an art part too...
the eraser...
is also an art part...
if you're an artist...
you know we need an eraser...
YIKES! some days are good...
some days NSM...
pencil sharpener...
this is flipping FUN...
it's a 2 piece layered art part...
making it easy to ink the base a color & then paint the top piece another...
here's what the art parts look like...
the base was inked with peeled paint stain &
the top piece of the sharpener was painted with the silver paint dabber, stamped with jet black archival & then I sanded it pretty much for a really worn vintage effect...
and added some walnut stain...
ink & stain remover tin...
a cool vintage find...
it's an art part too...
this looks really cute clear embossed...
lead pencils label...
another vintage find...
a good filler stamp...
very simple to stamp in any color & cut out...
makes a good border too...
there's nothing better than a good sale or a new rubber stamp...
ah...this is so TRUE!
the paint brush...
it's an adorable art part...
I LOVE to add Ranger's memory tape for the finishing touch...
I'll show you in a bit...
the pencil...
I simply LOVE LOVE LOVE this...
it's a nice big size & I use it to make a little ledge on projects...
it's much larger than
the current pencil art part &
they coordinate just as planned...
no thanks...
I'd rather make art...
pretty much says it all...
want to cook dinner?
no thanks...I'd rather make art...
lol! I'll be using this guy LOTS!
poor Rick...
and finally the art school logo...
another vintage find from a 1901 booklet...
here's a peek @ the cover project from book #6...
do not pay attention to the 3 images I have not shown yet...
got it?
remember the 2 piece layered art parts jar I showed you?
and here's another cover peek...
the art school logo fits in the current art parts mini frame...
do not pay attention to that "thing @ the top"...
got it?
that's a story for another day...
what's that curve?
could that possibly be a new large art parts frame?
now for some embellish your art...
Blossom Bucket fun...
I will be getting a boatload of these guys...
here's a large (2 inches tall)
clear resin star brand jar...
the logo is raised on the front...
the jar is flat on the back with the same little open area as the clear mini bottle I showed the other day...
I wanted this jar to use with art parts flowers...
it's fun to make the stems from wire...
& slip them right in the jar...
use it right from the package if you want a clear bottle...
or below I painted it with Glue N Seal, then
Rock Candy Crackle Paint &
then added alcohol ink to add color...
it also holds the paint brush art part...
and I LOVE these guys too...
very detailed
large flower centers...
vintage gold...
exactly what I wanted...
one inch diameter...
they fit lots of art parts flowers...
here's one used as a flower center...
do NOT look @ the vintage bottle cap the center is sitting in...
got it?
I can't wait to hear your thoughts about these...
only a week left for me to...
make (CHA) art!
ps YIKES...still a MILLION things to make!
You did again, and since I work in a elementary school this set will be used alot. Can't wait till tomorrow.
You're killing me here...really killing me!! Love, love, love all of it!! Can't wait to get my hands on all of it!! That stamp set is going to be so much fun to play with!!♥
I am loving the little bottles and the flower centers. Between you and Tim, I may have to take out a loan!
I'm giving you a standing ovation !! Awesome job Wendy. !!!! You Rock :)
Oh, so much to admire, desire and NEED! That set is gorgeous and I adore the bottle! I was a good girl and ignore the bits you said but I did sneak back to a quick peep... don't be cross!
Flipping flip and the flippers Wendy, it just keeps getting better and better... that little pencil sharpener... need it, I especially didn't look at the bottle cap... so that means I haven't seen it so I dont' need it (much lol) I CANNOT WAIT!!!! I keep saying it... tis true!!! xx
Ooooooo another delish selection to temp us!
April....augh! I have Instant Gratification Issues! I am loving this whole release. Can't wait to get inky with it!!
Let's see, what bank can I rob to get some extra crafty funds!?!? Oh Wendy my dear this release is fantastic so far. I can imagine how excited you are. Just know we're MORE excited, excited to the moon, etc etc.
Wverything.....and i mean everything is just so blummin' fantastic!!!Bet you're having as much fun as we are!!!
So when do I find the time to make art when I will be so busy shopping??
I swear I almost don't want to visit your blog as I know everything will be a "must have." But seriously, how could I stay away? Love it all, and being a retired school teacher, that set is just TO DIE FOR!!!
Ok can I just have everything right NOW????? It will be hard to wait for all of these wonderful products to be available!
Art School rocks, where do I enrol? Love this stamp set - the pencil sharpener is fab - we had one of them at school - way back when!! I think my late father had one mounted on his shed workbench too... ah, memories!! I can smell the wood shavings thinking about it... ok, going now I'm rambling. Anyone would think I am a friend of the great Hels'...!!! (I am, I am!)
For me it's a very happy(hopefully) never ending story:-))
I'm speechless! I can't wait to get my hands on that jar!
Question! Will the Blossom Bucket Embellish Your Art products be distributed by Ranger, or directly through Blossom Bucket?
I'm just lovin' the Blossom Bucket items. Totally love them. New art parts, love them. And stamps too! lol!
Amazing collection...I keep looking around at my vintage pieces thinking that would make a good stamp!
We are all going to be broke! Between you and Tim, there will be no money left for anything.
Wendy -
I LOVE Art School. What an amazing set, and Art Parts too! Holy Moley Batman, I think we have another winner! This is going to be a fun set to play with - Love it! And you embellishments, oh WOW! Awesome! I will try not to look at the antique bottle cap, but its hard. I love bottle caps.
Elaine Allen
Boy, you've really gone all the way with this set! Looks like lots of fun coming our way.
Oooh, love that stasmp set!!!
That is my favourite stamp set so far and I want that jar...
Just love this, can;t wait to get it and label all my art supplies!!
Back to my childhood at school - love the jar & flower centers -cool beans!
love the flower centers....
the statement about there's nothing better is true. except really there's nothing better than a good sale ON a new rubber stamp. beauty.
Sign me up for art school!!!!!!!
OMG Wendy, there is sooooo much awsome stuff coming this year, LOVE love it all... YOU are the best
THANKS for sharing!! I LOVE the stamps set and the FUN NEW bottle embelishment!! THIS WILL BE SO AWESOME to use!! =)
The flower centers are great too!!
Can't wait to create with them!!
Have a FABULOUS WEEK making ART!! =)
More gorgeousness to swoon over!! I love the jar.
Ohh-myyyy-gosh! Just when I think it couldn't get any better, it does!!!! I want it all! Yessss, I mean every stamp set, embellies, and art part up to this point! :-)
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