These lucky gals got to play with tim's new grungePAPER...and make studio 490 flowers.
I warned them before & grunge= addicting...They believe me now.
I dropped my camera...NOT A GOOD thing for's on the way to the camera MD now...which explains why there are no class photos...
You just might be happy that there are no new photos...
I had planned to TEASE the Scrap St. Louis chicks with a photo...
some of the Maya Road goodies we'll be using in my workshop arrived on Saturday...
I REALLY did want to show you...HONEST! ...ha!
So this is the best I could do for a new one.
Guaranteed to make you laugh.
Note...the flower!

I think I'll take a sip...
Make ART!
ps...Suze sent the site...Here's the info, if you want to play.
That's awesome...could I buy a case?
Open up a can of Studio 490 that would be fun!
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